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日期: 来源:独霸上海的妖怪收集编辑:Lexie









标题里有一个非常漂亮的词:clean up
clean up 本来是「赚大钱,发财」的意思(to win or make a lot of money),而这里赢来的不是钱,而是奥斯卡奖,clean up with seven awards 指「横扫七个大奖」。


Michelle Yeoh became the first Asian woman to win best actress, as Everything Everywhere All at Once dominated at the Oscars.

Everything Everywhere All at Once 是杨紫琼的获奖电影,译作《瞬息全宇宙》,我更喜欢另一个译名《妈的多重宇宙》。

这里指「在…中占首要地位,在…中最具影响力」(To dominate a situation means to be the most powerful or important person or thing in it)。这里Everything Everywhere All at Once dominated at the Oscars 便指《妈的多重宇宙》这个电影在奥斯卡大获全胜、横扫奥斯卡奖,与标题中的clean up 为同义替换。

我们在《少年的你》横扫香港金像奖 | 外媒说中也讲过这个用法:
China-set bullying drama Better Days dominated the 2020 Hong Kong Film Awards.《少年的你》以中国为背景,讲述校园霸凌现象。这部电影横扫2020年香港电影金像奖。

再分享一个电影相关的表达:dominate box office 表示「占领票房榜首」。
Sixth Tone 一篇介绍电影《我的姐姐》的文章里就用到了这个表达。


# 01

The dazzling multiverse adventure won seven awards including best picture, director and original screenplay.

dazzling来自动词dazzle,dazzle本来是「使...眼花,使...目眩」的意思。dazzling 便形容那些「耀眼的,炫目的,特别吸引人的」的东西。

You're gotta end up with someone dazzling.

It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.

multiverse 由multi-和universe中的-verse构成,指「多重宇宙」。

screenplay 为可数名词,指「电影剧本」。而screenplayer 便指「编剧」。

# 02

Accepting her statuette, Yeoh said: "For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibilities.


statuette [ˌstætjuˈet] 由statue和-ette构成,statue指「雕像」,后缀-ette指「小的东西或者状态」,连起来statuette 便指「小雕像,小塑像」,这里特指奥斯卡小金人。再补充几个同根词:cigarette 烟,etiquette 礼仪,palette 调色板。

beacon [ˈbiːkən]  本义是「灯塔」,常喻指「指路明灯,楷模」(a person, idea etc that guides or encourages you)。 
a beacon of hope 是个习惯搭配,表示「希望的灯塔」。再举个例子:

He was a beacon of hope for the younger generation. 他是年轻一代的希望之灯。 

# 03

"And ladies, don't let anybody tell you that you are ever past your prime."


prime [praɪm] 作名词,指「全盛时期,盛年,壮年时期」(the period in your life when you are most active or successful)。
be in one's prime 指「正当盛年,风华正茂」。
比如:She's now barely thirty and in her prime.她现在不到三十,⻛华正茂。
Even in their prime, the tigers had their detractors.即便在它们腾飞的年代,四小龙也不乏批评者。

而杨紫琼说的be past one's prime 便指「过了...的黄金期」。past 此时为介词,指「晚于,在...之后」。
比如:We've had a series of athletes trying to come back well past their prime. 我们有些早已过了黄金期的运动员仍然想东山再起。

prime 作形容词时,指「优质的,一流的,最好的」(You use prime to describe something that is of the best possible quality)。
比如:prime hours 黄金时段 prime sites 黄金地段 a prime candidate 最佳人选 

Well, this is a prime spot. Must be expensive.
# 04

Yeoh's co-stars Ke Huy Quan and Jamie Lee Curtis triumphed in the supporting actor and actress categories. In the history of the Oscars, no other film has ever won best picture, best director and three acting prizes.

co-star 由co-(合作)和star构成,作名词时,指「搭档演员」。

co-star还可作动词,co-star sb 指「与...联袂主演」。

triumph 作动词指「打败,成功」,相当于be successful, to defeat s b /sth。


Better Days, Derek Tsang’s second solo outing as director, triumphs in the delayed awards, after being denied the chance to compete at two film festivals. 在无缘两场电影节之后,曾国祥独立执导的第二部电影《少年的你》在这场迟来的金像奖中大获成功。

triumph 也可作名词,指「成功」, 我们可以用sth is a triumph,替换sth is successful。
我们来看两个例子,分别来自美剧《绝望的主妇》和电影La La Land:
To Lee. This dinner has been a total triumph.

