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Chi Fan for Charity Shanghai is Back!

日期: 来源:ThatsShanghai收集编辑:Sponsored

Good eats, good times, good causes. Shanghai has these cards in spades, but what if we add GOOD DEEDS to the table? That’s what Chi Fan for Charity is all about.

How Does CFFC Work? 

Each year, CFFC selects one night to hold the event across numerous restaurants in the city; invites top restaurants to participate; and gathers the city’s best-known personalities to be Table Hosts.

Before the event, Table Hosts invite nine friends to book tickets at their table, ranging from RMB500-2,000 per person for a special multi-course menu and drinks, with the restaurants donating the cost, and the proceeds all going to charity.

The Gala Dinner

The Gala Dinner

After the fabulous dinners, all guests and supporters get exclusive access to the After Party.

At this venue, everyone comes together to mingle, share experiences of their fabulous meals, dance and score raffle prizes.

The After Party

The After Party

This year, the Chi Fan for Charity Shanghai event will be held on April 15. 

Some of the most popular restaurants in town are joining the endeavor to light up the annual city-wide charity event. They are the heart and soul of the Shanghai community.

Now, let's roll out the tablecloth to see Part 1 of the participating restaurants, any one of which could be your dining destination on the night.


Located in Jingan, Bonica pays homage to the European 18th Century traders who brought spices, ideas and porcelain from the East, with inspiration from a mix of backgrounds and culinary influences that span history, culture and continents.

New Wave by Da Vittorio

New Wave by Da Vittorio is Shanghai's first contemporary museum restaurant in the city's finest contemporary arts centre, UCCA Edge. It is also the second restaurant in China by Michelin-three-starred Italian restaurant Da Vittorio. It continues the Cerea family's long-standing pursuit of authentic Italian cuisine with a modern twist and homemade flavors.


Frasca brings the authentic traditions of the trattoria to Shanghai. Using ingredients from around Italy and the freshest local produce from family farms, Chef Lorenzo Merolle's regionally inspired menus will take you on a culinary journey from the foothills of the Italian countryside to Rome’s cobblestoned laneways.

Mr & Mrs Bund

Chef Paul Pairet turns his exacting talent to popular food – French at its very core, international around the edges – served family-style, in a manner recast for the modern table. The current menu and food selection focus on simplicity and essentialism.


ØSP is a combination of lifestyle expression integrating food and fashion. Every season, a chef-in-residence is appointed to present his/her cuisine with a menu created uniquely for ØSP, coupled with original cocktails by an award-winning artisanal mixologist, with interior and ambience curated by world-renowned designer Hiroshi Fujiwara.

TIDU Reserve

TIDU leads the ultimate pursuit of elevating traditional Chinese cuisine, integrating cutting-edge ingredients, spices and international culinary techniques to create Beijing cuisine in a new format.


Jamoteca specializes in Iberico ham and pork as well as classic tapas, and is a groundbreaking combination of a Spanish ham store, bistro and deli shop, bringing to diners a new and refreshing food and beverage experience. 


Bastard is a mod-Chinese eatery that hopes to bring a new wave of Chinese dining culture to Shanghai. It focuses on small bites, taking inspiration from different regions of China, paired with a well-curated beverage list. It’s an evolving space to explore local produce and culture with modern techniques.


Suntory Japanese Cuisine & Whisky offers a high-end Japanese experience in fine cuisine, Suntory Whisky and wine. The world renowned chef pulls on inspiration from high-end Japanese, tailoring the daily menu to include the freshest ingredients. 

LIquid Laundry

Liquid Laundry is an American kitchen and bar from the same folks that founded Shanghai's homegrown craft beer concept, Boxing Cat Brewery. Here you'll find a selection of hearty contemporary American food from head chef Simon Sunwoo, and at the bar you'll find beers brewed right in the restaurant, as well as spirits, wine and cocktails. 


Located in the heart of shanghai, Mosto is a contemporary-casual eatery serving Mediterranean flavors in an unpretentious, intimate setting. The seafood and protein-heavy menu showcases authentic flavors in a gorgeously decorated space.

Genesis Restaurant 

Genesis Restaurant presents a distinctly Korean culinary and hospitality experience, and the ambience of the Genesis Restaurant reflects the luxury car experience mold it supports – sleek, modern and minimalistic. The menu spans both traditional and avant-garde Korean fare, all showcasing high quality ingredients, recipes and flavors. 

How To Get Involved? 

For Restaurants

If you want to have your restaurant listed in the lineup, while actively giving back to the community, please contact Jamie:

For Sponsors

If you are a business owner and would like to contribute products or services for the charity auction, as well as to get your brand in front of a charitable bunch of over 600 movers-and-shakers, please contact Mina:

For Table Hosts

Hosting a table is a great thing to do for charity and an excellent opportunity to gather your friends, coworkers, and clients for a remarkable evening out. If you are interested, please scan and register here:

▼For more news, click 'Read more' (阅读原文) below.


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