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基于此,作者们在国际期刊Energy Storage Materials上发表题为“用于在潮湿环境中锂氧/空气电池稳定工作的防水透氧气膜”的研究论文。该论文通过引入可大规模制备/柔性聚四氟乙烯@聚苯乙烯 (PTFE@PS) 膜,具有出色的透氧性和防潮能力,可有效保护锂负极和整个电池系统免受H2O腐蚀。
PTFE@PS 膜的稳定双重疏水性通过接触角和渗透实验得到证明,其阻止H2O穿梭的能力通过循环后锂金属表面SEI层的光谱表征(冷冻电镜)得到证明。PTFE@PS膜的成功地提升了锂金属负极的循环性、完全放电深度能力、以及在潮湿的O2和实际环境空气气氛(RH:70%)中运行的锂氧/空气电池的循环性能。
本 文 要 点
要点一、可大规模制备/柔性聚四氟乙烯@聚苯乙烯 (PTFE@PS) 膜的制备和其防水透氧特性、以及在潮湿气体环境下能阻挡水对锂金属负极的腐蚀能力证明
Figure 1. The oxygen-permeable and /moisture-proof PTFE@PS membranes function by providing water-shielding for Li-metal anodes against detrimental shuttle ofH2O in a humid atmosphere. (a) Schematic illustration of H2O in a humid O2 atmosphere, where H2O could diffuse from the gas diffusion layer of LOBs into the inside of the battery, leading to irreversible conversion of both Li-metal anode and cathode discharge-products. Wearing an oxygen-permeable/moisture-proof membrane on the front-face of the cathode side of LOBs can effectively block the shuttle of H2O in a humid atmosphere. (b) Preparation of oxygen-permeable/moisture-proof PTFE@PS membrane. (c) Optical images of the as-prepared PTFE@PS membrane showing scalable and flexible properties. (d) SEM images of the prepared PS membrane (upper) and PTFE@PS membrane (bottom). (e) Contact angle of H2O (left) and G4 solvents (right) towards PTFE@PS membranes showing dual phobicity of the membrane. (f) Photos of the penetration experiments. (g) Optical images of a drop of H2O on the Li-metal surface without PTFE@PS (left) and with PTFE@PS membrane (right). H2O can directly react with Li-anode, and the PTFE@PS membrane obviously suppresses such reaction by preventing the direct contact of Li-metal anodes with H2O. (h) Cycle performance of Li/Li symmetrical cells assembled without PTFE@PS membranes and with PTFE@PS membranes. The insets display the corresponding SEM images of cycled Li-metal surface (Figure 1h). The PTFE@PS membranes with dual phobic properties can effectively block the shuttle/crossover of H2O in a humid O2 atmosphere thus bring enhanced cyclability to the Li-metal anodes.
Figure 2. Analysis of component of SEI layer in cycled Li-metal surface via cryo-TEM and EELS. (a, e) Phase map of SEI, (b, f) HRTEM of Li2O, Li2CO3, LiOH and corresponding FFT crystals, (c, g) STEM-ADF images and (d, h) corresponding EELS of O K-edge acquired from SEI layer (in Figure 2c and g) of cycled Li-metal surface without PTFE@PS membranes (a-d) and with PTFE@PS membranes (e-h), respectively. The main component of SEI in cycled Li-metal surface without PTFE@PS membrane is LiOH, while that with PTFE@PS membrane is Li2O. The generation of LiOH in SEI of the cycled Li-metal surface without PTFE@PS membranes is mainly attributed to the destructive shuttle of H2O in humid O2 atmosphere.
Figure 3. The electrochemical performance of LOBs operated in a humid O2 atmosphere (RH: 70%). (a) Initial full-discharge capacity of LOBs assembled with and without PTFE@PS membrane in a humid O2 atmosphere (RH: 70%). The low-capacity output of LOBs assembled without PTFE@PS membrane is ascribed to the damaged Li-metal anode caused by the shuttle of H2O in humid O2 atmosphere, which can be significantly enhanced by replacing the cycled Li-metal anode with a new one. With the protection of PTFE@PS membrane, the initial full-discharge capacity of LOBs has been remarkably enhanced. (b) XRD diffractograms and (c) SEM images of cathode discharge products after the initial full-discharge. The introduction of H2O induces generation of LiOH, yet the main component of cathode discharge product of LOBs assembled with PTFE@PS membranes is Li2O2. The morphology of the cathode discharge product of LOBs with PTFE@PS membranes is typical toroid morphology, while the significant growth of toroid morphology from cathode discharge product of LOBs assembled without PTFE@PS membranes is mainly ascribed to the introduction of H2O. (d-f) The cycle performance of LOBs assembled without and with PTFE@PS membrane operated in a humid O2 atmosphere and cycled at a limited capacity of (d) 1000 mAh/g and (e, f) 500 mAh/g, showing that the PTFE@PS membrane can significantly enhance the cycle performance of LOBs.