It's definitely "Chicken on a Stick" and your play's gonna be a triumph.

以后我们想祝朋友成功时,也可以借用这个句式:Your ... is gonna be a triumph.

triumphant [traɪˈʌmpfənt] 为形容词,指因为胜利或成功而「洋洋得意的」(showing pleasure and pride because of a victory or success)。

catergory 为可数名词,指「种类,类别」。这里指奖项的类别。the supporting actor and actress categories 即「最佳男配角和最佳女配角等奖项」。

# 05

In Everything Everywhere All at Once, Yeoh plays a Chinese-American laundrette owner who is mired in a tax audit, stuck in a crumbling marriage and struggling to connect with her daughter Joy.


laundrette [ˌlɔːndəˈret] 和laundry同根,指「自助洗衣店」。a laundrette owner 指「洗衣店老板」。

mire [maɪər]  作不可数名词时,本来是「泥潭,泥沼」的意思,形容词短语be mired in sth 陷入...泥潭,喻指「陷入困境」(stuck in a bad situation and unable to get out or make progress)。

Mr Babis, who is also mired in scandal, remains prime minister for now. 同样深陷丑闻的巴比斯目前仍担任总理职务。


In a world mired in recession, China manages a V-shaped recovery.世界陷入衰退,而中国实现V型复苏。

这里mired in recession是一个过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰a world,指「陷入衰退的世界」。


1️⃣embroil [ɪmˈbrɔɪl] 为动词,指「使...卷入,使...陷入」困境(to involve someone or something in a difficult situation)。be embroiled in sth 便指「卷入...,陷入...」。

In the same year, Prince Andrew became embroiled in scandal after giving a disastrous television interview in which he seemed unaware of the toxic impact of a friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted American sexual predator. 同年,安德鲁王子在一次灾难性的电视采访后被卷入丑闻,在采访中,他似乎没有意识到与被定罪的美国性侵者杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的友谊会带来有害影响。

2️⃣be caught up in / with sth 也可表示「被卷入,陷入」(to become involved in sth, especially when you do not want to be)。

Whether it’s for marketing or entertainment, hiring a real-life celebrity is expensive and carries risks. Several Chinese stars have been caught up in scandals recently. 无论是为了营销还是娱乐,聘请真人明星都既昂贵又有风险。近年好几个中国明星都卷入了丑闻。


audit [ˈɔːdɪt] 作名词,指「审计」(an official examination of the accounts of a business)。a tax audit 指「税务审计」

be stuck in sth 指「陷入...,困于...」(in an unpleasant situation or place that you cannot escape from)。

Wang Zheqi, who is meant to graduate this year in Shanghai, had hoped to use her dorm room as a base for job-hunting. Instead she is stuck in her hometown because her university is still closed and she cannot afford off-campus accommodation in Shanghai. 在上海读书的王哲琦 (音译) 本该今年毕业,她曾想把自己的宿舍作为求职时的落脚点。但现在她被困在了家乡,因为大学还没开学,她也负担不起在上海的校外住宿。

crumble [ˈkrʌmbəl] 这个小词儿特别形象,咱们先从同根词crumb讲起。
crumb 作名词,是「面包屑」的意思,面包屑都是渣渣,因此crumble就表示to break into crumbs,碎成渣渣。
用在建筑上,crumble就表示「坍塌」。用在关系或者制度上,crumble 就指「崩溃,瓦解,消亡」(If something such as a system, relationship, or hope crumbles, it comes to an end)。
文中a crumbling marriage 便指「破裂的婚姻」


struggle to do sth 本义是「挣扎着做某事」,往往用来表示「难以做某事」,暗含否定意味。
With average periods lasting about five days, it can cost up to £8 a month for tampons and pads, and some women struggle to afford the cost.
connect with sb 表示「与…建立良好关系」(to feel close to someone or have a good relationship with them)。

# 06

But when she discovers different versions of herself in the multiverse, she must tap into their skills in order to save the world.

tap into sth 指「利用,采用」(to manage to use something in a way that brings good results),后面常跟经验、知识、技巧等等。
By tapping into its existing network of freezers and retailers and restaurants, Unilever claims it can have ice cream on customer`s doorsteps in 30 minutes.

