作为一名平面设计师,您知道视觉效果在做出一个非常成功的项目方面的作用有多大。然而,从头开始创作艺术品既费时又费钱。为了解决这个问题,许多设计师现在正在将 MidJourney 等 AI 艺术创作平台作为其设计过程的一部分。使用MidJourney,您可以从文本提示中快速轻松地生成精美、独特的图像。但想出一个独特的提示有时会很有挑战性。这就是 ChatGPT 可以提供帮助的地方!
如果您有兴趣将 ChatGPT 用于 MidJourney 图像提示,那么这篇文章适合您。您将可以访问 ChatGPT 提示模板和多个展示该模板的示例。通过使用此模板,您将能够为您的下一个项目制作精美的图像提示。
要开始使用 MidJourney 创建图像提示,了解您可以生成的图形范围至关重要。借助 MidJourney 的 AI 艺术平台,您可以灵活地创建您能想象到的几乎任何类型的图形,包括透明的 PNG 和 3D 图像。从简单的插图到包含多种元素的复杂设计,MidJourney 可以制作各种艺术风格来满足您的项目需求。
您甚至可以利用 MidJourney 为服装、包装和产品设计生成图形,例如插图、概念艺术、徽标、水彩和油画、照片、卡通、动漫和角色设计。无论您想要哪种图形类型,制作成功的图像提示都是生成引人注目的图形的起点,我们将向您展示如何使用 ChatGPT 做到这一点!
ChatGPT 是一款由 AI 提供支持的聊天机器人,可以帮助您开发各种类型的创意内容,包括 MidJourney 项目的提示。使用我的提示模板,机器人可以根据图像提示的最佳实践生成大量 MidJourney 想法。它是这样工作的:
选择要创作的 MidJourney 艺术类型
要将 ChatGPT 用于 MidJourney 提示写作,您需要指定要创作的艺术类型。这是至关重要的,这样 MidJourney 才能了解您的需求并生成正确的结果。例如,不要使用像“的图像”这样模糊的语言,您可以使用更具体的提示,例如:
如果您希望 ChatGPT 为您建议有趣的选项,您可以在请求中省略提及任何特定的艺术风格,让它提出自己的想法。这是探索不同艺术风格的绝佳方法。
或者,如果您有特定的艺术格式,请务必在您对 ChatGPT 的初始请求中提及。
选择要创作的艺术类型后,ChatGPT 将根据您的要求对要包含在提示中的主题进行创意描述。
您可以通过指定您想要抽象的还是具体的、对象还是场景以及要传达的情感来指导 ChatGPT。
确定主题后,ChatGPT 将为艺术品生成或选择适当的设置。您可以指定您的偏好,例如现实或超现实的设置、室内或室外,或者特定的环境或位置。
确定主题和设置后,就可以将具体细节添加到 MidJourney 图像提示中了。在这里,您可以通过请求特定的样式、照明选择、颜色或纹理偏好以及纵横比大小(例如,16:9、9:16、2:3、3:2)来改进艺术品的美感。这些细节确保 MidJourney 创作出符合您愿景的艺术品。
要有效地格式化您的 MidJourney 图像提示,请保持文本简洁和描述性,提供清晰的图像概念,同时为创造力留出空间。理想情况下,您的提示不应超过 60 个词,抓住您概念的核心。
下面的 ChatGPT 提示模板可以生成与 MidJourney 完美匹配的输出。但是,如果您需要进行任何更改,您可以在将提示粘贴到 MidJourney 之前对其进行编辑。
它是一个多功能且富有想象力的 ChatGPT 提示模板,允许快速创建 MidJourney 图像提示。使用此提示模板,您可以探索 ChatGPT 可以为您生成的各种艺术提示。
这个工具可以帮助你产生独特和意想不到的想法,它甚至可以通过激发新的联想来激发你的创造力。ChatGPT 和 MidJourney 是需要艺术助理或创意生成器的设计师的绝佳资源。
要使用此提示模板,只需将其复制并粘贴到 ChatGPT 中,然后使用它生成五个图像提示,您可以将它们与 MidJourney AI 艺术机器人一起使用。提示的格式如下:
MidJourney Prompt Format Style: [type of art], [subject or topic], [action or activity], [aesthetic details, lighting, and styles], [colors], [--ar aspect ratio].Example Image Prompt: watercolor illustration of a tiny adorable hamster dressed up in a suit and tie, fantasy character, --ar 16:9
例如,您可以先提供您的想法的句子,然后 ChatGPT 将根据给定的格式生成图像提示。了解流程后,您可以根据相同或不同的想法创建更多 MidJourney 提示。
将提示模板输入 ChatGPT 后,系统将提示您按回车键提供您的想象力。然后 ChatGPT 将确认并询问您想要的提示。提供您的想法并再次按下回车键后,您可以观察它创建的 AI 生成图像提示。
您可以根据相同或新的想法创建额外的 MidJourney 提示,并且过程保持不变。以下示例说明如何使用此模板生成 MidJourney 提示。
如何有效地利用 MidJourney ChatGPT 模板:有用的指针
在提供您的想法时,必须将您希望在图像提示中包含的任何特定元素告知 ChatGPT。例如,如果您打算将图像提示用于 T 恤设计,您可能希望请求白色背景以简化设计提取过程。
如果 ChatGPT 生成几乎完美的图像提示,需要稍作修改,建议在将细节输入 MidJourney 之前对其进行编辑。这种方法可以包括调整纵横比或添加更多有关图像所需感觉或氛围的细节。
示例:ChatGPT 提示和生成的图像提示
示例:由 MidJourney 的 AI 艺术家生成的图像
An image prompt for MidJourney’s AI artist: A digital portrait of the AI artist sitting in front of an iMac, with colorful abstract paintings adorning the walls. (–ar 3:2)
A MidJourney image prompt for an AI art bot: A digital illustration featuring the AI artist working alongside her robotic assistants to design a futuristic cityscape. (–ar 16:9)
示例:ChatGPT 提示和生成的图像提示(穿西装的可爱仓鼠)
示例:由 MidJourney 生成的图像
A MidJourney image prompt: A watercolor illustration of a hamster dressed in a suit and tie, sitting at a tiny desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee, diligently working on a project. (–ar 3:2)
A MidJourney image prompt: A digital painting of a hamster dressed in a suit and tie, standing confidently in front of a skyscraper, poised to take on the business world. (–ar 16:9)
A MidJourney image prompt: A charcoal drawing of a hamster dressed in a suit and tie, lounging in a comfortable armchair with a good book, surrounded by elegant decor and soft lighting. (–ar 4:3)
