In Praise of Boredom
作者 | 约瑟夫·布罗茨基
译者 | 刘文飞
原著 | 《悲伤与理智》
出版 | 上海译文出版社
But should you fail to keep your kingdom
And, like your father before you come
Where thought accuses and feeling mocks,
Believe your pain . . .
-W. H. Auden, "Alonso to Ferdinand"
accuse [əˈkjuːz] v. to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind 指责 mock [mɑːk] v. to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way 嘲笑
substantial [səbˈstænʃ] adj. large in size, value, or importance 大量的 boredom [ˈbɔːrdəm] n.[U] the state of being bored 无聊 lofty [ˈlɒfti] adj. very high and impressive; deserving respect because of being morally good 崇高的 liberal arts college 文理学院 humanities [hjuːˈmænɪtiːz] n.[pl.] 人文学科 at best 充其量 acquaint sb with sth to give someone information about something 使某人了解某事 sensation [senˈseɪʃn] n.[C,U] a feeling that you get when something affects your body or mind 感觉 incur [ɪnˈkɜːr] v. to experience something bad as a result of actions you have taken 招致,遭受 incurable [ɪnˈkjʊərəbl] adj. (of a disease or medical condition) not able to be cured 无法治愈的 malaise [məˈleɪz] n.[sing, U] a general feeling that you are slightly ill or not happy in your life 不适,不满,不快 monotonous [məˈnɒtənəs] adj. never changing and therefore boring 单调的 drone [drəʊn] n.[sing.] 低沉的嗡嗡声,嗡嗡声响 lectern [ˈlektən] n.[C] a stand for holding a book, notes, etc. when you are reading in church, giving a talk, etc. (教堂中的)诵经台,(演讲的)讲台 eye-splitting adj. extremely bright and unpleasant to look at 刺眼的 turgid [ˈtɜːdʒɪd] adj. (of speech, writing, style, etc.) too serious about its subject matter; boring(讲话、写作、风格等)太严肃的,枯燥乏味的 spurn [spɜːn] v. to refuse to accept or consider something, or someone's advice, idea, etc. 摒弃
aliase [ˈeɪliəs] n.[C] a false or assumed identity 化名 anguish [ˈæŋɡwɪʃ] n.[U] severe mental or physical pain or suffering 痛苦 ennui [ɑːnˈwiː] n.[U] a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement 厌倦 tedium [ˈtiːdiəm] n.[U] the state of being tedious or boring 乏味 doldrum [ˈdoʊldrəm] n.[U] a state of inactivity or stagnation 无聊 humdrum [ˈhʌmdrʌm] adj. lacking variety or excitement; dull 单调的 blah [blɑː] adj. uninteresting; boring 无聊的 apathy [ˈæpəθi] n.[U] lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern 冷漠 listlessness [ˈlɪstləsnəs] n.[U] a lack of energy or enthusiasm 倦怠 stolidity [stɔ'liditi] n.[U] 迟钝,感觉麻木 lethargy [ˈleθərdʒi] n.[U] a lack of energy and enthusiasm 嗜睡 languor [ˈlæŋɡər] n.[U] a feeling of tiredness or inertia 疲乏 accidie [ˈæksɪdi] n.[U] spiritual or mental sloth; apathy 无精打采 phenomenon [fəˈnɑːmənən] n.[C] a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen 现象 by and large generally; all things considered 大体上 repetition [ˌreprɪˈtɪʃn] n.[C,U] the action of repeating something that has already been said or written 重复 constant [ˈkɑːnstənt] adj. occurring continuously over a period of time 持续的 inventiveness [ɪnˈventɪvnəs] n.[U] the quality of being inventive; creativity 创造力 originality [əˌrɪdʒəˈnæləti] n.[U] the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as anything or anyone else 独创性,创造性 newfangled [ˈnuːˌfæŋɡld] adj. new and often needlessly novel or complex 新奇的 medium [ˈmiːdiəm] n.[C] a means by which something is communicated or expressed 手段 precisely [prɪˈsaɪsli] adv. used to emphasize what you are saying(用于强调)恰恰,正
