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This Weekend: Holi Party Festival of Colors!

日期: 来源:ThatsShanghai收集编辑:

Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also known as the Festival of Spring, the Festival of Colors, or the Festival of Love.

The celebration signifies the triumph of good over evil, and is a great excuse to throw colors at friends or strangers!

The festival has many purposes, but most prominently it celebrates the beginning of spring. Hindus believe it is a time of saying farewell to winter and enjoying spring's abundant colors... and we are totally onboard with that!

So get ready for an epic day of color, food and fun, as Dragon Events brings you the most anticipated party of the year. They've teamed up with Kebabs on the Grille to bring you amazing food, drinks and awesome performances.

Enjoy our all you can eat Indian buffet lunch, booze and soft drinks, music from star DJ Shri and DJ Kart, classical Indian dance performances, and – to top it all off – a free Zumba class!

But that's not all – they'll also be offering up the most popular Indian food in town!

Dress Code Alert!

Wearing white will make things all the more special. And don't worry; there will be plenty of color flying around once the party gets started!

Ticket includes:

  • DJs
  • An Indian lunch buffet
  • One drink
  • Organic colors to throw
  • Performances
  • Ghujias – sweet deep-fried dumplings
  • Zumba class! 

Pre-sale tickets are just RMB219, so get yours now to avoid disappointment!

Click the poster below to get your tickets now

Sat Mar 11, 11am-4pm.

Laowaijie3338 Hongmei Lu 虹梅路3338弄.

▼For more news, click 'Read more' (阅读原文) below.


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