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文章推荐|Bioinspired Strategies for Excellent Mechanical Properties

日期: 来源:仿生工程官方公众号收集编辑:仿生工程学报



Xianchang Peng, Binjie Zhang, Ze Wang, Wenbo Su, Shichao Niu, Zhiwu Han & Luquan Ren . Bioinspired Strategies for Excellent Mechanical Properties of Composites. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2022, 19(5),1203–1228.

Bioinspired Strategies for Excellent Mechanical Properties of Composites

Xianchang Peng, Binjie Zhang, Ze Wang, Wenbo Su, Shichao Niu, Zhiwu Han & Luquan Ren  

1 Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun, 130022, China

2 Weihai Institute for Bionics, Jilin University, Weihai, 264200, China

3 School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, 130022, China


Developing high-performance composite materials is of great significance as a strong support for high-end manufacturing. However, the design and optimization of composite materials lack a theoretical basis and guidance scheme. Compared with traditional composite materials, natural materials are composed of relatively limited components but exhibit better mechanical properties through ingenious and reasonable synthetic strategies. Based on this, learning from nature is considered to be an effective way to break through the bottleneck of composite design and preparation. In this review, the recent progress of natural composites with excellent properties is presented. Multiple factors, including structures, components and interfaces, are first summarized to reveal the strategies of natural materials to achieve outstanding mechanical properties. In addition, the manufacturing technologies and engineering applications of bioinspired composite materials are introduced. Finally, some scientific challenges and outlooks are also proposed to promote next-generation bioinspired composite materials.

Fig. W1  The regulation of composition to achieve different properties. a The gradient mineralization of radular teeth of chiton; b The distribution of different type of amino acid in the nereis jaws; c The diverse site-specific modulus induced by distinction of hydration]; d The distribution of different ions in the fang of spiders.

Fig. W2  Natural materials achieve remarkable impact resistance through multilevel energy dissipation. a Another important factor for impact energy dissipation of the dactyl club of mantis shrimp is the impact resistant nanoparticle coating on its surface; b The layered structure of the beetle cuticle resists impact; c The unique structure of coconut protect the internal fruit form the injuring of falling from the tree, mainly including vascular bundles and concentric rings of hollow fibers to dissipate impact energy effectively.

Fig. W3  The natural materials with remarkable fracture resistance. a The baleen of whale can resist fracture by utilizing the unique sandwich structure and toughening mechanisms ; b Hierarchical structure of antlers.

Fig. W4   Obtain materials with excellent performance through modification. a The structure materials with excellent mechanical properties are fabricated through a two-step process of partial delignification and microwave heating of natural bamboo; b The preparation process of cellulose nanofibers bulk material includes delignification, drying-induced assembly, and compression; c The natural wood particles are processed into isotropic wood.



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