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日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:风研海外

Zbom Home Collection 

(603801 CH)


2022E preliminary results exceed expectations: robust operational performance augurs well for future growth

BUY (maintain)

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


2022E drivers: digitized process restructure, cost control, operating efficiency 

Zbom published 2022E preliminary results: the flash report had revenue at RMB5.39bn (yoy+4.6%) and net profit at RMB540m (yoy+6.1%). Q1-3 gross margin rose slightly and led to 2022E net margin of 10.0% (yoy+0.1ppt). Q4E revenue was RMB1.87bn (yoy+2.3%), while net profit was RMB221m (yoy+7.7%) and net margin was 11.8% (yoy+0.6ppt). Despite the Q4 pandemic and high base, revenue and profit achieved growth, leading steadily to a slight lift in 2022E profitability. Zbom’s digital restructure led process changes amid better cost control, which greatly increased operating efficiency.


Revenue took a stable uptrend while policy easing boosted revenue growth across various categories. Customized wardrobes drew revenue of RMB1.44bn in 22Q1-3, yoy+21.5%, with gross margin at 37.0%; we expect the high growth to have continued in Q4E. Cabinets revenue declined 6.4% in 22Q1-3. Amid an easing stance and the rollout of a policy to expedite presold housing completions in 2022, Zbom pushed production to deliver projects across the country on time. We expect greater growth in the bulk business in Q4E, with a good growth momentum across all categories. 


Distribution channel expansion: packaged business; new and premium markets

Closely managed franchisee model: Zbom has a mature distribution agency model centered on eastern China and the entire Chinese market, with an expansive retail marketing network. It has 1,713 integrated kitchen cabinet distribution stores, 1,708 customized wardrobe distribution stores, and 713 wooden door and wall panel distribution stores as of 30 Sep 2022. It takes on quality franchisees and drives their management platform life-cycle from investment to building the store as well as operations, implementing the franchisee structure in a step-by-step process. To guard its brand image at end-stores, it covers store building and redecoration, and expanding channels to ensure good outcomes. This combines with product planning targeted at raising service levels while instilling professional store knowledge. In this way, franchisees are empowered to improve store management and profitability. 

Leveling up into new markets: because of its early buildout, Zbom has been able to quickly improve its packaged remodeling business. It is seeking more collaboration opportunities across key areas of the country. It planned to set up a Super State regional service center in 22H2, establishing a superstar service team and an evaluation system in preparation for the next round of competition in the packaged business model. In the bulk business, the company consolidated cooperation with strategic real estate customers in 2022, while it also added SOE customers. It set off new growth directions in the engineering business by exploring R&D and the market expansion of segments like elderly-friendly apartments, corporate apartments, talent apartments and premium engineering.


Production planning provides full play of supply chain advantages 

To ensure business growth, Zbom’s production bases carry out production line and capacity planning. The Hefei production base, for instance, has multi-category production lines such as kitchen cabinets, wardrobes and wooden doors, covering veneers, film pressure and finished products. The Qingyuan base has total planned production capacity of RMB2.5bn and will build a smart factory with smart production lines for kitchens and wardrobes to ensure production efficiency. It targets the southern China retail market, strategic engineering customers and batch exports. The company prioritizes synergistic efficiency across its production bases and integrates kitchen and wardrobe resources, while exploring the integration model of dry storage and distribution, which effectively improves payment rates and reduces total cost. 

投资建议/Investment Ideas

维持盈利预测,维持“买入”评级:公司深耕经销渠道,创新管理激发团队并赋能经销商,同时全面布局整装、拎包业务;产品端,持续打造设计领先优势,加强套系化研发,品类间协同效应逐步显现。我们预计23-24年归母净利润分别为6.4/7.6亿元,同比+18%/+19%,对应PE 16x/13x。

Valuation and risks

Zbom Home Collection is consolidating its distribution channels: using innovative management to motivate the team and empower dealers, while overseeing the comprehensive development of the packaged remodeling and turnkey businesses. In its products, the company is honing a competitive edge in design while strengthening product sets via R&D. We believe the inter-segmental synergy that it looks for will emerge in time. We maintain our net profit forecast of RMB640m/761m in 2023/24E, yoy+18%/+19%, corresponding to PE of 16x/13x. We maintain our BUY rating.


Risks include: the company’s earnings report is only preliminary and subject to the release of its final annual report; intensifying competition; and project construction capacities fall short of expectations.

Email: equity@tfisec.com

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