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塞缪尔·约翰逊:如何化解悲伤? | 双语阅读

日期: 来源:独霸上海的妖怪收集编辑:塞缪尔·约翰逊

提到塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson),很多同学可能对这个名字比较陌生,但你一定听过他说的几句名言:

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.


Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.


Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise. 


我们漫长的一生中难免会经历起起伏伏,有时甚至会大起大落。如何面对悲伤,是每个人一生的课题。这周的文学专栏,便想推荐给大家塞缪尔·约翰逊最著名的散文作品之一:Dealing with sorrow(化解悲怨)。

Dealing with sorrow

作者 | 塞缪尔·约翰逊
译者 | 叶丽贤
原著 | 《饥渴的想象:约翰逊散文作品选》
出版 | 生活·读书·新知三联书店


Of the passions with which the mind of man is agitated, it may be observed, that they naturally hasten towards their own extinction by inciting and quickening the attainment of their objects. 

  • passions n.[pl.] very powerful feelings 强烈的情感
  • agitate ['ædʒɪteɪt] v. to make someone feel worried or angry 使…激动
  • hasten ['heɪsən] v.  to make something happen sooner or more quickly 赶快;急忙
  • incite [ɪn'saɪt] v. to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent 煽动;激励;刺激
  • attainment [ə'teɪnmənt] n.[U] the act of achieving something 获得,达到
  • object [‘ɒbdʒɪkt] n.[C] a person or thing that sb desires, studies, pays attention to, etc. 对象;客体

Thus fear urges our flight, and desire animates our progress; and if there are some which perhaps may be indulged till they out-grow the good appropriated to their satisfaction, as is frequently observed of avarice and ambition, yet their immediate tendency is to some means of happiness really existing, and generally within the prospect. 

  • flight [flaɪt] n.[U] to move lightly or quickly and not stay in one place for very long 逃跑,溃退
  • indulge [ɪn'dʌldʒ] v. to let someone have or do whatever they want, even if it is bad for them 放纵,纵容,迁就
  • out-grow v. to grow bigger than or too big for something 过大而不适于;出生
  • avarice ['ævərɪs] n.[U] an extremely strong wish to get or keep money or possessions 贪婪,贪财
  • some means of sth …的方法 / 手段

The miser always imagines that there is a certain sum that will fill his heart to the brim; and every ambitious man, like king Pyrrhus, has an acquisition in his thoughts that is to terminate his labours, after which he shall pass the rest of his life in ease or gayety, in repose or devotion.

  • miser ['maɪzə] n.[C] someone who has a strong wish to have money and hates to spend it 吝啬鬼;守财奴
  • fill to the brim 装满
  • acquisition [ˌækwɪ'zɪʃən] n. something that sb buys to add to what they already own, usually sth valuable 获得者,获得物
  • terminate ['tɜːmɪneɪt] v. to (cause something to) end or stop 结束,使终结
  • gayety ['ɡeɪətɪ] n.[U] happiness and excitement 愉快;轻快
  • repose [rɪ'pəʊz] n.[U] the state of resting or lying down 休息;睡眠;静止
  • devotion [dɪ'vəʊʃən] n.[U] loyalty and love or care for someone or something 奉献,献身,忠诚


Sorrow is perhaps the only affection of the breast that can be excepted from this general remark, and it therefore deserves the particular attention of those who have assumed the arduous province of preserving the balance of the mental constitution. The other passions are diseases indeed, but they necessarily direct us to their proper cure. 

  • sorrow ['sɒrəʊ] n.[C,U] (a cause of) a feeling of great sadness 悲痛, 悲伤
  • affection [ə'fekʃən] n.[U][sing.] a feeling of liking for a person or place 喜爱,爱
  • breast [brest] n.[C] the centre of a person's feelings 心窝,胸怀
  • arduous ['ɑːdjʊəs] adj. difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy 费力的;努力的
  • preserve [prɪ'zɜːv] v. to make something continue without changing  维持
  • cure [kjʊə] n.[C] the act of making someone well again after an illness 治疗;治愈;疗法

A man at once feels the pain, and knows the medicine, to which he is carried with greater haste as the evil which requires it is more excruciating, and cures himself by unerring instinct, as the wounded stags of Crete are related by Ælian to have recourse to vulnerary herbs.