# 07

"This is proof that dreams do come true," Yeoh said in her speech. "I have to dedicate this to all the moms in the world because they are the superheroes, and without them, none of us would be here tonight."

dedicate sth to sth 指「把...献给...」。

我们常在书籍扉页看到的「将此书献给某某」用到的就是 dedicate。
这里杨紫琼说把这个奖项献给所有母亲:dedicate this to all the moms in the world。

dedicate 还可指 「把...专用于」。惯用搭配为 dedicate sth to / for sth。


I now have five apps on my phone solely dedicated to photo editing. 


# 08

The 60-year-old enjoyed a late surge in momentum in this year's Oscars race, ultimately overtaking the early frontrunner Cate Blanchett.


a surge in sth 本义是「...的暴涨,...的激增」。这里a surge in momentum 便指「势头的猛增」,a late surge in momentum 便可以理解为我们中文说的「后来居上」。 


Alphabet, Google’s parent company, closed trading on Thursday with a market capitalisation just over $1tn, after a late surge in its share price pushed it over the milestone. 周四,谷歌的母公司Alphabet以略高于1万亿美元的总市值收盘,其股价在当天晚些时候突然大涨,使其突破这一里程碑。

momentum [məʊˈmentəm] 为不可数名词,指「动力,势头」(the ability to keep increasing or developing)。
gain / gather momentum 得到动力、势头,也可表示「冲劲十足,发展势头迅猛」。

我们拿「直播行业」造个句:Live streaming e-commerce is gathering / gaining momentum . 直播电商行业迅猛发展。

以后想表达某事物发展迅猛,就可以用 gain / gather momentum。

ultimately [ˈʌltɪmətli] 为副词,指「最终地,终究」,可以替换我们熟悉的in the end, finally。

overtake [ˌəʊvəˈteɪk] 为动词,表示「赶上,超越对手」。overtake … as … 表示「超过…并成为…」。
China’s lead in e-commerce is not entirely new. By size, its market overtook America’s in 2013—with little physical store space, its consumers and retailers leapfrogged ahead to the digital world.中国领跑电子商务已经不是一件新鲜事了。从规模来看,中国市场已在2013年超越了美国——由于缺少开设实体店的空间,中国消费者 和零售商朝着数字世界跃进。

我们还可以说:surpass … as …


The International Air Transport Association predicts that by the mid-2020s China will surpass America as the world’s largest aviation market.国际航空运输协会预测,到2020年代中期中国将超过美国成为世界上最大的航空市场。

frontrunner [ˈfrʌntrʌnər] 由front(前面)和runner(跑步)合成,跑在前面的人,即 「领先者」。


Moderna, a US biotech company that is one of the frontrunners in the race to develop a vaccine, is using a “messenger RNA” (mRNA) platform that has never yielded a product approved by regulators. 美国生物技术公司Moderna是疫苗开发竞赛中的领跑者之一,它使用的“信使RNA”(mRNA)平台从未产生过监管机构认可的产品。

# 09

Yeoh is only the second woman of colour to win best leading actress, following Halle Berry for Monster's Ball more than two decades ago.

the woman of colour 表示「有色人种女性」。

following 为介词,表示「在…之后」,相当于after。

Worldwide, a fifth of all rice now comes from species created by hybrid rice following Yuan’s breakthrough discoveries.在袁隆平取得突破性进展后,全球五分之一的大米都来自杂交水稻。

# 10

Best leading actress has historically been far less diverse than the supporting actress category, where Ariana DeBose, Yuh-jung Youn, Regina King, Viola Davis, Lupita Nyong'o and Octavia Spencer have won in the past decade.

diverse [daɪ'vɜːs] 为形容词,表示「多元化的,形形色色的,各不相同的」(very different from each other and of various kinds)。


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