A MidJourney image prompt: A vector graphic of a hamster dressed in a suit and tie, delivering a dynamic presentation to an audience of other animals, with colorful charts and graphs projected on a screen behind him.
A MidJourney image prompt: A pixel art of a hamster dressed in a suit and tie, on a mission to save the world from an evil mastermind, with retro-style graphics and a playful storyline. (–ar 5:4)
以下是为真实的图像生成 Midjourney 提示的一些提示:
Use Midjourney v5, the latest AI model, to create images that look like real photographs with realistic skin tones and sharp details.
Use a long lens, such as an 85mm, 100mm or 200mm, to create a shallow depth of field and isolate portrait subjects.
Use high-quality camera models like the Sony α7 III, Nikon D850 DSLR 4k or Canon EOS R5 to capture images with realistic colors and details.
Use keywords like “candid”, “personal”, 4k, 8k to create natural and authentic-looking images.
Use a wide aperture setting, such as F 1.2, to create a blurry background and make the subject stand out.
Add blurry backdrop hints, such as an abandoned church or a street photo at night, to create a sense of mood and atmosphere.
Experiment with dreamlike or dramatic lighting to create a sense of depth and contrast in the image.
Capture ultra-detailed images with sharp lines and textures, capturing every detail with precision.
Create personal portraits that capture the essence of the person’s character and personality.
Use the “–testp” command to put Midjourney into photorealism mode, creating images that look like real photographs.
Use an aspect ratio of 9:16, which is commonly used for portrait images on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
Experiment with Vermeer lighting or Rembrandt lighting, two famous oil paint artists who used atmospheric light for creative advantage.
按照这些提示,您可以使用 Midjourney 创建令人惊叹的逼真图像。
按照上述指南,我们为 Midjourney 编制了一个包含 35 多个逼真和高质量提示的列表,您今天可以试用这些提示。
Create a portrait of a middle-aged man standing on the deck of a yacht at sunset. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with a 100mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting to blur the background and isolate the subject. The ocean and sunset should be visible in the background, with warm, golden light falling on the man’s face. Use a dreamlike lighting effect to create a serene and peaceful image. Use the Midjourney v5 with photorealism mode turned on to capture the man’s rugged yet sophisticated personality.
Create a realistic image of a young woman sitting on a park bench in autumn. Use a Hasselblad camera with an 85mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting to blur the background and isolate the subject. The park should have colorful autumn leaves and trees in the background, with soft sunlight falling on the subject’s face. Use a warm and inviting lighting effect to create a cozy and inviting image. credits to tipseason.com. Use the Midjourney v5 with photorealism mode turned on to capture the woman’s natural beauty and grace.
Create a portrait of a musician playing a guitar on a stage. Use a Sony α7 III camera with a 100mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting to blur the background and isolate the subject. The stage should have dramatic lighting with spotlights and smoke to create a dynamic and engaging atmosphere. Use a Rembrandt lighting effect to highlight the musician’s face and hands. Use the Midjourney v5 with photorealism mode turned on to capture the musician’s passion and talent.
