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活动预告 | 第一届“甘肃对话”即将于兰州开幕

日期: 来源:联合国教科文组织收集编辑:BEJ/CLT

活动预告 | 第一届“甘肃对话”即将于兰州开幕

(English version below)

  • https://en.unesco.org/node/358564




  • 对甘肃的文化和创意生态系统展开深入分析,就甘肃独特的文化禀赋和目前面临的主要制约因素达成共识;

  • 为甘肃文化领域的发展战略出谋献策;

  • 确认创新行动方针,最大限度地发挥甘肃文化领域的潜力,促进可持续发展。

本次活动在世行贷款甘肃丝绸之路经济带文化传承与创新项目的框架下展开,丝绸之路沿线的七个县区将参加此次对话,它们分别是:1)天水市麦积区;2)天水市秦安县;3)定西市临洮县;4)定西市通渭县;5)张掖市甘州区;6)敦煌市和 7)酒泉市。


First Gansu Dialogue Will Be Opened in Lanzhou

The First Gansu Dialogue, co-organized by UNESCO Beijing Office and Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, will be held from 12 March to 21 March. With a focus on leveraging culture and creativity for sustainable development and inclusive growth, the activity consists of three components: “Cities, Culture, Creativity” Framework Capacity Building Workshop (12-13 March), Conference of Mayors (14-15 March), and a field study of 7 pilot sites (16-21 March). Please find detailed agenda in our conference brochure

  • https://en.unesco.org/node/358564

Urbanization is swiftly increasing across the globe. Today, more than half of humanity lives in cities. By 2050, cities will host 2.5 billion more urban dwellers, making the world almost 70% urban. Cities carry the potential for creating new forms of diverse cultural expressions as sources of employment, creative economic and innovation. Culture has the power to make cities more prosperous, safer and sustainable. Creativity can generate broader opportunities for cultural professionals and organizations to promote social inclusion. It also has significant economic impacts, providing solutions to several urban challenges, including mobility, urbanism, environment and citizen wellbeing.

The diversity and special characteristics of the cultural and creative industries require tailored policies for empowering local development. A cross-cutting approach will support national and local decision-makers in leveraging culture and creativity to an inclusive urban growth in ways never before.

The First Gansu Dialogue is the first major opportunity that gathers more than 100 leaders, experts and a wide range of stakeholders from the government, academia, civil society, private sector and the local communities. Under the theme of “Cities, Culture and Creativity”, it is expected that the participants will reach consensus on the important role of culture in achieving sustainable development, and renew their commitment to take actions to realize this important role.

Specifically, through conversation between leaders, experts and stakeholders, the First Gansu Dialogue will:
  • Generate a shared understanding on Gansu’s cultural and creative ecosystems and key constraints currently faced at the 7 pilot project sites;
  • Chart development strategies for Gansu’s culture sector;
  • Identify innovative actions to maximize the potentials of the culture sector for future sustainable development.

The First Gansu Dialogue is organized within the scope of Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project, and seven counties and districts along the Silk Road route will join this dialogue. These are: 1) Maiji District in Tianshui Municipality; 2) Qin’an County in Tianshui Municipality; 3) Lintao County in Dingxi Municipality; 4) Tongwei County in Dingxi Municipality; 5) Ganzhou District in Zhangye Municipality; 6) Dunhuang Municipality and 7) Jiuquan Municipality.

Please visit the project website to learn more about the Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project: 

https://en.unesco.org/node/358453; and https://en.unesco.org/node/358564


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