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比音勒芬: 精准客群差异定位,运动轻奢高质量成长

日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:天风国际机构研究

Biem.L.Fdlkk Garment 

(002832 CH)


High-quality growth in luxury lightweight sportswear; precise differential positioning in customer segments

BUY (maintain)

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis



Premium positioning: demand rise with improving footfall and temperatures 

Biem.L.Fdlkk Garments’ positioning in the premium segment allows it to more precisely fulfill middle-class customer needs, with a sales network of core business districts and high-speed rail stations, airports and other transportation hubs across China. The recovery pace in foreign markets suggests that brands positioned at the higher end enjoy better elasticity. We expect store footfall to improve as business activity returns, on top of seasonal temperature changes, which would greatly bring back demand for mid-to-high-end casual apparel.




3rd-4th tier cities: omnichannel network, optimized operations lift premium market

The company uses a direct sales strategy for the 1st and 2nd-tier cities’ market, while it sets up franchised stores in the lower-tier cities. With new retail channels and deep ties with ecommerce platforms, Biem woos quality offline VIP customers to go online as well. The O2O integration provides a better shopping experience for its customers.

Middle-class consumers in 3rd to 4th-tier cities could become the fastest-growing demographic in the future. Their consumer confidence is high and their demand for higher-end brands especially has risen significantly. Biem could seize the opportunity to quickly ramp up growth in this channel. We are bullish about prospects for premium consumers in the 3rd to 4th-tier cities.



Specialty golf shops open up the market: wider price band includes youth buyers 

The company launched its Biem.L.Fdlkk specialty golf shops in 2022 and runs them directly. The golf series combines functionality and daily commute wear, spanning work and sports scenarios, and includes entry-level models as well as premium products in a broad price band, thus also catering to price-sensitive younger buyers.



Branding initiatives increase exposure to boost brand profile and identity

The company focuses on targeted customer groups by implementing integrated marketing, which incorporates product planning and design, terminal visual images, window ads, product displays, brand endorsements and marketing planning. The series of new media marketing methods targets customer groups and aims to raise the brand’s influence and popularity. Biem communicated the thrust of its brand concept and culture with placements of large-screen and train advertisements in key transportation hubs across China. It announced Bruneian artiste Wu Chun as its new brand ambassador in January and launched a themed film to convey its elite positioning and brand proposition. 


比音芬勒在自身优势产品T恤领域继续发力,打造热门款小领T,有望进一步提升品牌口碑和客户忠诚度;通过联名故宫宫廷文化,迎合当前国潮风的市场风潮,以产品多元化扩展年轻群体市场;最新推出的ECONYL ®环保再生锦纶产品书写品牌环保态度,展现积极承担社会责任的品牌形象。

Add environmentally sustainable apparel to an innovative product line-up 

Biem continues to leverage competitive advantages with its popular T-shirts, creating a small-collar T-shirt to enhances the brand’s profile and customer loyalty. Its co-branding with the Forbidden City palace culture caters to market trends that evoke the national vibe while diversifying its product offerings toward younger consumers. The newly launched ECONYL® nylon products, which use environmentally friendly recycled materials, express the brand’s environmentally sustainable stance and socially responsible identity.

投资建议/Investment Ideas


Valuation and risks

We maintain our profit forecast and BUY rating. Biem continues to consolidate its differential positioning advantages. It leads the branded sports and leisure market, while remaining focused on quality channel growth and its core customer segments. We forecast revenue of RMB3.27bn/3.94bn/4.72bn and net profit of RMB730m/950m/1.23bn in 2022/23/24E, with EPS at RMB1.28/1.66/2.15.


Risks include: slower store expansion than expected; less store efficiency improvement than expected; rising labor, warehousing and logistical allocation costs; and worsening impact from international sports brand competition.

Email: equity@tfisec.com

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