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每日单词: pertain

日期: 来源:巧记词根收集编辑:
英 [pə'teɪn] 美 [pər'teɪn]

(1) This letter does not pertain to politics.
(2) Learning the specific set of vocabulary words that pertain to one's business becomes a simple task.
(3) They own the house and the land pertaining to it.
(4) It does not pertain to the young to instruct their elders.
(1) 这封信的内容与政治无关。
(2) 学习和自己行业有关的这组特殊字汇成为一件简单的工作。
(3) 他们拥有这栋房子以及附属于它的土地。
(4) 年轻人不应该对老年人发号施令。

pertain: per(through, forward) + tain(to hold) ->to hold to;to belong to 

Usage notes
To pertain is to be relevant or somehow associated with something. If you're a lawyer, you try to find evidence that will pertain to the case and eliminate anything that is not connected.
Behind the verb pertain lies the Latin verb pertinēre, which means "to be applicable" or "to hold through." If you think the rules of the road don't pertain to you, try explaining that to the state trooper when you get pulled over. Usage note: The word pertain often takes an s at the end, as in "That pertains to this matter," but loses it with a helper: “That doesn’t pertain to it.”

1. [VERB 动词]与…相关;属于;适用(于) If one thing pertains to another, it relates, belongs, or applies to it.   [V to n]  [Also V]  [FORMAL 正式]
The restrictions he imposed pertained to the type and height of buildings and the activities for which they could be used...
I would much rather that you asked Mrs Zuckerman any questions pertaining to herself.
...matters pertaining to naval district defense.




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