ACS 2023秋季年会将于今年8月13-17日召开,主题为:Harnessing the Power of Data。本次年会仍将延续线上、线下同时召开的模式,线下地点:美国旧金山。
Advances in Photo- and Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide: Symposium Honoring Etsuko Fujita (Invited)
Bioinorganic Chemistry from Cell to Organism
Bioinorganic Chemistry, Energy, and the Environment
Catalysis Goes to Eleven (Invited)
Chemistry of Materials Lectureship Symposium (Invited)
Coordination Chemistry: Catalysis and Applications
Coordination Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Magnetism, and Spectroscopy
Coordination Chemistry: Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry
Coordination Chemistry: Ligand Design, Synthesis, and Reactivity
Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship (Invited)
Inorganic Young Investigator Awards (Invited)
Medicinal Applications of Bioinorganic Chemistry
Nanoscience: Applications of Nanomaterials
Nanoscience: Molecular Frameworks and Cages
Nanoscience: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Nanomaterials and their Hierarchical Structures
Organometallic Chemistry: Applications to Materials and Polymer Science
Organometallic Chemistry: Applications to Organic Transformations
Organometallic Chemistry: Earth-Abundant Metal Catalysis
Organometallic Chemistry: Experimental & Computational Mechanistic Investigation
Organometallic Chemistry: Main Group Chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry: New Design Concepts & Reactivity Patterns
Organometallic Chemistry: Structure & Bonding
Organometallics Distinguished Author Symposium (Invited)
Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry: Catalysis and Sustainability
Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry: Energy production and remediation
Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry: Materials and Design
Strong Bond Activation and Transformation (Invited)
Sustainable Catalysis for C1 Valorization Supported by the PRF (Invited)
Sustainable Energy and Environment: Chemical Transformations and Catalytic Conversions
Sustainable Energy and Environment: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion
Sustainable Energy and Environment: Environmental Remediation and Monitoring
Tailored Precursor Design for Inorganic Material Synthesis (Invited)
The Jonathan L. Sessler Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Bioinorganic and Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry: Symposium Honoring Marie Heffern (Invited)
摘要提交请访问www.acs.org/acsmeeting ,找到ACS Fall 2023, 点击”Symposium/Program Chairs”, 找到感兴趣的分会场,提交摘要即可。
中国战略与科学发展总监, ACS International
*Email: czheng@acs-i.org
*Mobile: 13693695943
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