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新物种 | 中国瓶口衣科 Verrucariaceae 地衣一新种和三个新记录种

日期: 来源:菌物学报收集编辑:张婷婷 魏鑫丽


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Doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.220488

中国瓶口衣科 Verrucariaceae 地衣一新种和三个新记录种

One new species and three new records of the lichen-forming fungal family Verrucariaceae from China


石果衣属Endocarpon和盾鳞衣属Placidium是瓶口衣科Verrucariaceae的重要组成部分。本研究应用形态学与分子系统学相结合的方法对该两属进行分类学研究,共发现新种1个:盘形盾鳞衣Placidium patellare,中国新记录种3个:卷边石果衣Endocarpon adsurgens,新白色石果衣Endocarpon neopallidulum和罗杰氏石果衣Endocarpon rogersii。本文提供了详细的形态学特征描述与特征图片。

Endocarpon and Placidium are important components of Verrucariaceae. A taxonomic study on these two genera based on phenotypic characters and molecular data demonstrates one species new to science, Placidium patellare, and three species new to China, Endocarpon adsurgens, E. neopallidulum, and E. rogersii. Detailed descriptions and feature photos of these taxa are provided.



张婷婷,魏鑫丽,2023. 中国瓶口衣科Verrucariaceae地衣一新种和三个新记录种. 菌物学报,42(3): 625-637

Zhang TT, Wei XL, 2023. One new species and three new records of the lichen-forming fungal family Verrucariaceae from China. Mycosystema, 42(3): 625-637

图1  基于ITS序列的最大似然树   每个分支的数值表示自展值(BS)和贝叶斯后验概率(PP),仅显示自展值大于75或后验率大于0.95的数值. 该系统发育树中瓶口衣科的矮疣衣属、瓶口衣属和皮果衣属为外群. 红色标记的序列由本研究新产生. 核苷酸替代率为0.04

Fig. 1  The RAxML tree based on the concatenated ITS data set representing both ML and BI trees. The number in each node represents bootstrap support (BS) and posterior probability (PP) values. BS values≥75 and PP values≥0.95 were plotted on the branches. The phylogenetic tree was rooted to Staurothele spp., Verrucaria spp., and Dermatocarpon spp. of Verrucariaceae. The sequences of taxa in red color were newly generated for this study. Scale in 0.04 substitution per site.

图2  基于ITS+nuLSU+RPB1序列的最大似然树   每个分支的数值表示自展值(BS)和贝叶斯后验概率(PP),仅显示自展值大于75或后验概率大于0.95的数值. 该系统发育树以瓶口衣科的叶核衣属为外群. 红色标记的为本研究报道的新种. 核苷酸替代率0.04

Fig. 2  The RAxML tree based on the concatenated ITS+nuLSU+RPB1 data set. The numbers in each node represent bootstrap support (BS) and posterior probability (PP) values. BS values≥75 and PP values≥0.95 were plotted on the branches of the tree. The phylogenetic tree was rooted to Placopyrenium spp. of Verrucariaceae. The samples corresponding to the new species are in red color. Scale in 0.04 substitution per site.

图3  卷边石果衣   A:地衣体外表(HMAS-L 154868). B:地衣体外表(HMAS-L 154850). C:假根 (HMAS-L 154868). D:鳞片纵切解剖图(HMAS-L 154868). E:假根纵切解剖图(HMAS-L 154868). F:子囊壳纵切结构图(HMAS-L 154868). G–K:子囊与子囊孢子(HMAS-L 154868). 标尺:A=2 mm;B=1 mm;C=2 mm;D=100 mm;E=20 mm;F=100 mm;G–K=10 mm

Fig. 3  Endocarpon adsurgens. A, B: The habit of squamulose thallus. C: Rhizines. D: Transversal section of thallus. E: Transversal section of rhizines. F: Transversal section of perithecium. G–K: Asci and ascospores. Bars: A=2 mm; B=1 mm; C=2 mm; D=100 mm; E=20 mm; F=100 mm; G–K=10 mm.

