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中国智造 全球视野|东鹏瓷砖助力卡塔尔世界杯卢塞尔新城绿色建设

日期: 来源:中装协绿色智慧建造分会收集编辑:东鹏控股


2022年卡塔尔世界杯(FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022)大幕已拉开,四年一度的足球狂欢盛宴精彩上演,令世界瞩目。作为全球第二十二届世界杯足球赛,2022卡塔尔世界杯是世界杯赛事历史上首次在卡塔尔和中东国家境内举行、也是第二次在亚洲举行的全球体育赛事。近年来越来越多重量级体育赛事在选择在亚洲举办,表明世界体坛正进入“亚洲时刻”,反映出亚洲逐渐成为发展与合作的高地,以更加昂扬自信的姿态向世界发出亚洲声音。

The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 has kicked off and this great quadrennial football carnival has left numerals wonderful moments on the green fields. As the 22nd FIFA World Cup in the world, it is the first time to be held by Qatar and even the whole countries in the Middle East in history, and it is also the second time to be held in Asia, attracting worldwide attention. In recent years, the world sports have entered an "Asian Moment" as there have been more and more heavyweight sport events holding in Asia, reflecting that Asia is becoming a highland for global development and cooperation. Now the Asian voices are sent to the world with a more high-spirited and confident attitude.



The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 will be held in 8 stadiums in 7 cities including Lusail, Doha, Education City, Al, Khalifa, Sports City, and Umm in Qatar. In order to host the World Cup, there is a new city sprung up in the desert, which is the Lusail. It is only 15 kilometers away from the capital Doha, The city’s construction cost has exceeded 30 billion pounds based on statistics. It is a brand new Green City built by the government in the desert, covering an area of 38 square kilometers, including a World Cup main stadium, 22 high-end hotels, 36 schools, an artificial saltwater lake, two golf courses, a subway Lines and multiple high-end residences, etc. In just ten years, Lusail, a modern city has been presented to the world where the hotels, residences, roads, ports, hospitals, libraries and other living facilities are all available.


作为卡塔尔第一个贯彻可持续发展方针的绿建智慧城市, 卢塞尔新城在环保节能、低碳减排、废物回收等绿色建筑指标上都处于世界领先水平,整座城市严格按照卡塔尔可持续发展评估系统(QSAS) 指南建造,通过打造世界最大的区域供冷系统,为全球每年节省20万吨二氧化碳的排放,借助地下气动和真空管道系统直通城外的回收和废物处理设施,每天大约减少70吨垃圾排放。

As Qatar's first sustainable and smart city, Lusail is at the world's leading level in terms of green building indicators such as environmental protection, energy saving, low-carbon emission, and waste recycling. It was constructed in accordance with Qatar Sustainability Assessment System (QSAS) guidelines. It built the world's largest district cooling system to prevent 200,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions globally every year, and the underground pneumatic and vacuum pipeline systems connecting directly to recycling and waste treatment facilities outside the city to reduce approximately 70 tons of garbage discharged per day.



Dongpeng Group has been deeply involved in China's building ceramics industry for 50 years. It has always been adhering to the mission of "Integrating technology and art to create a better living space for mankind", and constantly promoting product upgrades by advancing technology, techniques and aesthetics in every aspects. It always remain committed to providing a one-stop solution of high quality, green and healthy products for customers around the world. During the construction of Lusail New City, Dongpeng Group, relying on its strong brand presence and green product solution, has successfully offered Qatar with environmentally-friendly, low-carbon, high-quality polished porcelain tiles solutions, and made itself part of the new construction in this so-called E-Green City.


Dongpeng tiles can be seen on the floors and walls of many residential buildings and commercial shopping malls in Lussel New City. The products widely used are the unglazed collection such as Amazon Marble, F-Stone, Wood-Grain travertine, etc, with a total quantity up to 100,000 square meters. This unglazed series restore the texture of natural wood and stone look and its authentic veins, color and superior performance are the preferred building materials for various construction projects.





Over the past several decades, Dongpeng Group has insisted on low-carbon and environmentally friendly manufacturing and continuously improved technological innovation. It has developed more than 500 sales outlets especially in Germany, French, USA, Canada, Australia, Korea, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam,ect, through international cooperation and innovative independent branding. So far Dongpeng has registered its trademarks in nearly 60 countries and regions such as the United States, UK, Germany, and Italy, and exported products to more than 106 countries. In addition to offering products and services to the green construction of Lusail New City, Dongpeng has also provided green product solutions in many international competitions and global benchmarking projects during international trade for many years to demonstrate the strength of China's ceramics industry to the world.


Expo Dubai 2020 is the first World Expo held in the Middle East, with a total of 192 countries as participants. The China Pavilion won the Bronze Award of the Large and XL Pavilions Architecture Category. Thanks to its superior products’ strength,and as the designated ceramic tile supplier of the China Pavilion of Dubai Expo 2020, Dongpeng contributed to the construction of the China Pavilion by suppling granite porcelain tiles to the Square outside the marvelous building, with a total area of 1,400 square meters.





At the same time, as the Official Ceramic Tile Supplier of the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022, Dongpeng has provided different products and services based on its 50 years’ consistent technical background and technological innovation, for Zhangjiakou Ice and Snow Town, Beijing Daxing Airport Service Center, Winter Olympics Shougang Plaza, Capital Stadium, Beijing Daxing Airport and other supporting venues of the event to help create a more efficient and warm high-tech Olympics.




In the future, during the process of internationalization, Dongpeng will continue to actively take the responsibility for the green development of leading players, and build a path to growth in which domestic economic cycle plays a leading role while international economic cycle remains its extension and supplement. In this way, Dongpeng can creatively integrate Chinese ceramic culture with modern green technology to fulfill its grand vison of “Become a global century-old enterprise” and earn respect from the world for Chinese ceramic by extending its presence.



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