  • haste [heɪst] n.[U] (too much) speed 匆忙;急忙;轻率
  • excruciating [ɪk'skruːʃɪeɪtɪŋ] adj. extremely painful 极为疼痛的
  • unerring [ʌn'ɜːrɪŋ] adj. always accurate in your judgment or ability 准确无误的,无偏差的
  • instinct ['ɪnstɪŋkt] n.[C,U] the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it 本能,直觉;天性
  • wounded ['wu:ndid] adj. injured, especially with a cut or hole in the skin 受伤的
  • stag [stæg] n.[C] an adult male deer 成年雄鹿
  • recourse [rɪ'kɔːs] n.[U] the fact of having to, or being able to, use sth that can provide help in a difficult situation 依靠;依赖;求助
  • vulnerary ['vʌlnərərɪ] adj. Used in the healing or treating of wounds. 医治创伤的

But for sorrow there is no remedy provided by nature; it is often occasioned by accidents irreparable, and dwells upon objects that have lost or changed their existence; it requires what it cannot hope, that the laws of the universe should be repealed; that the dead should return, or the past should be recalled.

  • remedy ['remɪdɪ] n.[C] a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious 药品,治疗法
  • occasion [ə'keɪʒən] v. to cause something  引起,惹起
  • irreparable [ɪ'repərəbəl] adj. impossible to repair or make right again 不能修复的,不可弥补的
  • dwell on / upon sth to keep thinking or talking about something, especially something bad or unpleasant 老是想着,一直在说
  • repeal [rɪ'piːl] v. If a government repeals a law, it causes that law no longer to have any legal force. 废除;撤销;放弃


Sorrow is not that regret for negligence or error which may animate us to future care or activity, or that repentance of crimes for which, however irrevocable, our Creator has promised to accept it as an attonement; the pain which arises from these causes has very salutary effects, and is every hour extenuating itself by the reparation of those miscarriages that produce it. 

  • negligence ['neglɪdʒəns] n.[U] the fact of not giving enough care or attention to someone or something 疏忽,玩忽
  • animate ['ænɪmeɪt] v. to make someone seem more happy or active 使有生气;使活泼
  • repentance [rɪ'pentəns] n. when you are sorry for something wrong that you have done 悔悟,悔改,后悔,忏悔
  • irrevocable [ɪ'revəkəbəl] adj. impossible to change 不可改变的,不可反转的
  • arise [ə'raɪz] v. to happen 呈现; 出现; 发生
  • salutary ['sæljʊtərɪ] adj. causing improvement of behaviour or character 有益的,有用的;有益健康的
  • extenuating adj. showing reasons why a wrong or illegal act, or a bad situation, should be judged less seriously or excused 使减轻的,情有可原的
  • miscarriage [mɪs'kærɪdʒ] n.[C,U] if a woman who is going to have a baby has a miscarriage, she gives birth before the baby is properly formed and it dies 流产

Sorrow is properly that state of the mind in which our desires are fixed upon the past, without looking forward to the future, an incessant wish that something were otherwise than it has been, a tormenting and harassing want of some enjoyment or possession which we have lost, and which no endeavours can possibly regain. Into such anguish many have sunk upon some sudden diminution of their fortune, an unexpected blast of their reputation, or the loss of children or of friends. 

  • fix sth on sb / sth 集中…于…
  • incessant [ɪn'sesənt] adj. never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way 不停的,持续不断的
  • torment ['tɔːment] v. great mental suffering and unhappiness, or great physical pain 折磨,使痛苦;使苦恼
  • harass ['hærəs] v. to continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time骚扰;使烦恼,打扰
  • possession [pə'zeʃən] n.[C][pl.] something that you own or that you are carrying with you at a particular time 所有物,个人物品;财产
  • endeavour [in'devə] n.[C,U] an attempt to do something 尽力,竭力
  • regain [rɪ'geɪn] v. to take or get possession of something again 复得,赢回
  • anguish ['æŋgwɪʃ] n.[U] extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering(尤指心理上的)极度的痛苦
  • diminution [ˌdɪmɪ'njuːʃən] n.[C,U] reduction in size or importance 减小,减少,缩减
  • blast [blɑːst] n.[C] a sudden strong expression of a powerful emotion 一阵感情迸发,感情的爆发

They have suffered all sensibility of pleasure to be destroyed by a single blow, have given up for ever the hopes of substituting any other object in the room of that which they lament, resigned their lives to gloom and despondency, and worn themselves out in unavailing misery. 

