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名创优品 :品牌升级策略初见成效,国内外加速开店步伐

日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:风研海外

Miniso Group 

(9896 HK)


Initiating coverage: Dec 2022 quarter reflects early results of brand upgrade plan; expedited global store openings

TP:HKD50.00    BUY (Initiation)

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis



FY23Q2 revenue came in lower yoy: China down 27% vs foreign markets up 38%

Highlights: Miniso released operating data for FY23Q2 (Oct-Dec 2022) at the end of February, with revenue falling 10.0% yoy to RMB2.49bn: China generated 26.6% yoy less at RMB1.51bn, while foreign markets climbed 37.5% yoy to RMB990m.


Granular view of sales channels

•China: Miniso stores offline sales fell 19.3% yoy in the six months ended 31 Dec 2022, while online sales fell 14.1% yoy; TOP TOY sales fell 6.4% yoy. 

•Foreign markets: Miniso stores offline sales lifted substantially by 40.5% yoy. 

•Store network: the company has 5,440 Miniso stores globally as of FY23Q2, with a net increase of 56 stores to a total of 3,325 in China and 88 net additions to 2,115 stores in foreign markets. Its TOP TOY store count is 117, after it added 28 stores yoy and 8 stores qoq.



China market making a visible recovery as January offline store sales up 40% yoy

Post-pandemic recovery: Miniso’s business in China came under short-term pressure in FY23Q2 but post-pandemic store performance has risen strongly. As the domestic market is on a visibly recovering trend, we expect the company will proceed with store expansion in lower-tier cities. Miniso offline China store revenue fell more than 28% yoy in the quarter, mainly due to a 32% yoy drop in store footfall. 

Shoppers return: the current footfall trend is showing a clear recovery, however. Total subway footfall in first-tier cities recovered 92.9% vs 2019 in January and February 2023, based on Bloomberg data. With returning shopper footfall, we believe the company will see better per-store economics. Miniso offline sales rose 40% yoy with per-store sales up 33% yoy in January. We believe China store performance will continue to improve. 


Increasing lower-tier city footprint: the company is advancing a strategy to penetrate China’s lower-tier cities by raising store count there. Of Miniso’s total 3,325 store footprint in China, the city-tier market breakdown as of FY23Q2 is as follows: 453 stores in 1st-tier cities; 1,395 in 2nd-tier cities; and 1,477 stores in 3rd-tier cities and below, which marks a 3.2ppt yoy increase in proportion. 

Store upgrade plan: we believe the company has been restructuring its franchised business from 2022. To widen its store footprint in lower-tier cities, Miniso reduced the franchise one-time deposit fee from RMB750,000 to RMB350,000 and the brand-use fee from RMB80,000pa to RMB29,800pa. As the consumer market recovers and the company’s store upgrade plan gets underway, we believe franchisee willingness to open stores will increase. According to management at the results conference, Miniso plans to add 250-350 stores across China in 2023E.


Omnichannel buildout to maximize emerging growth potential in foreign markets

Developing Miniso ecommerce: Miniso has 2,115 physical stores in foreign shores as of FY23Q2, 153 of which are directly operated, 246 are Miniso partner stores and 1,716 are agency stores. Store growth in foreign markets signals growth potential, contributing RMB990m to revenue, according to operating data in Miniso’s FY23Q2 report. The company plans to expand its global store network, aiming to add 350-450 stores in foreign markets in 2023E. It will deepen penetration in strategic markets such as Asia, North America and Europe. Its omnichannel plans include the development of its own ecommerce channel and further collaborations with local third-party ecommerce and O2O platforms to expand its foreign online sales channel.


Ex-mainland and foreign buildout: as Miniso expedites multi-spectrum expansion to drive a fast-growth strategy, we expect it will enter a rapid growth cycle in 2023E. In terms of store footprint, it added 16 retail stores in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and foreign markets in 2022H2 and plans to reach 40 by the end of the year. Based on 2022Q3 operating data disclosed by the company, China’s Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and foreign revenue increased 115-120% yoy, marking a high-speed growth cycle. We believe the buildout of the company’s globalization strategy will not only widen its sales channels, but also balance its overall IP management risks. We expect to see a greater ramp-up in the number of foreign store openings in 2023E.


Gross margin boost: larger share of foreign income; product brand upgrades

Margin restructure: Miniso’s FY23Q2 gross margin reached 40.0%, up 8.9ppt yoy, with adjusted net profit at RMB370m, spiking 82% yoy. The key factor was an increase in foreign income contribution, as its brand upgrade strategy yielded initial results. Foreign market contribution to revenue rose strongly by 11.5ppt yoy to 36.2% in the quarter. The higher foreign gross margin vs the domestic business drove up total gross margin. 

3-pronged brand upgrade strategy: Miniso had reiterated at its brand upgrade conference on 24 Feb 2023 that it will effect this via three growth routes: 1) upgrade its brand profile from being channel driven to product driven; 2) upgrade its business profile from being a retail company to one driven by content; and 3) upgrade customers to users. We believe that as it continues to roll out the brand upgrade strategy, this will expand the company’s gross margin growth headroom.

投资建议/Investment Ideas


盈利预测与投资建议:基于宏观整体消费潜力逐步释放,以及公司海外布局全面提速和品牌战略升级,有望实现营收利润双增长,我们预计FY2023-2025年公司整体营收124/152/179亿元,同比增长15%/19%/18%。预计名创优品FY2023-2025年净利润分别为14/18/26亿元,同比增长22%/67%/40%。我们给予名创优品FY2023年40x PE,目标价为50 HKD,首次覆盖,给予“买入”评级。

Valuation and risks

We believe that with the offline recovery of the Chinese market, foreign business expansion, as well as brand upgrades to expand profit margins, combined with potential liquidity improvements on entry to Hong Kong Stock Connect, Miniso would enter twin growth trajectories in profitability and valuation. We recommend focusing on the stock. 

In light of a macro business recovery potentially lifting incremental consumption, as well as the company’s foreign business footprint expansion and brand strategy upgrades, we expect Miniso will achieve twin growth in revenue and profit. Hence, our revenue projections are RMB12.4bn/15.2bn/17.9bn in FY23/24/25E, implying increases of 15/19/18% yoy. We forecast net profit of RMB1.4bn/1.8bn/2.6bn in FY23/24/25E, up 22/67/40% yoy. We assign a 40x PE in FY23E to Miniso. Hence, we initiate coverage with a BUY rating and our target price at HKD50.

风险提示:1. 疫情影响消费下行;2. 扩店不及预期;3. 海外经营风险

Risks include: pandemic factors dragging consumption; worse-than-expected store expansion; and foreign business risks.

Email: equity@tfisec.com

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