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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.
Global Citizenship Education in Praxis: Pathways for Schools
主编:Anders Schultz, Mads Blom
Internationalisation and intercultural competence are key ideas in contemporary education and have been much theorised and practised in higher education but have not received the same attention in school contexts. Linked to these ideas is an increasing focus on global citizenship and the development of students' critical thinking skills and self-realisation. This book is based on a decade of experience of combining all three concepts in the practice of an upper secondary school in Denmark which is linked to 16 schools in 15 countries. The book includes both a description of the project by the teachers who have taken part and an analysis by researchers who have worked with them to deliver the programme.
This inspiring text introduces an innovative new approach to integrating global citizenship into schools. It covers both theory and practice, and features case studies for school subjects ranging from ESL and foreign languages to science, geography and history. A valuable addition to the bookshelves of teachers, administrators, scholars and politicians!
——Kip Cates, Professor Emeritus, Tottori University, Japan
——Hugh Starkey, Institute of Education, UCL, UK
——Irina Golubeva, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
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Anders Schultz is Head of the Global Citizenship Programme at Rysensteen Upper Secondary, Denmark. He has published and lectured on the Global Citizenship Programme both within Denmark and internationally.
Mads Blom is the Pedagogical Coordinator of the Global Citizenship Programme at Rysensteen Upper Secondary, Denmark. He has published and lectured on the Global Citizenship Programme within Denmark and internationally.
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