import cv2 # opencv2 package for python.import pafy # pafy allows us to read videos from youtube.URL = "" #URL to parseplay =[-1] #'-1' means read the lowest quality of video.assert play is not None # we want to make sure their is a input to = cv2.VideoCapture(play.url) #create a opencv video stream.
import cv2stream = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 0 means read from local camera.
如果你们正在构建将部署在服务器上的应用程序,摄像机拥有一个自己的 IP 地址,你可以从中访问视频流。
from torch import hub # Hub contains other models like FasterRCNNmodel = torch.hub.load( \ 'ultralytics/yolov5', \ 'yolov5s', \ pretrained=True)
我们可以说“解析一个视频流,从一帧开始”。那么让我们看看如何对单个帧进行评分和解析。我们用来执行应用的设备对我们的应用速度产生了巨大的影响,现代深度学习模型在使用 GPU 时效果最好,因此如果你们有一个带有 CUDA 内核的 GPU,它将大大提高您的性能。根据经验,即使是单个 GPU 的系统也可以达到每秒 45-60 帧,而 CPU 最多只能提供 25-30 帧。
"""The function below identifies the device which is availabe to make the prediction and uses it to load and infer the frame. Once it has results it will extract the labels and cordinates(Along with scores) for each object detected in the frame."""def score_frame(frame, model): device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' frame = [torch.tensor(frame)] results = self.model(frame) labels = results.xyxyn[0][:, -1].numpy() cord = results.xyxyn[0][:, :-1].numpy() return labels, cord
"""The function below takes the results and the frame as input and plots boxes over all the objects which have a score higer than our threshold."""def plot_boxes(self, results, frame): labels, cord = results n = len(labels) x_shape, y_shape = frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0] for i in range(n): row = cord[i] # If score is less than 0.2 we avoid making a prediction. if row[4] < 0.2: continue x1 = int(row[0]*x_shape) y1 = int(row[1]*y_shape) x2 = int(row[2]*x_shape) y2 = int(row[3]*y_shape) bgr = (0, 255, 0) # color of the box classes = self.model.names # Get the name of label index label_font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX #Font for the label. cv2.rectangle(frame, \ (x1, y1), (x2, y2), \ bgr, 2) #Plot the boxes cv2.putText(frame,\ classes[labels[i]], \ (x1, y1), \ label_font, 0.9, bgr, 2) #Put a label over box. return frame
"""The Function below oracestrates the entire operation and performs the real-time parsing for video stream."""def __call__(self): player = self.get_video_stream() #Get your video stream. assert player.isOpened() # Make sure that their is a stream. #Below code creates a new video writer object to write our #output stream. x_shape = int(player.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) y_shape = int(player.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) four_cc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG") #Using MJPEG codex out = cv2.VideoWriter(out_file, four_cc, 20, \ (x_shape, y_shape)) ret, frame = # Read the first frame. while rect: # Run until stream is out of frames start_time = time() # We would like to measure the FPS. results = self.score_frame(frame) # Score the Frame frame = self.plot_boxes(results, frame) # Plot the boxes. end_time = time() fps = 1/np.round(end_time - start_time, 3) #Measure the FPS. print(f"Frames Per Second : {fps}") out.write(frame) # Write the frame onto the output. ret, frame = # Read next frame.