图4  新白色石果衣(HMAS-L 154966)   A,B:地衣体外表. C:鳞片纵切解剖图. D,E:子囊壳纵切解剖图. F:鳞片纵切结构图. G–I:子囊与子囊孢子. 标尺:A=1 mm;B=0.5 mm;C=200 mm;D,E=50 mm;F–I=20 mm.

Fig. 4  Endocarpon neopallidulum (HMAS-L 154966). A, B: Habit of thallus. C: Transversal section of thallus. D, E: Transversal section of perithecium. F: Transversal section of thallus. G–I: Asci and ascospores. Bars: A=1 mm; B=0.5 mm; C=200 mm; D, E=50 mm; F–I=20 mm.

图5  罗杰氏石果衣(HMAS-L 143991)   A,B:地衣体外表与裂片表面成熟的子囊壳开口. C:子囊壳纵切解剖图. D:子囊壳开口处的侧丝. E:分生孢子器纵切解剖图. F:分生孢子. G–I:子囊孢子. 标尺:A,B=1 mm;C=100 mm;D=20 mm;E=100 mm;F=20 mm;G=10 mm;H–I=20 mm

Fig. 5  Endocarpon rogersii (HMAS-L 143991). A, B: Habit of thallus. C: Transversal section of perithecium. D: Paraphyses. E: Transversal section of pycnidium. F: Conidia. G–I: Ascospores. Bars: A, B=1 mm; C=100 mm; D=20 mm; E=100 mm; F=20 mm; G=10 mm; H–I=20 mm.

图6  盘形盾鳞衣   A:鳞片状地衣体(HMAS-L 151943). B:鳞片状地衣体(HMAS-L 143914). C:鳞片纵切解剖图(HMAS-L 151943). D:鳞片纵切解剖图(HMAS-L 143914). E:沉浸入鳞片的子囊壳(HMAS-L 143914). F:边缘生的分生孢子器(HMAS-L 143914). G:圆柱状子囊内单列排布的孢子(HMAS-L 151943). H:棒状子囊内双列排布的孢子(HMAS-L 143914). I:分生孢子(HMAS-L 143914). 标尺:A,B=2 mm;C,D=50 µm;E=200 µm;F=100 µm;G,H=20 µm;I=10 µm

Fig. 6  Placidium patellare. A: Squamulose thallus (HMAS-L 151943). B: Squamulose thallus (HMAS-L 143914). C: Transversal section of thallus (HMAS-L 151943). D: Transversal section of thallus (HMAS-L 143914). E: Immersed perithecia (HMAS-L 143914). F: Marginal pycnidium (HMAS-L 143914). G: Uniseriate ascospores in cylindrical asci (HMAS-L 151943). H: Biseriate ascospores in clavate asci (HMAS-L 143914). I: Conidia (HMAS-L 143914). Bars: A, B=2 mm; C, D=50 µm; E=200 µm; F=100 µm; G, H=20 µm; I=10 µm.



《菌物学报》英文刊名Mycosystema,月刊,1982年创刊,曾用名《真菌学报》(Acta Mycologica Sinica)和《菌物系统》,由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国菌物学会联合主办,主要刊登我国菌物学(包括真菌、黏菌、卵菌)研究领域在理论上和实践上的最新研究成果。报道内容包括菌物多样性系统分类学起源与进化、 菌物区系地理学生态学遗传学生理学生物化学濒危菌物物种保护生物学以及食药用真菌、 有毒真菌真菌毒素人类病原真菌植物病原真菌兽医真菌互惠共生菌物等方面的研究论文、简报和综述。


期刊收录:Scopus; CABI(英国“国际应用生物科学中心”)《农业与生物科学研究文献》《公共卫生数据库》;Abstracts of Mycology (美国“菌物学文摘”);Index of Fungi (英国“菌物索引”);Index Copernicus;Review of Plant Pathology(英国“植物病理学文摘”);Bibliography of Systematic Mycology(英国“系统菌物学文献目录”);Bibliographie der Pflanzenschutzliteratur(德国“植物保护文献目录”);Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory(Ulrich IPD,美国《乌利希国际期刊指南》);北京大学图书馆《中文核心期刊要目总览》(北大核心);中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD核心);中国科学院文献情报中心《中国科学引文数据库》(CSCD核心);中国知网(CNKI);RCCSE中国核心学术期刊(A类)。




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