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IMPA-BRI Program 2023-2024 Application Guide

日期: 来源:清华大学公共管理学院收集编辑:


Program Introduction

The International Master of Public Administration in Belt and Road Initiative (IMPA-BRI) Program is a one-year English program delivered by the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM), Tsinghua University. Developed out of the IMPA program, IMPA-BRI is particularly designed to expand the scope of cooperation and exchange among the BRI-participating countries, and train promising talents for the BRI countries. Featuring a curriculum that combines course studies, field research and thesis writing, the program aims to help participants

· gain a better understanding of China’s development experiences and of the BRI;

· develop their analytical capability for public policy;

· and build leadership skills that are necessary for public-sector professionals.


For Whom

Eligible applicants should be middle to upper level government officials, and senior managers of public & private sectors (including faculty and senior managerial staff of universities/colleges/academic institutions) from BRI-participating or BRI-related countries. They should be under the age of 45 at the time of application, with at least 5 years of working experience. 


Scholarship and Fees

All successful applicants of the IMPA-BRI program will receive full scholarship provided by Tanoto Foundation China, which covers:

1) full tuition and miscellaneous cost (120,000 RMB/person);

2) accommodation subsidy and living allowance (6,000 RMB/person/month);

3) medical insurance (800 RMB/person);

4) field trip and research fee.


The application fee of 800RMB should be self-covered by the applicant.


Application Requirements*

(*Please check the detailed requirements on the program website.)

(1) Bachelor’s Degree certificate (original copy) and its authentication report. The degree diploma awarded by overseas universities should be authenticated by Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, Ministry of Education PRC. The degree diploma awarded by universities of Chinese mainland should be authenticated by Center for Student Services and Development (CSSD), Ministry of Education PRC.


(2) Academic transcript of the bachelor's education (original copy).

(3) Personal statement which indicates your educational and work background, your motivation for applying to IMPA-BRI, your relevant strengths and accomplishments, and your study plans and career goals.

(4) Two letters of recommendation (original copy, in English or Chinese): One letter must be from a professor of a higher education institution at which you have studied; the other must be from your current employer.

(5) Official results of English language proficiency tests for applicants whose first language or language of instruction in their tertiary education are not English (preferred).

(6) Foreigner Physical Examine Form: The examine result must be obtained within one month of application, stating that the applicant has no serious infectious diseases or any diseases which could prevent entry into China.


Note: Starting from 2023, students from overseas are required to come to the Tsinghua campus for onsite study. Online study channels will no longer be provided. Applicants must be able to comply with this.


Application Deadline

May 15, 2023

Apply here:



Contact Us

Email: impa-bri@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: 8610-62795912

Website: https://www.sppm.tsinghua.edu.cn/english/Admissions/IMPA_BRI.htm 



The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road initiative, known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping and has attracted close attention from all over the world. The five major goals of the BRI are: policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds.

The International Master of Public Administration in the Belt and Road Initiative (IMPA-BRI) program offered at Tsinghua SPPM is under the “Belt and Road” Talent Development Program, which is hosted by International Cooperation Center (ICC) of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Tanoto Foundation China.

供稿 | 国际合作与交流办公室

编辑 | 发展办


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