the vehicle of sth means of driving or accomplishing something 驱动某事的手段 in the same breath at the same time, immediately afterwards 同时,一起 benefits of hindsight understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened 事后诸葛亮 ethical [ˈeθɪkəl] adj. relating to moral principles 道德的 spell out to explain something in detail 清楚地阐述 monotony [məˈnɒtəni] n.[U] lack of variety and interest 单调,枯燥 tedium [ˈtiːdiəm] n.[U] the state of being tedious or boring 单调乏味
cliche [kliːˈʃeɪ] n.[C] A phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought 陈词滥调 small wonder 毫不奇怪 instruct [ɪnˈstrʌkt] v. To order or tell someone to do something, especially in a formal way 指示,教导 nonsemantic [ˌnɑːn sɪˈmæntɪk] adj. Not relating to meaning in language or logic 非语义的 self-defensive adj. Protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's faults, etc 自卫的 satirical [səˈtɪrɪkl] adj. Using humor, irony, or exaggeration to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues 讽刺的 solace [ˈsɑːləs] n.[sing, U] Comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness 安慰,安慰物
existential [ˌeɡzɪˈstenʃl] adj. Relating to existence 存在的,存在主义的
unappetizing [ʌnˈæpɪtaɪzɪŋ] adj. Not tempting to eat; not appetizing 无食欲的,不开胃的
commencement [kəˈmensmənt] n.[C,U]the ceremony at which students formally receive their degree certificates 毕业典礼 in full force with full strength, power, or effect 充分地,全力以赴地 easel [ˈiːzl] n.[C] a stand for holding a canvas, etc., while it is being painted or drawn 画架 Steinway grand 施坦威三角钢琴 shield sb from sth to protect someone from harm or damage caused by something 保护某人不受某事物的伤害 repetitiveness [rɪˈpetətɪvnəs] n.[U] the quality of being repetitious, i.e. involving unnecessary repetition or duplication of ideas, content, etc 重复性 smother [ˈsmʌðə] v. to prevent something from happening by suffocating or suppressing it 使窒息,压制 recognition [ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn] n.[U] the act of recognizing someone or something, or the state of being recognized 认可,承认 chronic [ˈkrɒnɪk] adj. (of a disease, problem, etc.) lasting for a long time and difficult to cure or get rid of 慢性的,长期的 plain [pleɪn] adv. completely 完全地,简直 be inferior to sth to be less good, capable, or effective than something else 不如某物,比某物逊色
herein [ˌhɪərˈɪn] adv. in this place, situation, document etc 在此处,在这种情况下,在本文中 lucrative [ˈluːkrətɪv] adj. producing a great deal of profit; profitable 赚钱的,有利可图的 fall victim to sth to suffer from the bad effects of something 成为…的受害者 demography [dɪˈmɒɡrəfi] n.[U] 人口统计学 reluctantly [rɪˈlʌktəntli] adv. in an unwilling and hesitant way 不情愿地 discipline [ˈdɪsɪplɪn] n.[C] a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education 学科 misanthropic [ˌmɪzənˈθrɒpɪk] adj. disliking humankind and avoiding human society 厌恶人类的 quadruple [ˈkwɒdrʊpəl] v. to multiply by four 增至四倍,使成为四倍
antidote ['æntɪdəʊt] n.[C] a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison 解毒剂 monochromatic ["mɒnəʊkrə'mætɪk] adj. containing or using only one color 单色的 pay off to give someone all the money owed for a particular period of time 有回报 provided conj. on the condition or understanding that 假如,在…条件下 well off adj. wealthy 富裕的 firsthand adv. obtained or experienced directly or firsthand 直接地 self-gratification [self,ˌɡrætɪfɪ'keɪʃn] n.[U] the feeling of satisfaction or pleasure that comes from fulfilling one's own desires or impulses 自我满足
