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伟测科技: 内资第三方测试领军企业,高端测试布局+国产替代驱动业绩持续高增

日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:天风国际机构研究

Shanghai V-Test Semiconductor Tech. 

(688372 CH)


Initiating coverage: Chinese 3rd-party testing leader ramps up high-end business to ride substitution growth trend

TP:RMB152.05    BUY (Initiation)

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis

内资独立第三方测试龙头企业,高端测试产能不断扩充。公司提供晶圆测试业务起家,持续扩大芯片测试及高端测试产能,同时加大对新客户的开发力度,自 2016年成立以来经营业绩保持连续高速增长,2018-2021 年度营业收入 CAGR达124.32%,归母净利润 CAGR 达 174.22%,公司 2022 年度业绩快报显示,公司 2022 年营业总收入为 7.33 亿元,同比增长 48.64%,归母净利润为 2.5 亿元,同比增长 61.18%,截至2022年10月已经成为第三方集成电路测试业务营收及净利润位居前列的内资企业。

Domestic-funded independent 3rd-party testing leader adding high-end capacity 

V-Test Semiconductor Tech, which started out in wafer testing in 2016, has continually expanded its chip testing business toward high-end testing production capacity, while winning new customers. Its stable performance growth drove a rapid revenue CAGR of 124.32% and net profit CAGR of 174.22% over 2018-21. V-Test posted 2022 results with revenue of RMB733m, up 48.64% yoy, and net profit of RMB250m, up 61.18% yoy. It generated the highest revenue and net profit among domestic-funded third-party integrated circuit (IC) test companies as of October 2022.


3rd-party testing a growing market in China; RMB48.3bn testing market by 2026E 

Market projections indicate broad growth potential for this key market and suggest it could expand by RMB24bn within the five years from 2021. IC testing includes wafer testing and finished chip testing, crucial processes that ensure chip yield, cost control, and guidance of chip design and process improvements. Relative to IDMs, packaging and testing companies, and wafer manufacturers, the advantages of third-party testing companies include professionalism, wide-range tests and objective test results. 

Data estimates by Xinmou Research and Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute indicate that China’s chip testing market could amount to RMB48.29bn by 2026E, implying incremental growth of about RMB24bn from 2021. The large-scale global IC test foundry industry is currently concentrated in Taiwan of China and mainland, with Taiwan of China leading the global market in independent third-party testing. China's testing industry is dominated by packaging and testing manufacturers, and the development of independent third-party testing has broad growth prospects.


Substitution demand rise: order shift toward Chinese design manufacturers

V-Test embraced this rising business by taking the route of competitive high-end differentiation. China’s State Council released wide-spectrum policies to support the local IC industry by building new nationwide systems to drive quality growth of the country’s IC industry. Over the long term, upstream business increases in wafer manufacturing and chip design would similarly drive growth for support services like testing. Over the short term, chip supply chain security and local manufacturers’ hardware and software capability upgrades would drive a order shift toward Chinese testing companies. 

In wafer testing, V-Test is building up a presence in the mid-range to high-end chip product testing market. Its chip product testing revenue grew 651.84%/266.26% in the mid-range/high-end platform segments in 2021, while its high-end test platform wafer testing gross margin came close to 70%. In positioning itself in the high-growth segment, V-Test set a competitive differentiation strategy that “focuses on wafer testing and developing testing of finished products in mid-range to high-end chips”. This drove growth for the company. By end-2021, it led the market with the highest assets, revenue and net profit among China’s three top third-party testing companies. V-Test also has rich customer resources and has little customer overlap with Liyang Chip and Hualing, given the dissimilarity of their product matrixes. We see considerable growth and profit-making potential for the company.

投资建议/Investment Ideas

投资建议:预计公司 2022/2023/2024 年归母净利润分别达到2.50/3.40/5.16亿,对应 EPS 2.87/3.90/5.92元/股。我们选取从事军用装备和民用飞机产品检验检测的西测测试、电子元器件检测供应商思科瑞和国内最大独立第三方集成电路测试基地之一的利扬芯片。对应2023年度同行业可比公司一致预期PE均值为39倍,公司以晶圆测试为基,积极发展中高端芯片成品测试,专注于高毛利赛道,故给予公司行业平均值的39倍PE,对应公司2023年净利润3.40亿元,2023年市值132.6亿元,目标价格152.05元/股,首次覆盖给予“买入”评级。

Valuation and risks

We forecast net profit of RMB250m/340m/516m in 2022/23/24E, corresponding to RMB2.87/3.90/5.92 EPS. For V-Test’s peers, we selected West Test (military equipment and civil aircraft products inspections and testing), Scree (electronic components testing supplier) and Liyang Chip (one of the largest independent third-party IC test bases in China). Taking into account average peer PE of 39x for 2023E, based on consensus expectations, and considering that V-Test is developing its mid-to-high-end chip product testing business with a high-margin focus, we assign a 39x PE to the company in line with the industry average. This corresponds with its RMB340m net profit and RMB13.26bn market cap in 2023E. Hence, we initiate coverage of the stock with a BUY rating and target price of RMB152.05.


Risks include: intensifying competition in the IC testing business; overdependence on imported equipment; slower-than-expected technology updates; R&D failure; and subjective forecast risks. 

Email: equity@tfisec.com

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