  • sensibility [ˌsensɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] n.[C,U] the way that someone reacts to particular subjects or types of behaviour 感情〔人对某些话题或行为作出的反应〕
  • blow [bləʊ] n.[C] an unexpected event that has a damaging effect on someone or something 打击;不幸
  • substitute ['sʌbstɪtjuːt] v. to use something or someone instead of another thing or person 代替,替换
  • lament [lə'ment] v. to express sadness and feeling sorry about something 悲叹;悔恨;哀悼
  • resign oneself to sth to make yourself accept something that you do not like because you cannot change it 听任;顺从;不得不接受
  • gloom [gluːm] n.[U] feelings of great unhappiness and loss of hope 忧郁,沮丧,失望
  • despondency [dɪ'spɒndənsɪ] n.[U] Despondency is a strong feeling of unhappiness caused by difficulties which you feel you cannot overcome. 失去勇气,失望
  • wear sb / sth out to make yourself/sb feel very tired(使)筋疲力尽,耗尽
  • unavailing [ʌnə'veɪlɪŋ] adj. When an attempt to do something is unavailing, it is unsuccessful or has no positive effect. 徒劳的,无效的,无用的
  • misery [‘mɪzərɪ] n.[C,U] great unhappiness 痛苦,苦恼,苦难


Yet so much is this passion the natural consequence of tenderness and endearment, that, however painful and however useless, it is justly reproachful not to feel it on some occasions; and so widely and constantly has it always prevailed, that the laws of some nations, and the customs of others, have limited a time for the external appearances of grief caused by the dissolution of close alliances, and the breach of domestic union.

  • tenderness [‘tendənis] n. 柔软,温和
  • endearment [ɪn'dɪəmənt] n.[C,U] a word or phrase that you use to show that you love someone 表示爱慕的话语,亲热的表示
  • reproachful [rɪ'prəʊtʃfʊl] adj. expressing criticism 责备的,斥责的
  • prevail [prɪ'veɪl] v. to get control or influence 获胜,占优势
  • dissolution [dɪsə'luːʃən] n[U]. the act or process of ending an official organization or legal agreement (社团等)解散;(婚约等的)解除
  • alliance [ə’laɪəns] n.[C] an agreement to work with someone else to try to achieve the same thing 结盟,联盟
  • breach [briːtʃ] n.[C] an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship 破坏,违反


It seems determined, by the general suffrage of mankind, that sorrow is to a certain point laudable, as the offspring of love, or at least pardonable as the effect of weakness; but that it ought not to be suffered to increase by indulgence, but must give way, after a stated time, to social duties, and the common avocations of life. 

  • suffrage [‘sʌfrɪdʒ] n.[U] the right to vote in an election, especially to vote for representatives in a government 选举权;投票
  • mankind [ˌmæn'kaɪnd] n.[U] the whole of the human race, including both men and women 人类
  • laudable [‘lɔːdəbəl] adj. deserving praise, even if not completely successful  值得赞美的
  • offspring ['ɒfsprɪŋ] n.[C] a child of a particular person or couple 子女,子孙,后代
  • pardonable [ˈpɑ:dənəbl] adj. able to be forgiven 可原谅的,可宽恕的
  • indulgence [ɪn'dʌldʒəns] n.[U] an occasion when you allow or do not mind someone's failure or bad behaviour 放纵;纵容
  • avocation [ˌævə'keɪʃən] n.[C,U] a hobby or other activity that you do for interest and enjoyment 业余爱好;嗜好

It is at first unavoidable, and therefore must be allowed, whether with or without our choice; it may afterwards be admitted as a decent and affectionate testimony of kindness and esteem; something will be extorted by nature, and something may be given to the world. 

  • testimony ['testɪmənɪ] n.[C,U] a fact or situation that shows or proves very clearly that something exists or is true 证明,证据
  • esteem [ɪ’stiːm] n.[U] respect for or a good opinion of someone 尊重;尊敬
  • extort [ɪk'stɔːt] v. to get something by force or threats, or with difficulty 敲诈,勒索;强求

But all beyond the bursts of passion, or the forms of solemnity, is not only useless, but culpable;for we have no right to sacrifice, to the vain longings of affection, that time which providence allows us for the task of our station.

