Michelle Yeoh has won best actress at the 95th Academy Awards on Sunday night, becoming the first woman of Asian descent to win the award.周日晚上,杨紫琼获得第95届奥斯卡最佳女主角,成为首位获得该奖项的亚裔女性,创造了历史。Yeoh, who earned the trophy for her acclaimed performance in “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” has also entered the history books for becoming the first Asian performer to be honored with a best actress Oscar.杨紫琼因在《瞬息全宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All at Once)中的出色表演赢得了这座奖杯,她也因成为奥斯卡史上首位亚裔影后而载入史册。 In “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” Yeoh portrayed Evelyn Wang, a beleaguered Asian American immigrant who runs a laundromat and is confronted with the staggering prospect of infinite possible lives as part of the multiverse. 在《瞬息全宇宙》中,杨紫琼饰演了伊芙琳·王,她是一名陷入困境的亚裔美国移民,和丈夫经营着一家自助洗衣店,面临着多元宇宙中无限可能生命的惊人前景。 以下是杨紫琼发表的获奖感言: Thank you. Thank you.谢谢在座的各位。 For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is the beacon of hope and possibilities. This is proof that dreams dream big and dreams do come true.对于观看今晚颁奖典礼并有着亚裔面孔的孩子们,我想说这座奥斯卡小金人象征着希望和可能。这也证明了人所拥有的远大梦想是可以成真的。And ladies, don't let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime. You never give up.女士们,不要被任何说你已经过气的评论所困扰。永远不要放弃。 I wouldn't be standing here tonight without the Daniels, without A24, without my amazing cast and crew, without everyone who was involved with Everything Everywhere All At Once.如果没有丹尼尔斯,没有A24电影制作公司,没有我们超级优秀的演员和工作人员团队,没有每个参与《瞬息全宇宙》制作的人,我今晚就不会站在这里。 I have to dedicate this to my mom, all the moms in the world. Because they are really the superheroes. And without them, none of us will be here tonight.我要把这个小金人献给我的妈妈,以及世界上所有的妈妈。因为她们是真正的超级英雄。如果没有她们,我们今夜就不会相聚于此。 oh, she's 84 and I'm taking this home to her. She's watching right now in Malaysia KL with my family and friends. I love you guys.我的母亲84岁了,我要把这个小金人带回家给她了。她现在正在马来西亚吉隆坡和我的家人朋友一起观看颁奖典礼。我好爱你们。 And also to my extended family in Hong Kong where I start in my career.我还要感谢我在香港的大家庭,那是我演员生涯开始的地方。 Thank you for letting me stand on your shoulders, giving me a leg up so that I can be here today.谢谢你们给予我的支持和帮助,让我今天能够站在这里。 And to my god children, to my sisters, all of them, to my brothers. Oh god, to my family, thank you, thank you!感谢我的教子女们、我的兄弟姐妹,感谢你们所有人。感谢我的家庭,感谢你们! “Everything Everywhere All at Once” also stars Ke Huy Quan and Jamie Lee Curtis, who both won in their respective supporting acting categories on Sunday night.《瞬息全宇宙》中的两位演员关继威、杰米·李·柯蒂斯分别拿下奥斯卡最佳男女配角奖。 In total, the film won seven Academy Awards out of 11 nominations, including best picture. Among its other wins, “Everything Everywhere” clinched best original screenplay and best director for duo Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert.在本届奥斯卡,该片11项提名中共获得七项大奖,其中包括最佳影片奖。导演关家永和丹尼尔·施纳特共同获得了最佳导演奖和最佳原创剧本奖。该片成为实至名归的最大赢家。 Glendale, Arizona, is changing its name to Swift City in honor of Taylor Swift launching the Eras Tour at State Farm Stadium with two sold-out performances on Friday and Saturday, March 17-18.亚利桑那州格伦代尔市将暂时更名为斯威夫特城,以纪念泰勒·斯威夫特在州立农业保险球场启动The Eras Tour巡演。3月17日至18日周五和周六的两场演出门票销售一空。 The temporary and symbolic rebrand takes effect Friday, the opening day of the tour, and lasts through Saturday.周五,即巡演首日,这一临时性且具有象征意义的更名将生效,并将持续到周六。 The name Swift City was unveiled at a news conference on Monday where Glendale Mayor Jerry P. Weiers read a proclamation laying out the case for Swift and Glendale in a series of sentences beginning with "Whereas"斯威夫特城这个名字在周一的新闻发布会上公布,会上格伦代尔市市长杰里·P·韦尔斯宣读了一份公告,在一系列以“鉴于”为开头的句子中娓娓道来斯威夫特和格伦代尔市的故事, and referencing lyrics to several hits on his way to a closing involving the words "I do hereby declare."并在结束语中引用了斯威夫特几句热门歌词,其中包括:“我在此宣布。” He then added that "all Swifties are encouraged to share their smiles 'that could light up this whole town' on all social media platforms because 'the best people in life are free.'"他接着补充道,“所有斯威夫特市民都可以在所有的社交媒体平台上分享他们的微笑,点亮整个城镇,表示生活幸福的人是自由的。 Glendale will have digital billboards along the freeways and in Westgate Entertainment District, where State Farm Stadium is, welcoming fans to Swift City.格伦代尔市将在高速公路沿线和州立农业保险球场所在的韦斯特盖特娱乐区安装数字广告牌,来欢迎粉丝们来到斯威夫特城。 The city also seized the opportunity to share some helpful tips for fans to know before they head to the concerts:这座城市还借此机会分享了一些有用的建议,供歌迷们在前往演唱会之前参考: Arrive early and stay late to avoid the worst traffic. Purchase parking in advance. Don't rely on your GPS since it may not take road closures into account. 早到晚走,避免交通拥堵;提前购买停车位;不要依赖你的GPS导航,因为它可能不会考虑道路封闭的情况。 Instead, follow directions on your parking pass and look for information on digital road signs.但是,要遵循停车证上的指示,寻找数字路标上的信息。 Rideshare pick up and drop off is in the Black Lot at Montebello and 95th avenues. If you're entering the lot from Loop 101, you'll be routed through the Loop 101 and Camelback Road traffic interchange.共乘车辆接送地点在蒙特贝洛和第95大道的黑色停车场;如果您从101号环路进入停车场,那您将经过101号环路和驼峰路交通交汇处。State Farm Stadium is a cashless venue. The stadium's clear bag policy will be in effect. No lights of any kind will be allowed in the stadium.州立农业保险球场是一个无现金场馆;场馆的清袋政策即将生效;体育场内禁止使用任何灯光。 素材来源:CNN、ABC News、Azcentral推荐视频