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Thermal transfer paper prices rise again; we would focus on a demand recovery
BUY (maintain) |
投资要点/Investment Thesis
投资要点/Investment Thesis
When product prices go up, so does paper producers’ profitability
Xianhe announced plans to raise the price of its thermal transfer paper by RMB1,000/t from 5 March 2023; this follows a RMB1,000/t price rise in its thermal transfer base paper on 15 Feb. We think that rising downstream demand is driving this round of price increases. The downstream market for thermal transfer base paper mainly comprises the textile and garment industries. As factories enter the summer apparel stock-up cycle, demand would rise for thermal transfer base paper. We like the implementation prospects of this round of price increases. Product price increases improve the profitability of paper producers, which could accelerate growth in 2023E.
Regulatory standards and premiumization heat up demand for thermal printing
Thermal transfer paper is mainly used to transfer designs in textile printing, as well as applications such as building materials and inkjet digital printing. Along with more stringent environmental protection policies and rising consumer demand for personalization and upgrades, demand for inkjet digital transfer materials has shot up in recent years. Digital print transfers play a major role in the international market and are a main driver of future Chinese market growth. We believe the printing materials have considerable growth potential. China’s thermal transfer paper output was 230kt in 2021, with print transfer paper accounting for a large proportion at 60% and inkjet digital printing paper at about 30%. We believe downstream apparel and ceramics demand will expand China’s potential in thermal transfer paper production.
Global supply shift to Southeast Asia gives the advantage to Chinese leaders
The downstream sector shift to Southeast Asia has placed the competitiveness of Chinese paper companies in the spotlight. As for the textile and garment industries, we observe a shift of production capacities to Southeast Asia, changing the global supply structure. Chinese paper companies would have supply chain advantages over their European counterparts due to their geographical proximity to Southeast Asia. We believe that the high technological and environmental protection requirements of thermal transfer paper production would give leading companies the advantage. Among them, Xianhe had a market share of over 30% in 2021 and its sales revenue from transfer print materials increased 26.88% in 22H1.
Competitive advantage: lower product weight equates to better cost and efficiency
With the current trend focusing on weight reduction in thermal transfer paper, we believe lightweight will become a key growth factor in the future. For customers, lightweight packs in more products and transfer paper with low grammage covers more area per ton, thereby optimizing production cost and reducing cost while raising efficiency. The low-quantity inkjet thermal transfer base paper developed by Xianhe’s subsidiary Zhefeng New Materials has been cleared for approval after a provincial review. We expect it will lead in driving the direction of market development. We believe the company will retain its product leadership based on its forward-looking technological resources.
23Q2E profit elasticity likely with falling pulp prices; valuation recovery in 23Q1E
•Shipping trends: after the slowing momentum in shipping during the Chinese New Year in January, we expect the pace of shipments to pick up from February and March. As work and production resumes, shipments would likely normalize.
•Cost: the reference price of hardwood pulp was RMB6,030/t on 20 Feb, a 4.1% drop from RMB6,290/t on 1 Feb. With pulp prices dropping steadily, we expect mom profits will improve.
•Price: special paper has relatively rigid demand and a clear supply structure, giving the market leader pricing power to an extent. We expect a demand rise will bring a profit uptrend.
2023E incremental production capacity rollouts in Xianhe’s year of expansion
We expect the company’s 300kt food packaging cardboard project will commence operation in March 2023E. The Guangxi Laibin and Hubei Shishou projects for high-performance paper-based new materials utilize local resources for maximum advantage. This drives the company’s full value chain where it integrates the forestry, pulp and paper businesses to make up for upstream pulp shortfalls. It expects some pulp lines and base paper production capacities to commence operation by the end of 2023E.
投资建议/Investment Ideas
Valuation and risks
As a specialty paper leader, Xianhe has deep technological experience and is at the forefront of industry developments. We expect it will benefit from the Davis double-play effect in terms of both demand and cost improvements. We forecast net profit of RMB1.26bn/1.65bn in 2023/24E, with PE at 17/13x, and maintain our BUY rating.
Risks include: raw material price fluctuations; weaker-than-expected downstream demand; lower-than-expected production capacity releases; and the impact of macroeconomic volatility.
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