When people cannot move,
it saps labour markets of dynamism, a big worry when companies are trying to adapt to worker shortages and the
energy crisis.如果没有人员流动/迁移,劳动力市场就会缺乏活力,这对于当前正面临工人短缺和能源危机/目前正因工人短缺和能源危机而苦苦挣扎的企业来说,无异于一记重拳。
When it kicks in, at the start of October, 25% of
Britons will not be able to pay their fuel bills.这项政策自10月1日起生效,届时25% 的英国人将无力支付燃料费用。
We find similar
results when applying the same methodology
to a real-time indicator of economic activity published by Goldman Sachs,
another bank.我们将此方法应用于高盛银行发布的实时经济活动指标,发现结果基本没差。
This is a country
ruled by groupthink, when the group in
question is a bunch of well-raised and nicely suited mediocrities.这个国家的治理全靠集体决策,这一集体教养优良、穿着得体,但只是平庸之辈。
And while a good job
might not be quite as idyllic as the Garden of Eden, when we know the secrets to a career that is truly satisfying, work really can be a
joy.一份好工作可能无法像伊甸园那般诗情画意,但一份工作如何真正令人满意,如果能知其秘诀,工作真的可以充满乐趣/你真的可以享受工作。 ▼往期精彩回顾▼【MTI 真题】2020年 暨南大学 英译汉 【英译汉 Tips】| 四字结构,让我一次写个够 【英译汉Tips】| 成语用得挺溜,我看你是欠揍 END 爱我就帮我点击“点赞”+“在看”