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招贤纳士 | 亚行驻中国代表处招聘性别官员——申请截止日期延长至2023年4月3日24时

日期: 来源:亚洲开发银行收集编辑:亚洲开发银行




Job Purpose

The Gender Officer will perform various tasks for strengthening gender focus in ADB’s operations and knowledge work in PRC. In particular, the position will support ADB's and the Government of PRC’s policies on gender mainstreaming and development in the design, preparation, and implementation of loans, grants and technical assistance projects, in partnership with the government, external donor agencies, the private sector, and civil society organizations. The incumbent is expected to manage gender mainstreaming of assigned projects and participate in project processing and monitor implementation, to support both gender mainstreaming and gender thematic work of the PRCM, EARD, and the Gender Equality Thematic Group of the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDTC-GEN); compile and analyze information and development trends in gender and social development in PRC; support effective dissemination of EARD and SDTC-GEN knowledge products; and assist in coordination of technical assistance and staff consultancies.

The incumbent will be strategically placed in PRCM for an initial period of 3 years and will receive technical guidance and support from designated international staff from PRCM, EAOD and SDTC-GEN. Designated International Staff from EAOD and/or PRCM and the Chief of Gender Equality Thematic Group, SDTC-GEN will provide supervisory inputs to the incumbent’s annual workplan and performance review.


A. Strategy and Planning

  • Assists in (i) preparing and/or updating the Country Gender Assessments and (ii) providing gender inputs for relevant sector roadmaps, mid-term CPS review and annual updates.

  • Participates in country programming activities by identifying opportunities for gender mainstreaming in operational strategies to be reflected in country programming documents.

  • Participates in country portfolio and performance reviews and identifies gender mainstreaming concerns

  • Acts as the PRCM focal person for gender equality and facilitates the communications among the government, external funding agencies, nongovernment organizations (NGOs), and ADB on relevant issues in reducing gender inequality and promoting gender capacity development.

B. Project & Technical Assistance (TA) Preparation and Administration

  • In coordination with EAOD gender specialist, assumes the lead role in mainstreaming gender in the processing, appraisal and administration of loans and TAs, engaging with colleagues in the RM, EARD, SDTC-GEN, and other relevant ADB Headquarters (HQ) units, government agencies, development partners, private sector partners, and other stakeholders to formulate, process, administer and monitor ADB-financed loan and TA projects.

  • Provides key gender inputs in loan projects and programs in all sectors of country operations, ensures the quality of gender action plans (GAP), summary of poverty reduction and social strategy, and other gender sections of the of the Report and Recommendation of the President (RRP) and Project Administration Manual (PAM)

  • Monitors the quality and timely implementation of gender action plans in country operations, coordinates with EAs/IAs in producing regular GAP implementation updates and monitoring, and drafts the gender sections of project/TA completion reports (PCR/TCR), including GAP implementation matrix and the gender analysis narrative in PCR appendices.

  • Provides guidance for preparing quality GAP monitoring reports on progress and achievements of gender actions and targets under the PRCM loan projects

  • Coordinates with EAs and IAs and project gender consultants to identify and address challenges in the project implementation, with a focus on project GAPs with a view towards tracking, reporting and enhancing on gender equality results of PRCM operations.

  • Provides guidance in required data inputs into the EARD Gender Monitoring System, such as project updates, gender equality results of completed projects, and other information from the semi-annual GAP updates/progress reports.

  • Identifies issues and takes actions to address these issues through interactions with executing and implementing agencies, contractors, consultants, and project beneficiaries, and prepares and implements measures to address the issues.

  • Contributes to the development and administration of stand-alone gender TA projects and sub-projects, as required, and in coordination with EAOD gender specialist, to enhance gender equality results across all sectors of ADB operations in the country.

C. Gender Equality Thematic Work

  • Ensures alignment of project and TA gender targets and indicators with those of the Gender Equality Operational Plan (OP2) and ADB Corporate Results Framework targets and indicators on gender.

  • Contributes to gender thematic work by assisting in the conduct of research, updating information, analyzing financial, institutional or economic data on gender, and preparing reports on these subjects.

  • Coordinates SDTC-GEN and ‘One-ADB’ gender-related TA implementation in PRC.

  • Acts as the focal point for women’s empowerment, and gender equality, and maintains close relationships with the relevant government agencies, and civil society organizations in the country.

D. Knowledge Sharing

  • Develops the gender capacity of ADB’s executing and implementing agencies by preparing and conducting gender awareness raising training seminars for government officials and project staff.

  • Participates in and contributes to internal and external training and conferences on health, education, gender equality, and other social sectors and other activities for advocacy, dissemination and knowledge building.

E. Other Operational Support

  • Performs other duties as assigned and reflected in the incumbent’s workplan.


Relevant Experience & Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in gender and development, social/economic development, sociology, anthropology, public policy, and related fields, with course units and training in gender and development. Preferably with advanced training.

  • At least 8 years of relevant professional experience in project management and implementation, and gender mainstreaming in various sectors. Experiences in ADB gender mainstreaming work is an advantage.

  • Experience and knowledge of various stages of the project cycle (project planning / feasibility analysis / detailed design / project implementation and completion/ construction supervision / contract management) is desirable. Good understanding of ADB's guidelines and government policies and programs on gender equality.

  • Profound understanding of PRC’s social and gender equality situation.

  • Effective technical report-writing and oral communication skills in English, and in Chinese, is essential.

  • Demonstrated ability to liaise and work effectively with government officials within the country.

  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills and ability to identify issues and appropriate actions at the field and office levels.

  • Strong planning and organizing skills to handle a multitude of tasks with given time frames.



▲ 出版物 | 中国女性人力资本与性别收入差距方面的悄然变革

▲ 博客 | 应对气候危机:投资性别平等,发挥女性领导力






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