Create a realistic image of a family walking in a forest. Use a Nikon D850 DSLR camera with an 85mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting to blur the background and isolate the subjects. The forest should have tall trees and soft sunlight filtering through the leaves to create a natural and peaceful environment. Use a personal portrait style to capture the family’s connection and love for nature. Use the Midjourney v5 with photorealism mode turned on to create an image that captures the family’s joy and happiness.
Create a photorealistic image of a vintage motorcycle parked on a deserted road at dusk. Use a Nikon D850 DSLR 4k camera with a 200mm lens and F 1.2 aperture setting to isolate the motorcycle from the background and create a dreamlike atmosphere.
Capture the beauty of a classic French chateau in the countryside. Use a Hasselblad camera with a 100mm lens and F 1.2 aperture setting to create a shallow depth of field and blur the background. The chateau should be surrounded by lush gardens and trees, with the sun setting in the distance to create a warm, golden light.
Create a personal portrait of a young girl playing with her pet dog in a field of wildflowers. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with an 85mm lens and F 1.2 aperture setting to create a shallow depth of field and blur the background. Capture the beauty of a rugged coastline at sunset. Use a Sony α7 III camera with a 100mm lens and F 1.2 aperture setting to isolate the subject and create a dreamlike atmosphere.
Use a Nikon D850 DSLR 4k camera with a 200mm lens and F 1.2 aperture setting to take a photorealistic image of a majestic African elephant in its natural habitat. The elephant should be situated in a grassy savanna at sunset, with a warm, orange glow, and the background blurred to create a dramatic effect.
Capture the intimacy of a young couple sitting on a park bench in a candid shot with a Canon EOS R5 camera using a 100mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting. Blur out the background and focus on the couple to capture the moment’s essence.
Take a portrait of a musician playing a guitar on a street at night with a Nikon D850 DSLR 4k camera and 200mm lens, using dreamlike lighting to capture the passion and emotion of the performance. Include the blurry backdrop of city lights to add a touch of ambiance.
Capture the character and wisdom of a senior citizen sitting on a rocking chair on a porch with a Hasselblad camera and an 85mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting. Use natural lighting and blur out the backdrop of a cornfield for a personal touch.
Use a Sony α7 III camera with a 100mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting to take a close-up portrait of a baby. Use soft lighting and blur out the backdrop of a nursery to highlight the subject’s innocence and beauty.
Take a portrait of a young athlete practicing yoga on a beach at sunrise with a Canon EOS R5 camera using an 85mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting. Use dreamlike lighting and a blurry backdrop of the ocean to capture the strength and grace of the subject.
Capture the passion and creativity of a street artist painting a mural on a brick wall with a Nikon D850 DSLR 4k camera using a 200mm lens and dramatic lighting in a candid portrait. Use the blurry backdrop of the cityscape to add depth and ambiance.
Take a personal portrait of a fashion model sitting on a velvet couch with a Hasselblad camera using a 100mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting. Use dreamlike lighting and blur out the backdrop of a grand staircase to capture the subject’s beauty and elegance.
Take a portrait of a couple sitting in a coffee shop in a candid shot with a Sony α7 III camera using an 85mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting. Use natural lighting and blur out the coffeehouse’s backdrop and its patrons to capture the intimacy and warmth of the moment.
Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with a 100mm lens at F 1.2 aperture setting and ultra-detailed lighting to take a candid portrait of a chef cooking in a kitchen. Include the blurry backdrop of the restaurant’s dining room to capture the subject’s passion and skill.
Take a photorealistic image of a young boy playing in a park on a sunny day, surrounded by trees and grass, with a soccer ball at his feet and a big smile on his face. Use a low angle to capture the sense of playfulness and joy.
Take a realistic image of a winter landscape with a frozen lake, snow-covered trees, and a cozy cabin in the distance. Use the golden hour lighting to capture the warmth of the setting sun on the snow.
Take a photorealistic image of a woman sitting at a desk in her home office, surrounded by books and papers, with a cup of coffee in hand and a laptop open in front of her. Use a high angle to capture the sense of focus and productivity.A chef prepares a dish in a bustling kitchen, surrounded by colorful ingredients and steaming pots and pans. The close-up shot captures the action and intensity of the moment.
A couple strolls through a lush garden bursting with springtime blooms, their hands intertwined. The realistic image evokes feelings of new beginnings and growth.
An eagle soars majestically through the air, its wings spread wide as the wind rushes through its feathers. The bird’s-eye view shot captures the sense of freedom and power.
A busy city street at night bustles with neon lights and crowds of people. The high-angle shot captures the energy and excitement of the urban scene.
A lone hiker treks through a rugged mountain landscape, with snow-capped peaks visible in the distance and a backpack slung over their shoulder. The wide-angle shot conveys a sense of adventure and exploration.
