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日期: 来源:全球留学DIY飞跃计划收集编辑:DIY飞跃计划




Project background

You will be involved in our larger research program on self-regulation, meta-motivational beliefs, and goal pursuit processes. Self-regulation refers to the process of monitoring and modulating one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to reach desired end states, which is essential in many private and professional contexts. While we have expanded our knowledge about what promotes vs. impairs self-regulation, less is known about what people believe and understand about motivation. Our project investigates how differences in meta-motivational knowledge influence goal pursuit and leadership and whether an intervention that aims to train people’s meta-motivational knowledge can enhance leadership abilities (e.g., the quality of their recommendations and mentoring).

The position will begin in the summer of 2023 at an agreed-upon date.


Job description

You will conduct experimental research focusing on this project. In addition, they will have the opportunity to pursue their own research interests within the broader context of self-regulation and goal pursuit research. You will be expected to publish your research findings in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, present your research at national and international conferences, and contribute to the group’s tasks and activities.

You will work under the supervision of Dr. Marie Crouzevialle and be integrated into the chair of Organizational Behavior. As part of the OB chair, they will have access to research funding and the chair’s laboratory facilities, which includes a behavioral and a psychophysiological lab (with electroencephalography (EEG) and electrocardiography (ECG)).


Your profile

  • You should be highly self-motivated, independent, conscientious, and interested in pursuing an academic career. 

  • You are expected to have team spirit.

  • You must hold a master’s degree preferably in psychology or a related field.

  • Knowledge of social science research methods (experiments, surveys) and statistic software (e.g., SPSS, R), is requested and some programming knowledge (e.g., Matlab, E-Prime, Python) is advantageous.

  • German language skills are not required, but proficiency in English is mandatory.


How to apply

We are looking forward to receiving your online application with the following documents:

a cover letter stating your motivation for this position, relevant skills, and research interests,

your CV,

copies of your diplomas,

a writing sample (e.g., a paper/report, or draft of your Masters’ thesis) and

contact details of two references.

Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered. Applications will be evaluated starting from April 20 and on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

For further information, please contact Dr. Marie Crouzevialle, by e-mail at [email protected] (no applications) or visit our webpage.



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