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日期: 来源:生态学报编辑部收集编辑:

Special Issue

Ecosystem’s Contribution to Carbon Neutrality

The special issue will focus on the role of ecosystems for carbon neutrality, technology and policy for climate mitigation, and trade-offs between ecosystem benefits.

Submission deadline: 

August 31, 2023

This special issue aims to explore the following research questions:

1.  What roles of various ecosystems, such as agroecosystems, forest ecosystems, grassland ecosystems, and aquatic ecosystems, can play in achieving the ambition of the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature to 2.0/1.5 ℃ above pre-industrial levels?

2.  How can those ecosystems deliver effective climate mitigation? What are the pathways, measures, technologies, and policies? 

3.  What are the possible synergies and trade-offs with adaptation, and other important ecosystem services for various ecosystems in delivering effective climate mitigations? 

Topics include but are not limited to:

• Method and modeling tools of integrated assessment on ecosystem’s contribution to carbon neutrality;

• Theories, conceptual frameworks, and metrics of sustainable ecosystem management in the context of carbon neutrality;

• Case studies on how ecosystems play a role in achieving carbon neutrality;

• Mitigation potentials and costs of ecosystem-based solutions, including technology, know-how, and best practice;

• Evaluation of various policy instruments.

Guest Editors:

• Minpeng CHEN, School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, China

• Jinfeng CHANG, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, China

• Nicklas FORSELL, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria

• Aline MOSNIER, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, France

Submission underpinned by various research methods, including qualitative, quantitative, or mixed, are encouraged. Both empirical studies and conceptual investigations are welcomed. We particularly encourage submission spanning across multiple disciplines and geographical borders.


Ecosystem’s Contribution to Carbon Neutrality








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