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日期: 来源:陈仲凯老师收集编辑:陈仲凯老师


Part B

52. Directions

Write an essay of 160–200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the implied meaning, and

3) give your comments.

Write your answer neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

In the illustration two men are shown on a trip making their way up a mountain path. The man sitting on the step is complaining that he is too exhausted to continue and refuses to keep going. His friend is offering him a bottle of water, and encourages him to keep climbing after a short rest. The lesson that we can learn from this picture is about perseverance.
In all kinds of fields, from science to sports, people have to work hard to achieve their goals.Forsomepeoplethisprocesscanbeeasy,butforotherpeopleitcanbedifficultandtheymightwanttogiveup.What is important to remember is that everyone finds life difficult sometimes, and it is okay to stop, take a break, and then restart your journey. Take Thomas Edison, for example, he had to do thousands of experiments before he made the perfect lightbulb, but he persevered and became successful.
What is more, if you have friends to encourage and support you, then you will be much more likely to succeed. In summary, life is not always going to be a bed of roses, but as long as you keep trying then you will eventually succeed.


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