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博士招生 | 布伦瑞克工业大学招收英语语言学博士带薪读博、博后招聘

日期: 来源:语言学通讯收集编辑:语言学通讯







带薪读博 教研工作 博士招生

布伦瑞克工业大学(德文:Technische Universität Braunschweig),全称为卡洛罗.威廉米娜-布伦瑞克工业大学,简称TUBS,位于德国下萨克森州的布伦瑞克,是德国著名的理工科大学之一 。该校成立于1745年,是德国第一所理工大学,隶属于CESAER欧洲高等工程教育和研究大学会议联盟德国十所高校之一,是德国顶尖的理工大学联盟TU9成员之一。迄2020年,在校学生20067人,其中留学生2941人 。
布伦瑞克工业大学共有71个专业方向,156个研究所,隶属于6个不同的科系,教职工3600人 。近代数学的奠基者之一,“数学王子”约翰·卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯,诺贝尔奖得主克劳斯·冯·克利青、曼弗雷德·艾根、格奥尔格·维蒂希均毕业于该校。其校友中还诞生了光学泡克耳斯效应的提出者物理学家泡克耳斯,德国磁悬浮之父赫尔伯特·韦和著名汽车技术工程师、大众汽车董事乌利希·赛弗特等。



Starting from October 1, 2023, the section of English Linguistics in English and American Studies at TU Braunschweig is looking for a PhD or Postdoc in English Linguistics (f/m/d) (part-time – German pay scale TV-L E13, 50%-75%).

The position is for a period of initially 3 years, subject to a successful evaluation of progress at the end of the first year. Salary ranges from 27k to 45k Euros per year depending on the applicant’s experience. The successful applicant will pursue a Ph.D. degree or further scientific qualification.



- We are looking for candidates with backgrounds and interests that link up to the main research areas in English Linguistics at the TU Braunschweig. We particularly welcome applications from candidates with solid knowledge of theoretical linguistics.
- You are aiming for a PhD degree or further research experience.
- You will be involved in research and teaching: You will teach English-language seminar courses in (English) linguistics, ranging from two to six 45-minute sessions per week in each 14-week semester (depending on the position). In addition, you will supervise student work.
- You will take part in research and teaching administration and will be involved in committee work.



Your Qualifications:
- an excellent MA degree or equivalent in an area related to (English) linguistics for the PhD position (50%) or
- an excellent PhD degree or equivalent in an area related to (English) linguistics for the Post-doc position (50-75%)
- very good knowledge of English and – ideally – also German
- demonstrable teaching or tutoring experience
- knowledge of statistics, previous teaching experience and – if applicable – experience with lab-based and/or empirical research is desirable

Our Benefits:
- The department has experimental facilities including remote eye-trackers suitable for reading and Visual World studies and reaction-time computers. Further information about the department can be found at https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/en/anglistik/seminar/linguistik.
- pay in accordance with the collective agreement TV-L, pay grade E-13
- a special payment at the end of the year as well as a supplementary benefit in the form of a company pension, comparable to a company pension in the private sector.
- flexible working and part-time options and a family-friendly university culture, awarded the “Family-friendly university” audit since 2007
- a wide range of continuing education and company health care programmes as well as a vibrant campus life in an international atmosphere

What’s more to know:
We welcome applicants of all nationalities. At the same time, we encourage people with severe disabilities to apply. Applications from severely disabled persons will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Please attach a form of evidence of your handicap to your application. We are also working on the fulfilment of the Central Equality Plan based on the Lower Saxony Equal Rights Act (Niedersächsisches Gleichberechtigungsgesetz—NGG) and strive to reduce under-representation in all areas and positions as defined by the NGG. Therefore, applications from women are particularly welcome in this case.
Personal data will be stored for the purpose of carrying out the application procedure. Application costs cannot be reimbursed.

For more information, please contact Prof. Dr. Holger Hopp at h.hopp@tu-braunschweig.de or +49 (0) 531 391-8700.

Closing date: May 31, 2023.

Are you interested? Please send your application in one pdf-file via email to dorothee.hauer@tu-braunschweig.de.
Interviews may be held at any time also before the deadline.

Besides a cover letter, please include:
- a motivation letter
- a CV
- copies of all previous degrees, including detailed transcripts of records
- contact information of two academic letters of reference (one from the supervisor of the BA/MA/PhD thesis or equivalent)
- a 1 page summary of your MA/PhD thesis or equivalent

Application Deadline: 31-May-2023

Contact Information:
Holger Hopp



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不当你的世界  只作你的肩膀










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