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研客专栏 | 传奇投资者Drukenmiller的最新观点

日期: 来源:对冲研投收集编辑:

文 |  Drukenmiller 加州分析员

编辑 | 杨兰

审核 | 浦电路交易员

传奇投资者Stan Drukenmiller昨天在某主权基金投资年会上发言,以下是其目前市场观点和持仓部分。

Q: Stan, we have been discussing inflation, energy, AI chips, geopolitics and so on so when you put your investing hat on what's at the top of your mind


A: The top of my mind, first of all it's good to see you Nikolai. I would guess the top of my mind is just how uncertain for me trying to analyze the environment is going forward. I've been doing this for 45 years I've studied a lot of economic history but I've never had a situation where you had free money for 11 years, a very broad asset bubble followed by jacking up rates 500 basis points in 12 months.  So for someone like me who likes to look at history and come up with potential scenarios this is a particularly difficult period


Two years ago wasn't so difficult when you had two years yield at 15 basis points and money's probably growing at 30%. it didn't take a genius to figure out that was a good risk reward. These days things are a lot more complicated but you just mentioned about everything on our mind the generative AI, inflation is on our mind, acid bubbles currencies all the stuff we usually think about


Q: so how do you navigate it then


A: uh well luckily I don't have any clients so I don't have too much pressure. well you see I have I have one client


Q: and it's pretty big


A: it's really big um I don't have to I don't feel performance pressure. so historically I deal in five or six asset buckets tends to keep me out of trouble in terms of playing in an area where I shouldn't be playing at a particular time and I think it's one of the most important things to do is not to play when you when you don't see a fat pitch.


I don't see a fat pitch in fixing comes, extremely complicated because I'm I'm in the hard Landing camp, probably sometime later this year. but again this is so complicated I'm not willing to place a big bet and even if I believe in a hard Landing which I do what do you do with two-year treasuries and a sub four percent with funds at five and a quarter I better be right of my hard Landing if I want to own fixed income. and then in the long run um historically this is easy if I believe we're hard Landing I'm supposed to own bonds, but they're not exactly a screaming bargain. 10 years at three and a half in in the U.S particularly with a Fed that has certainly shown some metal in the last year but historically I wouldn't say Jerome Powell is a profiling courage so if we get into hard landing and he moves aggressively, I could see bonds and inflation coming back with a Vigor from what I expect to be a lower level than right now.



I will say that the response to Silicon Valley a nerve May a little because in four days they print enough money they basically wiped out the entire reduction of the balance sheet they had done for five or six months so if I'm trying to look ahead and anticipate I don't have a lot of faith in these guys should we get into a hard Landing that they're going to hold the line and not do something maybe worse than Arthur Burns


Q:where does it leave equities


A: I think within the equity Market, if put a gun in my head, I'd be sure the economy to the extent I should something pure like Russell 2000.  Obviously I don't want to go into individual short names but names um like that old economy economically sensitive stuff but let's just say we're gonna have a hard landing and a bad recession in the U.S what does that mean for NVIDIA I don't know. I mean oils and and chemicals went up in 73 and 74. Staples have gone up in bad recessions in the U.S historically what do I do if with a company if you have a bad recession in the U.S but it's growing wildly throughout that period because we have an arms rates going on in its space it's not clear to me it goes down so I think the equities are complicated.


I mean I'd say the one area that whether I feel reasonably comfortable in is I'm sure the United States dollar. Currency Trends tend to run at least two or three years we had a long one here over 10 trillion something like 13 trillion came into the US dollar during the previous decade I will say full disclosure I missed the dollar, probably the biggest Miss in my career and in currency trades. I missed the last nine months run up in the dollar I just couldn't bring myself down Joe Biden and Jerome Powell but um on a relative basis the tightening in the U.S going forward will not be as much as as the foreigners.


Now that we've weaponized the dollar and you've got people like Lula running around asking why we need to be trading in US Dollars. By the way it's not a bad question historically we could be trusted we had a rule of law a lot of things.  So about the only space I have any risk on right now it's it's in the US dollar.


Don't run out in short dogs I could change my mind in a week but that's where I am right now and I'm also on gold obviously for the same reasons.


Q: but just uh just to come back to this so you say you haven't seen it as problematic for 45 years and it's really complicated and so on so what do you do then you're sitting cash or um


A: no I'm too I'd like to I'd like to say I had I'm still in cash but I'm too much of a junkie I'm always doing something. I I'd say uh our equities were about three percent net short which is nothing but again I've got there's always equities we like versus other equities. our fixed income position is minimal except in jgbs where I don't know whether I'm getting it paid or not but I think the risk reward is is ridiculous it reminds me a little just a little of the two-year two years ago they have an inflation problem but again I'm dealing on government action so it's not cash we got stuff going on but uh I'd say my P&L doesn't move generally more than 30 or 40 basis points a day that's how button down I have what I'll call our Matrix here our Matrix being the buckets I talked about and the investment within those buckets yeah










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