numerous ['njuːmərəs] adj. many or very many 许多的 synonym ['sɪnənɪmz] n.[C] a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language 同义词 in light of sth considering or taking into account 鉴于 render ['rendə] v. to cause someone or something to be in a particular state 使成为,使变得,使处于某种状态 be oblivious to sth not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one 忽视… redundancy [rɪ'dʌndənsɪ] n.[C,U] the state of being not or no longer needed or useful 冗余 abundance [ə'bʌndəns] n.[sing, U] a very large quantity of something 充裕,大量 revealing [rɪ'viːlɪŋ] adj. showing something that was not previously known or seen 揭露真相的,透露内情的,发人深省的 prophetic [prə'fetɪk] adj. accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future 预言的 dwarf [dwɔːf] v. make something seem small or insignificant in comparison 使相形见绌 stereo ['sterɪəʊ] n.[C] A stereo is a cassette or CD player with two speakers. 立体音响 remote control 遥控器 jogging suit 健身服 ecstasy ['ekstəsɪ] n.[C,U] an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement 狂喜,欣喜若狂
be pregnant with sth To contain or be full of something, usually a quality or feeling. 蕴涵丰富的…,饱含… banknote [ˈbæŋknoʊt] n.[C] A piece of paper money. 纸币 possess [pəˈzɛs] v. To have or own something. 拥有 bill sth as sth To describe or advertise something in a particular way. 把...称作 deprivation [ˌdɛprɪˈveɪʃən] n.[U] the lack of something that you need in order to be healthy, comfortable, or happy 缺少,匮乏 monastic [məˈnæstɪk] adj. Relating to monks or monasteries. 僧侣的 catchy [ˈkætʃi] adj. Likely to attract attention or be remembered. 引人注意的 be keen on sth To be very interested or enthusiastic about something. 热衷于… venture [ˈvɛntʃər] v. To take the risk of doing something. 冒险 be apprehensive of sth To feel worried or uneasy about something. 担心… usher in sth To cause or mark the start of something. 迎来…,引入… equivalent [ɪˈkwɪvələnt] n.[C] something that has the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc. as something else 等值,相等,等同
brutal [ˈbruːtl] adj. Savagely violent. 残酷的 misery [ˈmɪzəri] n.[C,U] A state of great unhappiness or discomfort. 痛苦,悲惨 rebellion [rɪˈbeljən] n.[C,U] An act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler. 反叛,反抗 infinity [ɪnˈfɪnəti] n.[U] Endlessness, unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity. 无限,无穷 vein [veɪn] n.[C] A blood vessel carrying blood toward the heart. 静脉,血管 dodge [dɒdʒ] v. Avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement. 躲避,闪避 means [miːnz] n.[C] An action or system by which a result is brought about. 手段,方法 redundant [rɪˈdʌndənt] adj. Not or no longer needed or useful. 多余的,过剩的 tactility [tækˈtɪləti] n.[U] The ability to sense touch or texture by the skin. 触觉 syringe [sɪˈrɪndʒ] n.[C] A medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids. 注射器 correspond to sth 相当于,符合 dullness [ˈdʌlnəs] n. [U] Lack of interest, excitement, or brightness. 愚钝,迟钝 afflict [əˈflɪkt] v. Cause pain or suffering to; affect or trouble. 折磨,使痛苦
Potential haves, you'll be bored with your work, your friends, your spouses, your lovers, the view from your window, the furniture or wallpaper in your room, your thoughts, yourselves. Accordingly, you'll try to devise ways of escape. Apart from the self-gratifying gadgets mentioned before, you may take up changing jobs, residence, company, country, climate; you may take up promiscuity, alcohol, travel, cooking lessons, drugs, psychoanalysis.
