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Russia should be back to the chess world!(part1)

日期: 来源:风羽棋收集编辑:曲折风

by Alex Li

This essay is rewrited from my chess.com blog. Without plenty of time never could I make it perfect. Hence, please forgive some slight, our maybe serious, grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes.

Because of Russia’s invasion to Ukraine, the chess world no longer allow Russian chess players to use Russian flags, they are compelled to use the FIDE flags instead. What’s worse, the Russian government do not seem likely to encourage their players to return to the chess world since they even banned chess.com. Conclusively, Russian players are almost chased out of the chess world. However, I claim that we should not discourage Russian players in the chess world.

First, most Russian players stay isolated from the entire chess world is absolutely a discouragement to the whole chess world. Obviously, Russia, as well as the Soviet Union, is always the strongest in the chess world which had championed the World Champion title for half a century. In the history, Russians have done great, and almost greatest contribute to the whole chess world. Certainly it is now not so easy for us to find to many Top Russian players as decades ago, and every top Russian player are still active in the chess field, in spite of their discomforting FIDE flag instead of their own Russian flag. However there is still number of mid-level Russian players, for instance, Daniil Dubov, are extremely talented who treat chess as amazing art yet are not so active in the chess world as they used to be. They have made great progress on and enormous contribute to the chess world. In this way, if we discourage Russian chess players by forbidding them to use their own flag, or discouraging them from some significant tournaments, the zealous for Russian players, no matter strong or mid-level, to continually play chess will be increasingly decreased. Strong players will not be as strong as they used to be and fewer green-hands are willing to learn chess. As a result, it will be a destruction for the whole chess world. For instance, the latest European Club Cup, which just ended a few days before, do not seem so successful without any of the Russian clubs. Hardly could we find some beautiful moves or interesting positions. Consequently, we should reuse the Russian flag instead of the FIDE flag, and encourage Russian players to return to the tournaments.

Have to isolate the article into two part or cannot be sent, sorry for that

Danill Dubov

Ian, Nepo


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