  • burst [bəːst] n.[C] a sudden increase in something, especially for a short period 突然发作,突然发生
  • solemnity [sə'lemnɪtɪ] n.[U] the quality of being serious 庄严,严肃,庄重
  • culpable [‘kʌlpəbəl] adj. deserving to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad 有罪的;该责备的
  • vain [veɪn] adj. unsuccessful; of no value 徒劳的;虚荣的;空虚的
  • longing [‘lɒŋɪŋ] n.[sing,U] a feeling of wanting something or someone very much 渴望,盼望
  • providence ['prɒvɪdəns] n.[U] an influence that is not human in origin and is thought to control people's lives 天意,天道,天命


Yet it too often happens that sorrow, thus lawfully entering, gains such a firm possession of the mind, that it is not afterwards to be ejected; the mournful ideas, first violently impressed, and afterwards willingly received, so much engross the attention, as to predominate in every thought, to darken gayety, and perplex ratiocination. An habitual sadness seizes upon the soul, and the faculties are chained to a single object, which can never be contemplated but with hopeless uneasiness.

  • lawfully adv. 守法地,合法地
  • possession [pə'zeʃən] n.[U] the fact that you have or own something 占有,持有,拥有
  • mournful ['mɔːnfʊl] adj. very sad 哀痛的,令人伤心的
  • violently [ˈvaɪələntlɪ] adv. strongly or extremely 激烈地,猛烈地
  • engross [ɪn'grəʊs] v. If something engrosses you, it is so interesting that you give it all your attention. 使全神贯注
  • predominate [prɪ'dɒmɪneɪt] v. to be the largest in number or the most important 占支配地位
  • perplex [pə'pleks] v. to confuse and worry someone slightly by being difficult to understand or solve 使困惑,使为难;使复杂化
  • ratiocination [ˌrætiɔsi'neiʃən] n.[U] the process of thinking or arguing about sth in a logical way 推论;推理
  • faculty ['fækəltɪ] n.[C] a natural ability to hear, see, think, move, etc. 官能,机能
  • contemplate ['kɒntempleɪt] v. to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious and quiet way 深思,细想,仔细考虑


From this state of dejection it is very difficult to rise to chearfulness and alacrity, and therefore many who have laid down rules of intellectual health, think preservatives easier than remedies, and teach us not to trust ourselves with favourite enjoyments, not to indulge the luxury of fondness, but to keep our minds always suspended in such indifference, that we may change the objects about us without emotion.

  • alacrity [ə'lækrɪtɪ] n.[U] speed and eagerness 敏捷,轻快,乐意
  • preservative [prɪ'zɜːvətɪv] n.[C,U] a substance used to prevent food or wood from decaying 防腐剂
  • fondness ['fɒndnəs] n.[U] 喜爱,钟爱
  • suspend [sə'spend] v. to stop something from being active, either temporarily or permanently 延缓,推迟
  • indifference [ɪn'dɪfərəns] n.[U] lack of interest or concern 不关心,不在乎

An exact compliance with this rule might, perhaps, contribute to tranquillity, but surely it would never produce happiness. He that regards none so much as to be afraid of losing them, must live for ever without the gentle pleasures of sympathy and confidence; he must feel no melting fondness, no warmth of benevolence, nor any of those honest joys which nature annexes to the power of pleasing. 

  • compliance [kəm'plaɪəns] n.[U] the act of obeying an order, rule, or request 服从,听从,顺从
  • tranquillity [træŋˈkwɪlɪti:] n.[U] a peaceful, calm state, without noise, violence, worry, etc. 心神稳定
  • benevolence [bɪ'nevələns] v. to take control of a country, region, etc., especially by force 强占,并吞(国家、地区等)
  • annex [ə'neks] n. 附加物

And as no man can justly claim more tenderness than he pays, he must forfeit his share in that officious and watchful kindness which love only can dictate, and those lenient endearments by which love only can soften life. 