spouse [spaʊs] n.[C] a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner 配偶,夫妻
self-gratifying [self ˈɡrætɪfaɪɪŋ] adj. satisfying one's own desires, often to the exclusion of others; selfish 自我满足的
gadget ['ɡædʒɪt] n.[C] a small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one 小器具,小装置
take up doing sth start doing something regularly as a habit or hobby 开始做某事
residence ['rɛzɪdəns] n.[C] a person's home; a house or other building in which someone lives; the fact of living in a particular place 住所,住宅
promiscuity [ˌprɒmɪs'kjuːɪtɪ] n.[U] the fact of being promiscuous 乱交,滥交,淫乱
psychoanalysis ['saɪkəʊə'næləsɪs] n.[U] medical treatment that involves talking to someone about their life, feelings etc in order to find out the hidden causes of their problems 精神分析(治疗法),心理分析(治疗法)
lump [lʌmp] v. to put together or consider as a single group, often in a rough or careless way 把…归并在一起 shrink [ʃrɪŋk] n.[C] a psychiatrist or psychoanalyst 精神病医生 stale [steɪl] adj. not fresh and new; boring because too familiar 过时的,老套的,没有新意的 loafer [ˈloʊfər] n.[C] a type of casual leather shoe 轻便鞋 bootstrap [ˈbuːtstræp] n.[C] a piece of leather or other strong material at the back of a boot that you use to help you pull the boot on(靴筒后的)靴襻,拔靴带 temperament [ˈtempərəmənt] n.[C,U] the part of your character that affects your moods and the way you behave 气质,性情,性格 resign oneself to sth to accept sth unpleasant that cannot be changed or avoided 听任,只好接受,顺从 rigmarole [ˈrɪɡməroʊl] n.[U] a long set of actions or words without any real purpose(毫无意义的)繁琐费时的手续;冗长的废话
neurosis [njʊˈroʊsɪs] n.[C,U] a mental disorder characterized by abnormal behavior, anxiety, and depression 神经病,神经官能症
depression [dɪˈprɛʃən] n.[C,U] a mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities 抑郁症
lexicon [ˈlɛksɪkən] n.[C] (a list of) all the words used in a particular language or subject, or a dictionary(某语言或学科的)全部词汇,词典
the quest for sth 追求…,寻求…
alternative [ɔlˈtɜrnətɪv] n.[C] one of two or more available possibilities 替代方案
leapfrog [ˈlipfrɔg] v. to suddenly become better, more advanced etc than people or organizations that were previously better than you 超越,越过
alimony [ˈæləmoʊni] n.[U] the money that a court orders sb to pay regularly to their former wife or husband when the marriage is ended (离婚后一方给另一方的)生活费,抚养费
jumbled [ˈdʒʌmbəld] adj. mixed up in a confused or untidy way 混乱的,杂乱无章的
predicament [prɪˈdɪkəmənt] n.[C] an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of 尴尬的处境,窘境,困境
glamorize [ˈɡlæməraɪz] v. to make something seem more glamorous or attractive than it really is 过分美化,使有魅力
there’s/here’s the rub 困难在于那里/这里
occupation [ˌɑkjəˈpeʃən] n.[C] a job or profession 职业
fix [fɪks] n.[C] an amount of an illegal drug, or of another substance that has an effect on someone(毒品或致瘾物的)一次用量
servant [ˈsɜːvənt] n.[C] a person who works in another person's house, and cooks, cleans, etc. for them 仆人,用人 variation [ˌveəriˈeɪʃən] n.[C] a thing that is different from other things in the same general group 变异的东西,变种,变体
crush [krʌʃ] v. to defeat someone completely 彻底击败,彻底击垮 submerge [səbˈmɜːdʒ] v. to cover or hide something completely under water or another liquid; to make something or someone do this 淹没,沉没,浸没 hit bottom to reach the lowest point in a situation or in someone's life 摸底,触底,到达最低点 surface [ˈsɜːfɪs] v. to appear or become clear after being hidden or not seen 浮出水面,暴露,出现