Figure 4. The electrochemical performance of LABs operated in an ambient air atmosphere (RH: 70%). (a) Comparison of cycle performance of Li/Li symmetrical cells operated in an ambient air atmosphere, showing PTFE@PS membrane enhances the cyclability of Li-metal anodes. (b) SEM images of cycles Li-metal surface assembled without (left) and with PTFE@PS membrane (right), where the entering of H2O inside the battery can induce severe Li corrosion. (c) XPS atomic ratios of different elements and (d) F1s spectra of SEI in cycled Li surface assembled without and with PTFE@PS membrane. Compared with the one with PTFE@PS membrane, the obvious increase in F, O, Li content of SEI of the cycled Li-metal surface assembled without the membrane is mainly attributed to the fact that the entrance of H2O could induce continuous SEI reconstruction during repeated electro-plating/stripping processes, thus cause more electrolyte/salt decomposition at the Li/electrolyte interface. (e) Initial full-discharge capacity and (f) cycle performance of LABs operated in an ambient air atmosphere (RH: 70%). The remarkable battery performance enhancement of LABs with the aid of PTFE@PS membrane is mainly ascribed to its strong moisture-proof property that effectively suppresses the crossover of H2O towards the entire LABs systems.
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Oxygen-Permeable and Moisture-Proof Membrane for Stable Li-O2/Air Batteries in Humid Working Environment
通 讯 作 者 简 介
孙世刚教授 中国科学院院士,教授、博士生导师,获国家自然科学奖二等奖、教育部自然科学奖一等奖、国际电化学会Brian Conway奖章、中法化学讲座奖和中国电化学贡献奖;被评为全国优秀科技工作者、全国模范教师和全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师。
任固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室学术委员会主任,中国化学会副理事长。任国际Electrochimica Acta副主编、J. Electroanal. Chem.、ACS Energy Letters和国内《应用化学》编委,《物理化学学报》、《光谱学与光谱分析》、《化学学报》和《化学教育》副主编、《Journal of Electrochemistry》(电化学)主编。
乔羽教授 博士生导师,厦门大学化学化工学院/固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室,中国福建能源材料科学与技术创新实验室(嘉庚创新实验室)。研究内容:二次电池相关新型储能体系(富锂、高镍等高电压正极材料中阴离子氧化还原机理,电极电解液表界面电化学过程及相关溶剂化构型改性研究,二次电池产气精细分析等);电化学原位谱学表征(电化学原位气相质谱色谱联用、Raman、红外等)。
学术成果:以第一作者和通讯作者身份在Nature Energy, Nature Catalysis, Joule (5篇), Angew. Chem. (5篇), Energy Environ. Sci. (4篇), Adv. Mater. (6篇), Adv. Energy Mater. (5篇) 等科研期刊发表学术论文40余篇。获奖情况:国家海外高层次人才引进计划(青年项目,2019批次);厦门大学“南强青年拔尖人才支持计划”(A类,2021年度);厦门市高层次人才引进计划(双百计划);厦门市高层次留学人员;日本文部省奖学金;国家留学基金委CSC高水平公派奖学金等。
主要从事高能量密度二次电池(锂离子电池、金属锂电池和全固态电池等)关键材料结构和界面表征、机理研究和失效分析,尤其擅长采用冷冻电镜技术研究辐照敏感材料。至今已在Nature、Nature Materials、Chemical Reviews、Joule、Energy & Environmental Science、Journal of American Chemical Society、Nano Letter等国际知名学术期刊上发表学术论文100余篇,引用6300余次。
王欣教授 东莞松山湖材料实验室特聘研究员,环境与能源高分子材料团队负责人,博士生导师,主要研究领域为刺激响应智能高分子、自修复高分子、弹性体复合材料、凝胶聚合物电解质、高性能结构纤维和功能纳米纤维。
1、基本薪酬 :30 w以上,面议;
2、提供厦大博士后公寓(翔安校区:约六七十平方米,房租 8-10元/平方米/月)或相应租房补贴;
【注】入选 “博士后创新人才支持计划项目(博新计划)”、“香江学者计划”者,相关待遇按照国家及厦门大学相关规定执行。
邮箱:yuqiao@xmu.edu.cn(cc: qiaoyu09206@163.com)
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