  • tenderness ['tendənis] n.[U] 柔软,温和,亲切
  • forfeit ['fɔːfɪt] v. to lose the right to do or have something because you have broken a rule(因犯罪、失职、违约等)丧失(权利、名誉、生命等)
  • officious [ə'fɪʃəs] adj. too eager to tell people what to do and having too high an opinion of your own importance 过分殷勤的,爱管闲事的
  • lenient ['liːnɪənt] adj. not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be expected 仁慈的;宽大的
  • endearment [ɪn'dɪəmən] n.[C,U] a word or phrase that you use to show that you love someone 表示爱慕的话语,亲热的表示

He may justly be overlooked and neglected by such as have more warmth in their heart; for who would be the friend of him, whom, with whatever assiduity he may be courted, and with whatever services obliged, his principles will not suffer to make equal returns, and who, when you have exhausted all the instances of good will, can only be prevailed on not to be an enemy?

  • overlook [əʊvə'lʊk] v. to fail to notice or consider something or someone 忽视
  • neglect [nɪ'glekt] v. to not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility 疏忽,忽视;忽略
  • assiduity [ˌæsɪ'djuːɪtɪ] n.[U] 不断关照;殷勤
  • court [kɔːt] v. to try to please someone because you want them to join you 向…献殷勤
  • oblige [ə'blaɪdʒ] v. to force someone to do something, or to make it necessary for someone to do something 迫使,强制
  • exhaust [ɪg'zɔːst] v. to use something completely 用尽,耗尽
  • instance ['ɪnstəns] n.[C] a particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of something that happens generally 例子,实例


An attempt to preserve life in a state of neutrality and indifference, is unreasonable and vain. If by excluding joy we could shut out grief, the scheme would deserve very serious attention; but since, however we may debar ourselves from happiness, misery will find its way at many inlets, and the assaults of pain will force our regard, though we may withhold it from the invitations of pleasure, we may surely endeavour to raise life above the middle point of apathy at one time, since it will necessarily sink below it at another. 

  • preserve [prɪ'zɜːv] v. to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed 保存;保护
  • neutrality [njuː'trælɪtɪ] n.[U] a neutral position, especially in a war 中立,中立地位
  • indifference [ɪn'dɪfərəns] n. 不关心,不在乎
  • vain [veɪn] adj. unsuccessful; of no value 徒劳的;虚荣的;空虚的
  • exclude [ɪk'skluːd] v. to decide that something is not true or possible排除…;不考虑…;认为…不可能
  • grief [griːf] n.[C,U] very great sadness, especially at the death of someone(尤指某人之死引起的)悲痛,悲伤,悲哀
  • scheme [skiːm] n.[C] an organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will bring a good result for you 阴谋,诡计
  • debar [dɪ'bɑː] v. to stop someone from doing something by law or by official agreement(通过法律或协议)禁止,阻止
  • inlet ['ɪnlet] n.[C] engineering the part of a machine through which liquid or gas enters(机器上液体或气体的)入口,进口
  • assault [ə'sɔːlt] n.[C,U] a violent attack 殴打;袭击,攻击
  • withhold [wɪð'həʊld]  v. to refuse to give sth to sb 拒绝给;不给
  • apathy ['æpəθɪ] n.[U] behaviour that shows no interest or energy and shows that someone is unwilling to take action, especially over something important 漠然,冷淡


But though it cannot be reasonable not to gain happiness for fear of losing it, yet it must be confessed, that in proportion to the pleasure of possession, will be for some time our sorrow for the loss; it is therefore the province of the moralist to enquire whether such pains may not quickly give way to mitigation. Some have thought, that the most certain way to clear the heart from its embarrassment is to drag it by force into scenes of merriment. 

  • confess [kən'fes] v. to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about 承认;坦白;供认;忏悔
  • in proportion to sth 相对于某事物来说; 与某事物成比例
  • province ['prɒvɪns] n.[sing.] a subject that someone knows a lot about or something that only they are responsible for 领域;职权
  • enquire [ɪn'kwaɪə] v. to ask someone for information 询问;打听
  • give way to sth 让位于,让步,代替
  • mitigation [ˌmɪtəˈɡeɪʃən] n.[U] a reduction in how unpleasant, harmful, or serious a situation is 缓解,减轻,平静
  • merriment [‘merɪmənt] n.[U] an occasion when people laugh or have an enjoyable time together 欢乐,嬉戏,欢笑

Others imagine, that such a transition is too violent, and recommend rather to sooth it into tranquillity, by making it acquainted with miseries more dreadful and afflictive, and diverting to the calamities of others the regard which we are inclined to fix too closely upon our own misfortunes. 

