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ACS Publications招聘 | Design Freelancer

日期: 来源:ACS美国化学会收集编辑:ACS Publications




Design Freelancer

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CreativeLab, ACS Publications

主要 · 职责

ACS International (ACSI) is looking for a talented and experienced bilingual freelancer designer to amplify science by making scientific information accessible and understandable to a broader audience in Asia. 

The designer will be a co-creator with CreativeLab, ACS Publications' internal design agency, to bridge the gap by fulfilling design needs for ACS-I Asia offices while reinforcing and strengthening the ACS Publications brand. 

The ideal designer will have a minimum of 5+ years of experience in graphic design (digital and print) in both Chinese and English. They should have experience in animation and motion graphics for digital platforms and social media (wechat etc), and follow branded templated creatives such as product posters, booth design, pull-up banners, digital ads, email templates, giveaways, and PowerPoint slides.

The deliverables:

  • WeChat elements (gifs, memes, emojis etc) with rich animation and motion graphics

  • Scale booths graphics, product posters, and other promotional materials for events and trade shows

  • Amplify templated creatives like as pull-up banners, digital ads, email templates, giveaways, and regional PowerPoint slides for presentations

The qualifications:

  • Fluent in Chinese and English

  • 5-7 years of experience in graphic design, with a focus on digital, print, and environmental design

  • Expert practitioner of design principles and typography with great attention to detail and brand compliance

  • Based in China, Singapore, or Asia and or South Asia Region. Must have flexible hours to take part and collaborate in meetings held during the US Eastern Standard time zone, when necessary

  • Understand Wechat's technical requirements

  • Robust design, animation, motion graphics, skill

  • Bonus: photography, fluent in CorelDra

We encourage you to consider this exciting opportunity if you are a bilingual designer with a passion for design and curiosity for science. We hope you'll join the American Chemical Society and bridge the design gap by making scientific information accessible to the research community in Asia.


有意者请将您的简历发送至[email protected],我们虚位以待

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ACS International

ACS International, Ltd. (ACSI) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Chemical Society. ACSI is comprised of representatives that serve the scientific community worldwide. Employees represent products and services provided by ACS divisions, including ACS Publications and Chemical Abstract Services (CAS), to the world’s important scientific companies, government organizations, global patent offices and academic institutions to promote research and discovery.

Copyright © 2023 CAS, a division of American Chemical Society



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