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日期: 来源:轨道世界收集编辑:








  • Contracts include state-of-the-art rail electrification technologies for the Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2 and the Surat Metro Phase 1

  • Siemens to provide project management, and deliver rail electrification technologies, including advanced power supply and distribution systems

  • Siemens Mobility further strengthens its’ footprints in India & supports country’s sustainable transformation

Siemens Mobility, as part of a consortium with Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, received two separate orders from Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited (GMRCL) for the Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2 and for the Surat Metro Phase 1. Both cities are in the western state of Gujarat. Siemens Mobility’s share as part of the consortium is worth approximately €75 million.

Andre Rodenbeck, CEO of Rail Infrastructure, Siemens Mobility said: “We are proud not only to supply our state-of-the-art technologies for both lines, but also our local know-how. India’s sustainable transformation of the transport sector is in full swing, and with both projects, in the cities of Surat and Ahmedabad, the local Mass Rapid Transit systems will develop into a world-class public transportation system for the people. This will be a huge advantage for travelers but also for the environment where technology strengthens sustainability.”

The first order is for Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2, which comprises two corridors covering more than 28 kilometers and features 23 stations and one depot. The second order is for Surat Metro Phase 1 being built to serve Surat with a route length of more than 40 kilometers, covering 38 stations and two depots. In addition, Siemens Mobility will also be providing advanced digital solutions including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for both metros, to increase reliability, energy efficiency and productivity.

Well-established presence in India

The history of Siemens in India dates back to 1867, when Werner von Siemens and his brothers built the Indo-European telegraph line from London to Calcutta. Siemens has been supporting operators including Indian Railways with the latest technologies for seven decades and offers a full range of intelligent and efficient technologies and solutions for passenger and freight transportation, including rail infrastructure and rolling stock. Siemens Mobility was recently awarded the largest locomotive order in company history and single largest order in the history of Siemens India. The €3 billion project includes the delivery of 1,200 electric locomotives. The Indian Government and Indian Railways are committed to investing in state-of-the-art products to reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2030.





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