  • transition [træn'zɪʃən] n.[C,U] a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens 过渡,转变,变迁
  • recommend [rekə'mend] v. to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done 推荐,介绍
  • sooth [suːθ] v. 宽慰
  • tranquillity [træŋˈkwɪlɪti:]  n.[U] a peaceful, calm state, without noise, violence, worry, etc. 心神稳定
  • acquaint [ə'kweɪnt] v. to make sb/yourself familiar with or aware of sth 通知,告知
  • dreadful ['dredfʊl] adj. very bad, of very low quality, or shocking and very sad 可怕的,糟透的,令人不快的
  • afflictive [ə'flɪktɪv] adj. 带给人痛苦的,苦恼的,难受的
  • divert [daɪ'vɜːt] v. to cause something or someone to change direction 使…转向
  • calamity [kə'læmɪtɪ] n.[C] a serious accident or bad event causing damage or suffering 灾祸,灾难
  • incline [ɪn'klaɪn] v.  to (make someone) feel something or want to do something 使倾斜;使倾向于


It may be doubted whether either of those remedies will be sufficiently powerful. The efficacy of mirth it is not always easy to try, and the indulgence of melancholy may be suspected to be one of those medicines, which will destroy, if it happens not to cure.

  • efficacy ['efɪkəsɪ] n.[U] the ability, especially of a medicine or a method of achieving something, to produce the intended result 效力,效能
  • mirth [mɜːθ] n.[U] laughter, humour, or happiness 欢乐,欢笑
  • indulgence [ɪn'dʌldʒəns] n.[C,U] an occasion when you allow someone or yourself to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you 纵容;沉溺
  • melancholy [‘melənkəlɪ] n.[U] sadness that lasts for a long period of time, often without any obvious reason 忧郁,悲哀
  • suspect [sə'spekt] v. to think or believe something to be true or probable 怀疑;猜想


The safe and general antidote against sorrow, is employment. It is commonly observed, that among soldiers and seamen, though there is much kindness, there is little grief; they see their friend fall without any of that lamentation which is indulged in security and idleness, because they have no leisure to spare from the care of themselves; and whoever shall keep his thoughts equally busy, will find himself equally unaffected with irretrievable losses.

  • antidote ['æntɪdəʊt] n.[C] a way of preventing or acting against something bad 对抗手段,矫正方法
  • seamen n.[C] a member of the navy or a sailor on a ship below the rank of an officer 海员;水手
  • lamentation [læmən'teɪʃən] n. sadness and feeling sorry, or something that expresses these feelings 悲叹,哀悼
  • idleness ['aidlnis] n. 闲散;懒惰
  • spare [speə] v. to give time, money, or space to someone, especially when it is difficult for you 抽出,让给
  • irretrievable [ɪrɪ'triːvəbəl] adj. impossible to correct or return to a previously existing situation or condition 不能挽回的,不能复原的


Time is observed generally to wear out sorrow, and its effects might doubtless be accelerated by quickening the succession, and enlarging the variety of objects. 

  • accelerate [ək'seləreɪt] v. if a process accelerates or if something accelerates it, it happens faster than usual or sooner than you expect(使)加快,(使)增速
  • quicken [‘kwɪkən] v. If a feeling or quality quickens, it becomes more active, or to make a feeling or quality do this. 变活跃
  • succession [sək'seʃən] n.[U] a process in which someone automatically takes an official position or job after someone else 继任,接任;继承
  • enlarge [ɪn'lɑːdʒ] v. to become bigger or to make something bigger 扩大;放大

Tis long e’er time can mitigate your grief;
To wisdom fly, she quickly brings relief.



Sorrow is a kind of rust of the soul, which every new idea contributes in its passage to scour away. It is the putrefaction of stagnant life, and is remedied by exercise and motion.

  • rust [rʌst] n.[U] the reddish-brown substance that forms on iron or steel when it gets wet  锈;生锈;锈病
  • scour away sth to make a passage, hole, or mark in the ground, rocks, etc. as the result of movement, especially over a long period 冲刷成,冲刷出
  • putrefaction [ˌpjuːtrɪ'fækʃən] n.[U] the state of decaying 腐烂,腐败
  • stagnant ['stægnənt] adj. not growing or developing 停滞的

The End


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