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日期: 来源:TED英语演讲课收集编辑:Jerry



'Customer is the king' - this age-old mantra stands true even today. It is important for every customer to be informed and aware of their rights. Every year, World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on March 15.


While customers are subject to different kinds of situations every day, most often than not, they do not like to fight and let it go to avoid altercations. However, it is still important know about some basic consumer rights that we are entitled to as consumers.


Here are six rights you should know about:


Right To Safety


This one is the most basic and significant right we have. It refers to the protection of consumers against products that are hazardous to health and overall life. Under this, consumers have the right to use good quality products and services.


Right To Be Informed


The customers must be provided with detailed information about the product or service. This includes the name of the product, price, date of manufacture, expiry date, quantity, quality standard, ingredients, customer care contact details, etc.


Right To Choose


Sellers cannot force consumers to purchase a specific product or service against their will. All consumers have the right to choose products they like and wish to buy based on their requirements and capacity. 


Right To Be Heard


If any consumer does face an issue with any product or service, they have the right to bring it to the notice of the company in question as well as the appropriate forum by raising a complaint. These forums need help provide consumers with a platform to state their grievances and make them feel heard.


Right To Redressal


Merely listening to the consumers' complaints is not enough. A resolution is key to providing justice to the exploited consumer or complainant. Consumers have the right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or any form of exploitation at the hands of the product company.


Right To Consumer Education


Consumers have the right to know about the rights of the agencies available to protect them and the various acts that ensure consumer protection like the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.


'The Glory's high-anticipated second part was released last Friday. The second part was being looked forward to by millions of fans across the globe and its ranks on Netflix's top 10 shows list has made the same evident.


'The Glory' follows Moon Dong Eun (Song Hye Kyo) who has made a comeback in the lives of her high-school bullies.


'The Glory' is currently being watched by people all across the world. The show is within the top 10 most-watched shows in not one or two but 89 countries! The show is at no. 1 in Japan, Singapore, and South Korea.


The show is ranked second in India where it is right behind the Indian thriller 'Rana Naidu'. The Indian audiences are clearly in the mood for suspense and excitement this week.

'The Glory' is a South Korean mystery thriller that was first released in 2022. The show has been released in two parts so far. While the first part premiered in late 2022, the second part of the show was released just a few days ago.

The recent popularity of the second part of 'The Glory' is in direct alignment with the popularity of its first part. The first part was quick to climb in popularity and viewership rankings. Given the show's gripping storyline and phenomenal direction, its aforementioned achievements were inevitable.

'The Glory' is a gripping tale of revenge that follows Moon Dong Eun, a victim of severely violent high-school bullying that has scarred her, both emotionally and physically, for life.

Once a helpless teenager, 40-year-old Moon Dong Eun makes an intricately daunting plan of revenge to punish her bullies. Things become complicated and intense when one of her bullies stands tall in front of her, completely devoid of remorse, and dismisses her traumatic experiences as fate.


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