draconian英 [drə'kəʊniən] 美 [drə'koʊniən]adj.严厉的;残酷的 Draconian. adj.(古雅典立法者)德拉古的GRE ◉常见例句 (1) The city needs a draconian way of dealing with robbers.(1) 这个城市需要一个严苛的办法来对付强盗。 ◉Usage notesUse the word Draconian (or lowercase draconian) to describe laws or rules that are really harsh and repressive.In ancient Athens, Draco was a guy who made some seriously strict laws. So rules that are too restrictive — or just plain unfair — are called Draconian. Sentencing someone to 10 years in prison for littering would be Draconian. Some people think Singapore's chewing gum ban is Draconian. This is a strong word, so if your parents make you do chores, they aren't being Draconian. But if they make you do chores for five hours every day, that's another story. ◉Origin 该词源自公元前7世纪雅典立法者Draco的姓氏。约公元前621年Draco依据习惯法编制雅典第一部以严酷著称的成文法。该法规定,罪无论轻重,一律判处重刑,对刑事犯罪,几乎一律处以死刑。一位希腊演说家说,它是用血写成的,故后人称苛法为Draconian laws(德拉古法),以Draconian 一词来形容严刑酷律。该词首字母现常作小写,词义似乎有所延伸,用以表示“严酷的”或“严厉的”。【“德拉科(Draco)”这一名字,可能来源于创造了一部苛刻法律的雅典第一位立法者Draco。在拉丁语中“Draco”的意思为龙或蛇,同时“Draco”也有天龙座的意思】 ◉柯林斯词典1. [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词](法律、措施等)严厉的,残酷的 Draconian laws or measures are extremely harsh and severe. [usu ADJ n] [FORMAL 正式]① ...draconian measures to lower US healthcare costs.削减美国医疗保健费用的严厉措施② ...draconian censorship laws.严厉的审查法 ◉影视片段
■Idioms:In Stitches: laughing very hard 大笑■e.g.A: Danny was hilarious at the party the other night. He had us all in stitches! I didn’t realize that he was