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日期: 来源:TED英语演讲课收集编辑:Polstar



Even as Hollywood has ignored Asian actors, it has over the years co-opted the visual techniques and tropes of Hong Kong cinema.

"If you look at all the visual products from big Hollywood movies to TV, Apple or Netflix or whatever, all these action movies, in one way or another, are influenced by Hong Kong movies," Yen says.
Whereas a younger Yen was once hungry to prove himself, he is no longer excited by offers from Hollywood. "These kinds of opportunities occasionally come up: 'You want to be in this?' It doesn't mean anything," he says.

Yen is proudly Chinese (it's been reported that he gave up his US citizenship in the late aughts; he has since described himself as "100 percent Chinese") and is still amazed at the progress that he has witnessed in his home country during his lifetime.

"Most of the people outside of China don't see it until they are there," Yen says. "The modernization. I have been in so many countries in the world, but it's not even close. The progress—the freeways, the architecture, the convenience of lifestyle."

He is upset when the Western media focuses only on negative stories about China. "The BBC, CNN, they never talk about that. They never mention the true side of it. But I'm there, you know?"

Where once, Hollywood's attitude toward Chinese filmmakers might have angered him, today Yen is more accepting. "I try to look at it less defensive than before. Some people don't know," he says.

"They think they're serving Chinese food. They're not serving Chinese food—because they never had authentic Chinese. They are meant to be respectful. But they've never been to China. You know what I'm saying?"

Yen was upbeat. Today, he says, he sees a "big difference" in the way he and other Asian actors are treated in Hollywood. And one of the great things about cinema, he says, is how unifying it can be—transcending barriers of both language and culture.

"I think action movies," he says, "are a genre that everybody in the world can appreciate."

Bill Gates claimed on Thursday that the US would not be able to achieve the desired result and limit Beijing's ambitions through procurement restrictions – which include a recent attempt to get the chip industry back under US control.

Gates does not see much sense in restricting chip sales to China, as the Asian nation will be able to catch up with the US rather quickly at this scale, and expressed his desire for Washington and Beijing to cooperate closer with each other.
Regarding a possible military conflict between China and the US within the next decade,

Gates argues that restricting Chinese chip sales and manufacturing would only warn Beijing about the intention for military escalation and thus further damage bilateral relations and provide China with advance warning of a future threat.

The billionaire personally does not believe in a military conflict between the two countries. "So if you really think there's gonna be a war in the next decade… which I hope never happens, I don't think will happen."
However, his ambiguous remark that if one assumes "we can avoid big nuclear wars… life will be better 10 years from now, 20 years from now" speaks for itself.

Earlier, in 2019, the US obliged one of China's largest electronics makers, Huawei, and other manufacturers to apply for permission to buy technology from the Commerce Department.

This effectively left the Chinese giant without 5G chips. “I don’t think the US will ever be successful at preventing China from having great chips,” the businessman Photolithography is one of the most complex technologies in the world, without which the production of contemporary microchips is impossible.

It requires decades of R&D and billions of dollars in investment. Only a few companies around the globe manufacture such equipment.


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