exact [ɪɡˈzækt] v. to demand and get something, sometimes using force or threats 勒索,强要 scrutiny [ˈskruːtəni] n.[U] careful and thorough examination of someone or something 仔细检查,详细审查 undiluted [ʌndaɪˈluːtɪd] adj. not made weaker or less pure by mixing with any other substance 纯的,未经稀释的 repetitive [rɪˈpetətɪv] adj. involving doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that is boring 重复的,反复的 redundant [rɪˈdʌndənt] adj. not necessary because something else means or does the same thing 多余的,累赘的 monotonous [məˈnɒtənəs] adj. not changing and therefore boring; staying the same and not getting more interesting or exciting 单调的,无聊的 splendor [ˈsplendər] n.[U] great beauty that attracts admiration and attention; impressive brightness, colours, or lights 壮丽,辉煌
property ['prɑpərti] n.[C] a characteristic of something 性质
peril ['perəl] n.[C,U] serious and immediate danger 危险
equilibrium ['iːkwɪlɪbriəm] n.[U] a state of balance 平衡
infinity [ɪn'fɪnəti] n.[U] endlessness; boundlessness 无限,无穷大
account for sth give reasons or an explanation for something 解释,说明
dread [drɛd] n.[U] great fear or apprehension; anticipate with great apprehension or fear 恐惧,害怕
torpid ['tɔrpɪd] adj. Mentally or physically inactive. 迟钝的,麻木的
fascination [ˌfæsɪ'neɪʃən] n.[U] the power to attract or charm 魅力,吸引力
a fleck of sth a small amount or patch of something 一点,少许
dust [dʌst] n.[U] 灰尘
aswirl [ə'swɜrl] adj. swirling 旋转地
sunbeam ['sʌnbiːm] n.[C] a beam of sunlight 日光,阳光
tick-tack ['tɪk tæk] n.[C] the sound of a clock or watch ticking or of a similar mechanical device 嘀嗒声
utter [ˈʌtər] adj. complete or extreme 完全的,十足的,极度的 rub shoulders with sb to spend time with someone socially or professionally 与某人交往 finite [ˈfaɪnaɪt] adj. having a limit or end 有限的 futile [ˈfjuːtl] adj. producing no result or effect 无效的,无用的 futility [fjuːˈtɪləti] n.[U] the fact of having no effect or of achieving nothing 无效,无用 ardent [ˈɑːdnt] adj. having or showing very strong feelings 热情的,热心的 attendant [əˈtendənt] adj. coming with a stated thing or resulting from it 伴随的,随之而产生的 aggrandizement [əˈɡrændɪzmənt] n.[U] the act of making something seem greater or more important than it really is 强化,扩大
precision [prɪ'sɪʒən] n.[U] the quality of being exact and accurate 准确,精确 humility [hjuː'mɪlɪtɪ] n.[U] the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance 谦逊,谦恭 breed [briːd] v. to cause something to happen, usually something bad 招致,导致 humble ['hʌmbəl] adj. having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance 谦虚的,谦逊的 compassionate [kəm'pæʃənət] adj. feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others 有同情心的,慈悲的 immobile [ɪ'məʊbaɪl] adj. not moving; motionless 不动的,静止的 atop [ə'tɒp] prep. on the top of 在…顶上
I've quoted it not because I'd like to instill in you affinity for things small — seeds and plants, grains of sand or mosquitoes — small but numerous. I've quoted these lines because I like them, because I recognize in them myself, and, for that matter, any living organism to be wiped off from the available surface." 'Remember me,' whispers the dust." And one hears in this that if we learn about ourselves from time, perhaps time, in turn, may learn something from us. What would that be? That inferior in significance, we best it in sensitivity.
