飞秒瞬态吸收追踪的热载流子动力学表明,基于3AMP的纯DJ相2D覆盖层(n = 1)不仅可以用作界面缺陷钝化剂,还可以作为电子隧穿层以加速热载流子向PCBM的萃取。此外,为了进一步降低2D钙钛矿固有的量子限制效应对电荷转移的阻碍,通过准2D后处理(间隔阳离子+FAI)获得了具有更高n值的2D覆盖层。不幸的是,准二维覆盖层(n = 3, 4)在光照下不利于抑制Ag从电极向下迁移,尽管观察到短路电流(Jsc)略有升高。
最后,在开路电压(≈1.15 V)和填充系数(≈82.8%)增加的情况下,3AMP修饰的MA-free的倒置PSCs的功率转换效率达到了23.62%。最重要的是,在85°C加热720小时和最大功率点跟踪1000小时后,依旧保持初始PCE的89%和93.6%,表明DJ相纯2D钙钛矿覆盖层具有令人满意的热稳定性和操作稳定性。我们的工作为管理热载流子冷却和界面萃取动力学以制造超过Shockley-Queisser极限的热载流子太阳能电池提供了新的思路。
Figure 1. Surface morphology and structure. a) Chemical structures calculated dipole moments, and electrostatic potential mapping images of 3AMP, 4AMP, 3AMPY, and CHMA. b) Top-view SEM images of perovskite films for Control, 3AMP-, 4AMP-, 3AMPY- and CHMA-treated. c) XRD spectra of 2D perovskite based on 3AMP of n = 1, 2D perovskite based on CHMA of n = 1 and n = 2, Control, 3AMP-, 4AMP-, 3AMPY- and CHMA-treated perovskite films with different concentrations of 0, 1, 5, and 10 mg. d) 2D GIWAXS patterns of perovskite films for Control, 3AMP-, 4AMP-, 3AMPY-, and CHMA-treated. e) PCE statistical distribution of 20 Control, 3AMP-, 4AMP-, 3AMPY-, and CHMA-treated perovskite solar cells.
Figure 2. Physical and chemical properties of
the surface. XPS spectra of a) N 1s and b) Pb 4f in Control, 3AMP-treated, and
CHMA-treated perovskite films. c) Schematic energy-level diagrams of Control,
3AMP-treated, and CHMA-treated perovskite films. KPFM images and statistics of
surface potential distribution for d) Control, e) 3AMP-treated, and f)
CHMA-treated perovskite films. g) Hall effect measurement of Control,
3AMP-treated, and CHMA-treated perovskite films. h) Hall effect measurement
Figure 3. Hot-carrier cooling and extraction kinetics. Pseudo color plot of a) Control, b) CHMA, c) Control/PCBM, and d) 3AMP/PCBM perovskite films. Normalized pump-probe fs-TA spectra of e) Control, f) CHMA, g) Control/PCBM, and h) 3AMP/PCBM perovskite films. i) Average hot-carrier temperatures as a function of the delay time for Control, CHMA, Control/PCBM, and 3AMP/PCBM perovskite films. j) Energy loss rate of hot-carrier as a function of carrier temperature for Control, CHMA, Control/PCBM, and 3AMP/PCBM perovskite films. The solid lines are fittings using LO-phonon interaction model. Normalized TA dynamics probed at band-edges for k) Control and CHMA perovskite films and l) Control/PCBM and 3AMP/PCBM perovskite films. The photoexcitation energy is 3.10 eV and initial photoexcited carrier density is ≈5.07×1017 cm-3.
Figure 4. Photoelectric properties of PSCs. a) TPV and b) TPC of Control, 3AMP- and CHMA-treated PSCs. c) J-V curves of Control, 3AMP- and CHMA-treated PSCs measured in reverse scan and forward scan under AM 1.5G. d) EQE spectra and integrated Jsc of Control, 3AMP-, and CHMA-treated PSCs. e) The current density and PCE measured at the maximum power point for 300 s of Control, 3AMP-, and CHMA-treated PSCs. f) J-V curves of 3AMP+FAI and CHMA+FAI PSCs measured in reverse scan and forward scan under AM 1.5G.
Figure 5. Quasi 2D post-treatment. a) The schematic diagram of the upper surface structure of the perovskites after 2D and quasi-2D post-treatment. b) XRD spectra of 3AMP+FAI perovskite film and 3AMP-based 2D perovskite films of n = 2, 3, and 4. c) XRD spectra of CHMA+FAI perovskite film and CHMA-based 2D perovskite films of n = 2, 3, and 4. ToF-SIMS depth-profile analysis of the perovskite films treated by d) 3AMP, e) 3AMP+FAI, f) CHMA, and g) CHMA+FAI.
Figure 6. Ion migration and device stability.
Cross-section SEM and EDS images of aged samples (structure: ITO/ perovskite/
Ag) for a) Control, b) 3AMP, and c) 3AMP+FAI. d) Thermal stability of the
unencapsulated devices heating at 85 °C in N2 under dark. e) MPP tracking of
the unencapsulated devices in N2 under 1 sun illumination.
Yiting Zheng, et al. Managing Interfacial Hot-Carrier
Cooling and Extraction Kinetics for Inverted Ma-Free Perovskite Solar Cells
Over 23% Efficiency via Dion-Jacobson 2D Capping Layer, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023.
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