(English version below)
2023年3月12-13日, “城市、文化、创造力”能力建设培训于兰州举行。90余位来自甘肃省文化和旅游厅及直属单位、世行贷款甘肃丝绸之路经济带文化传承与创新项目的七个市/县/区、甘肃高校学院、甘肃世界文化遗产地、甘肃重点文旅企业的代表及非遗传承人代表参与了此次培训。
此次培训班以联合国教科文组织与世界银行联合开发的的 "城市、文化、创造力"框架为基础,邀请到文化和创意领域的顶尖专家向学员授课,并采取高度互动模式,鼓励参与者之间的讨论,为政府和私营企业的文化专业人员与当地利益攸关方之间创造交流互动机会。
From 12 to 13 March, “Cities, Culture, Creativity” Framework Capacity Building Workshop was held in Lanzhou. Around 90 participants from Gansu provincial government, seven project cities/counties/districts of Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project, local universities and vocational institutions, heritage sites, and private sectors, and ICH bearers joined the workshop.
The workshop was developed based on the ‘Cities, Culture, and Creativity’ (CCC) Framework, jointly developed by UNESCO and the World Bank. Key training lectures was delivered by experts identified and invited by UNESCO in the field of culture and creativity. The workshop adopts highly interactive approaches, encouraging discussions among participants, creating opportunities for interactions between cultural professionals from both governmental and private sectors with local stakeholders.
The training was opened by Dr. Duong Bich Hanh, Programme Specialist for Culture UNESCO Beijing Office and Mr. Tian Xuegong, Deputy Director of Gansu Provincial Cultural and Tourism Department. Dr. Duong highlighted the World Bank-financed Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project, aiming to support Gansu through awareness raising, capacity building and policy guidelines. Mr. Tian emphasized that culture remains an enabler of sustainable development, and Gansu has rich resources in culture and tourism. He hoped the workshop can foster more innovative practices.
Culture for Sustainable Development
The role of culture for sustainable development got further illustrated in Prof. Zhang Jianwei (Deputy Director of the School of Archaeology & Museology, Peking University, and Executive Deputy Director of WHITRAP-BEIJING)’s presentation on culture-related concepts, principles and international instruments. Prof. Zhang also shares cases on engaging the public in heritage preservation.
Prof. Dong Wei (Professor of Urban Planning, School of Architecture, Southeast University, holder professor) analyzed Gansu’s potential for sustainable development from the perspective of Asian history. In his view, Gansu has the potential to become the pioneer demonstration area of digital culture and tourism, and has late-developing advantage in the new intelligent society.
Gansu's Cultural Ecosystem
The session in the afternoon 12 March focuses on Gansu’s cultural ecosystem, beginning with the Li Hangying’s and Zhang Yining’s sharing of brief province’s cultural profile constructed based on the framework of UNESCO 2030 Cultural Indicators. Representatives from 7 cities/counties/districts later introduced cultural resources of their locality. During the group discussion, participants actively discussed about the cultural uniqueness of their place, and identified their priorities for further development.
To kick start the next group discussion on opportunities and constrains local stakeholders currently face in preserving and promoting their cultural resources and assets, Dr. Duong Bich Hanh introduced the Cities, Culture and Creativity Framework. Group participants then exchanged views on local existing enablers and gaps to be addressed in order to unlock the potential of culture.
Digital Solutions for Culture
The Session 3 on 13 March was designed to share digital solutions that can benefit the development of the culture sector in an innovative way. Prof. Xiang Yong (Dean of the Institute for Cultural Industries, and Professor of the School of Arts, Peking University) shared case studies of digital solutions for culture sector that can potentially be applicable to Gansu, while Prof. Ba Duoxun from Northwest Normal University introduced some existing solutions currently utilized in the province to safeguard and promote intangible cultural heritage (ICH).
Joint Action Plan for Culture
Fully aware of the important role of culture in sustainable development, participants identified a list of actions. Guided by Prof. Ba Duoxun, the participants reached consensus on a harmonized action plan for Gansu province, and were aware of that such actions required joint efforts by different government departments as well as the support of different stakeholders.
Among the actions proposed, highlights include the establishment of inter-sectoral collaboration, especially with the private sector; the professionalizing and mainstreaming of culture education, especially ICH, in local universities as well as creating formal exchanges between local universities and universities from other provinces; the setting up of a digital platform to showcase cultural resources; and strengthening regulations and improving awareness to ensure that the contribution of culture to sustainable development is maximized.
Capacity Building Outcomes
According to the data drawn from 42 evaluation questionnaires collected, 93% of them believe the capacity building workshop is very useful for their future work. Particularly, many respondents mention the workshop provided them with inspirations in maximizing the potential of culture for sustainable development and application of digital solutions in cultural sector. Below are some voices from the participants:
“The workshop is well-timed. It will help Gansu to foster more culture and tourism talents.”
——Prof. Ba Duoxun, Northwest Normal University
“The workshop broadened our horizons by providing us with innovative ways of ‘gameplay’, and helped us to re-think our own work. Also, the workshop brought together different stakeholders in culture and tourism and gave us the face-to-face opportunities to communicate with top experts.”
——Representative from Dingxi Municipality
“The training is a real ‘brain storm’.”
——Representative from Tianshui Municipality
“ICH safeguarding faces many challenges. We hope UNESCO can provide us with more technical support.”
——Hua’er representative bearer