A classic car cruises down a scenic coastal road, the sun setting behind it and the ocean stretching out to the horizon. The low-angle shot captures the nostalgia and beauty of the scene.
A family gathers around a holiday meal, with a big turkey at the center of the table and colorful decorations all around. The high-angle shot conveys a sense of togetherness and celebration.
A vintage train station bustles with activity, with a steam locomotive chugging away in the background and passengers rushing about. The low-angle shot captures the grandeur and nostalgia of the scene.
A woman walks through a bustling market, surrounded by vendors selling colorful fruits and vegetables. The close-up shot captures the texture and vibrancy of the scene.A small town in autumn is ablaze with colorful leaves falling from the trees, and a cozy coffee shop beckons in the distance. The high-angle shot evokes a sense of charm and warmth.
A young athlete sprints with determination on a track, sweat on their brow. The low-angle shot captures the energy and motion of the moment.A quiet bookshop on a rainy day invites readers to browse, with books stacked high and a warm fire crackling in the fireplace. The close-up shot conveys a sense of coziness and relaxation.
A young couple dances gracefully in a ballroom, dressed in elegant attire and bathed in romantic lighting. The high-angle shot captures the grace and beauty of the moment.
A realistic image of a scientist in a laboratory, surrounded by test tubes and microscopes, conducting experiments. Shot from a close-up angle to capture the sense of precision and curiosity.
A photorealistic image of a beautiful garden with a koi pond, with colorful flowers blooming all around and fish swimming in the water. Shot from a wide angle to capture the sense of serenity and tranquility.
A realistic image of a young child running through a sprinkler on a hot summer day, with water droplets flying all around. Shot from a low angle to capture the sense of joy and freedom.
A photorealistic image of a woman playing guitar on a rooftop terrace, with a beautiful city skyline in the background. Shot during the golden hour to capture the warmth of the setting sun.
A realistic image of a quiet church on a peaceful Sunday morning, with sunlight streaming through stained-glass windows and hymns being sung. Shot from a high angle to capture the sense of reverence and spirituality.
A photorealistic image of a couple on a romantic gondola ride through the canals of Venice, with colorful buildings lining the waterways. Shot from a low angle to capture the sense of intimacy and beauty.
A realistic image of a farmer working in a sun-kissed field, with crops growing all around and a bright blue sky above. Shot from a wide angle to capture the sense of hard work and dedication.
A realistic image of a man and his dog going for a walk in a snowy park, with trees covered in snow and icicles hanging from the branches. Shot from a low angle to capture the sense of companionship and warmth.
A photorealistic image of a beautiful beach with crystal-clear water, with palm trees swaying in the breeze and colorful umbrellas scattered about. Shot from a wide angle to capture the sense of relaxation and paradise.
A realistic image of a musician playing a piano in a grand concert hall, with elegant decor and a captive audience. Shot from a close-up angle to capture the sense of passion and talent.
A couple admiring a beach sunset, with gentle waves lapping at their feet and warm sand between their toes, captured in a photorealistic shot from a low angle that conveys a sense of romance and beauty.
A group of friends hiking in a forest, surrounded by tall trees and a stunning waterfall in the distance, seen from a high angle in a realistic image that captures the sense of adventure and camaraderie.
A family gathered around a board game on a cozy rug in front of a fireplace, with colorful pieces and warm blankets creating a sense of togetherness and relaxation, captured in a close-up photorealistic shot.
A couple experiencing the beauty of a sunrise hot air balloon ride, with rolling hills and a distant cityscape providing awe-inspiring vistas, seen from a wide angle in a realistic image that conveys a sense of wonder.
A young girl taking a ballet lesson in a studio, with beautiful lighting and elegant poses, captured in a close-up photorealistic shot that conveys a sense of grace and beauty.
A group of teenagers playing basketball in an inner-city park, surrounded by graffiti-covered walls that add a sense of urban grittiness, seen from a low angle in a realistic image that captures the sense of intensity and determination. A couple enjoying a picnic on a hillside, surrounded by colorful flowers and beautiful scenery, captured in a photorealistic shot from a wide angle that conveys the sense of romance and beauty.
使用 ChatGPT 为 MidJourney 生成图像提示是为平面设计项目集思广益的一种快速有效的方法。只需几个简单的步骤,ChatGPT 和 MidJourney 就可以让创建自定义图像的过程成为一种愉快的体验。
通过使用 ChatGPT 的 MidJourney 提示模板,您需要做的就是输入您的想法,ChatGPT 将创建 MidJourney 提示,其中指定:
收到 Prompt 后,只需将其复制并粘贴到 MidJourney 中,即可看到惊人的结果!为什么还要等?试一试,立即开始生成独特的 AI 艺术作品!
如果你对 ChatGPT 与 MidJourney 感兴趣,不妨加入我们!