instill sth in sb gradually but firmly establish an idea or attitude in a person's mind 逐渐灌输,逐渐使…习惯于 affinity [əˈfɪnəti] n.[sing.] a strong feeling that you like and understand someone or something 喜好,喜爱
mosquito [məˈskitoʊ] n.[C] a small flying insect that bites people and animals to feed on their blood 蚊子
paralyze ['pærəlaɪz] v. to make unable to move or act 使麻痹,使瘫痪
hail [heɪl] v. to greet or acclaim enthusiastically 欢呼,招呼
anticipation [æntɪsɪ'peʃən] n.[U] expectation or hope 期望,预期
inanimate [ɪn'ænɪmət] adj. not alive 无生命的
conceive [kən'siv] v. to form a mental plan or idea 构想,想象
ring true to be convincing and genuine 合情合理,正确
constellation [kɑːnstəˈleɪʃn] n.[C] A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern. 星座
aftermath [ˈæftərmæθ] n.[sing.] The consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event. 后果,余波
deceive [dɪˈsiːv] v. To mislead or falsely persuade others. 欺骗,蒙骗
psyche [ˈsaɪki] n.[sing.] The human soul, mind, or spirit. 心灵,精神
token [ˈtoʊkən] n.[C] A sign or symbol representing something else. 象征,标志
anguish [ˈæŋɡwɪʃ] n.[U] Extreme suffering or pain, both physical or psychological. 痛苦,悲痛
deception [dɪˈsepʃn] n.[C,U] A deliberate act of trickery or fraud. 欺骗,骗局
verbally [ˈvərbəli] adv. in spoken rather than written form 口头上 sustained [səˈsteɪnd] adj. continuing for an extended period or without interruption 持久的 redundancy [rɪˈdʌndənsi] n.[U] the state of being not or no longer needed or useful 冗余 incarnate [ɪnˈkɑːnət] adj. in human form 化身的 flip [flɪp] v. If you flip something, you turn it over quickly one or more times, and if something flips, it turns over quickly. (使)快速翻转,迅速翻动 fling [flɪŋ] v. throw or hurl forcefully 扔,抛 gloom [ɡluːm] n.[U] partial or total darkness 悲伤,忧郁 bosom [ˈbʊzəm] n.[C] embrace 怀抱 smothering [ˈsmʌðərɪŋ] adj. suffocating 令人窒息的 goof [ɡuːf] v. act foolishly 犯错误 retrace [riːˈtreɪs] v. go back over (the same route that one has just taken) 回溯,追溯 unclasp [ʌnˈklɑːsp] v. unfasten the clasp of (a bracelet, necklace, or other item of jewelry) 解开,松开
I would agree with you had this occasion been celebrating your staying here; but it marks your departure. By tomorrow you'll be out of here, since your parents paid only for four years, not a day longer. So you must go elsewhere, to make your careers, money, families, to meet your unique fates. And as for that elsewhere, neither among stars and in the tropics nor across the border in Vermont is there much awareness of this ceremony on the Dartmouth Green. One wouldn't even bet that the sound of your band reaches White River Junction.
departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə] n.[C,U] an act of leaving an organization or position 离开(某组织)
the tropics the hottest part of the world, which is around the equator 热带(地区)
this neck of the woods this part of a particular area 在这/我们这一带等 pit sth against sth to cause one person, group, or thing to fight against or be in competition with another 使相斗,使竞争,使较量 prudence [ˈpruːdəns] n.[U] a sensible and careful attitude that makes you avoid unnecessary risks 明智谨慎,慎重,审慎 fanfare [ˈfænfer] n.[C] a loud, short piece of music played on brass instruments, often to announce something important(通常指宣布要人到场的)号角齐鸣
fortify sb / yourself (against sb/sth) to make sb/yourself feel stronger, braver, etc. (在物质或精神上)加强,增强
feeble [ˈfiːbəl] adj. not effective; not showing determination or energy 无效的,缺乏决心的,无力的
wearisome [ˈwɪrɪsəm] adj. causing one to feel tired or bored 使人感到疲倦的
runaway [ˈrʌnəweɪ] adj. out of control 失去控制的
a round tripa journey to a place and back again 有来有回的旅行
derive [dɪˈraɪv] v. obtain something from (a specified source) 得到
unpalatable [ʌnˈpælətəbl] adj. unpleasant and not easy to accept 令人不快的,难以接受的
recede [rɪˈsiːd] v. go or move back or further away from a previous position 后退
tenderness [ˈtendənəs] n.[U] gentleness and kindness 温柔
muster [ˈmʌstər] v. assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in preparation for battle 召集