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日期: 来源:仿生工程官方公众号收集编辑:仿生工程学报


Optimal Variable Stiffness Control and Its Applications in Bionic Robotic Joints: A Review

Yuanxi Sun, Yuntao Tang, Jia Zheng, Dianbiao Dong & Long Bai


Systematic Review on Wearable Lower Extremity Robotic Exoskeletons for Assisted Locomotion

Shuang Qiu, Zhongcai Pei, Chen Wang & Zhiyong Tang     


3 Progress on Medical Implant: A Review and Prospects

Ankur Pandey & Swagatadeb Sahoo 


The Novel Variable Stiffness Composite Systems with Characteristics of Repeatable High Load Bearing and Response Rate

Zhiwei Tuo, Zhaohua Lin, Qian Zhao, Yunhong Liang, Han Wu, Chang Liu & ZhiWu Han 


A Programmable Inchworm-Inspired Soft Robot Powered by a Rotating Magnetic Field

Honglin Shen, Shuxiang Cai, Zhen Wang, Zheng Yuan, Haibo Yu & Wenguang Yang 


Design and Experimental Validation of a Worm-Like Tensegrity Robot for In-Pipe Locomotion

Xiaolin Dai, Yixiang Liu, Wei Wang, Rui Song, Yibin Li & Jie Zhao   


Design of an Active Flexible Spine for Wall Climbing Robot Using Pneumatic Soft Actuators

Guangming Chen, Tao Lin, Gabriel Lodewijks & Aihong Ji


Design and Realization of a Novel Hybrid-Drive Robotic Fish for Aquaculture Water Quality Monitoring

Yiting Ji, Yaoguang Wei, Jincun Liu & Dong An  


CPG Modulates the Omnidirectional Motion of a Hexapod Robot in Unstructured Terrain

Wei Zhang, Qingshuo Gong, Haoyu Yang & Yejing Tang 


10 A Hybrid Territorial Aquatic Bionic Soft Robot with Controllable Transition Capability

Qingzhong Li, Fukang Zhang, Zeying Jing, Fujie Yu & Yuan Chen   


11 Study on Control Technology of Tendon Bionic Driving Robot System

Ke Xu, Wenzhuo Li, Chenghao Ji & Bing Liu 


12 Bionic Muscle Control with Adaptive Stiffness for Bionic Parallel Mechanism

Yaguang Zhu, Ruyue Li & Zhipeng Song


13 sEMG-Based Lower Limb Motion Prediction Using CNN-LSTM with Improved PCA Optimization Algorithm

Meng Zhu, Xiaorong Guan, Zhong Li, Long He, Zheng Wang & Keshu Cai 


14 The Fabrication of Gas-driven Bionic Soft Flytrap Blade and Related Feasibility Tests

Yangwei Wang, Jie Yan, Jian Li, Meizhen Huang & Zhibo Luan 


15 Fuzzy Logic Control of a Head-movement Based Semi-autonomous Human–machine Interface

Yasir Özlük & Eda Akman Aydin


16 Investigate the Wake Flow on Houseflies with Particle-Tracking-Velocimetry and Schlieren Photography

Yun Liu & Angel David Lozano 


17 Complementary Methods to Acquire the Kinematics of Swimming Snakes: A Basis to Design Bio-inspired Robots

Elie Gautreau, Xavier Bonnet, Tom Fox, Guillaume Fosseries, Valéry Valle, Anthony Herrel & Med Amine Laribi 


18 Effects of Avian Wings Color Patterns on Their Flight Performance: Experimental and Computational Studies

Ahmed Aboelezz, Brenden Herkenhoff & Mostafa Hassanalian  


19 Wing Modulation and Aerodynamics of Hoverflies in Gust Perturbations

Yanlai Zhang, Mancang Gu & Jianghao Wu 


20 Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Microfluidic Biomimetic Chameleon Skin with Active Thermal Camouflage

Lujia Li, Huanhuan Li, Jian Cao & Songjing Li    


21 Evaporation Characteristics and Morphological Evolutions of Fuel Droplets After Hitting Different Wettability Surfaces

Yanling Chen, Liang Guo, Ningning Cai, Wanchen Sun, Yuying Yan, Degang Li, Han Wang & Rong Xuan   


22 Hydrothermal Desulfurization on Porous Sulfonated CFR-PEEK Surface Structure Used for Implant Application

Jingdan Li, Wen Qin, Patrick Osei Lartey, Yulong Fu & Jing Ma   


23 Identification of Pulmonary Hypertension Animal Models Using a New Evolutionary Machine Learning Framework Based on Blood Routine Indicators

Jiao Hu, Shushu Lv, Tao Zhou, Huiling Chen, Lei Xiao, Xiaoying Huang, Liangxing Wang & Peiliang Wu  


24 Distributed Flocking Algorithm for Multi-UAV System Based on Behavior Method and Topological Communication

Yifei Feng, Jingshi Dong, Jianlin Wang & Hang Zhu    


25 Boosting Whale Optimizer with Quasi-Oppositional Learning and Gaussian Barebone for Feature Selection and COVID-19 Image Segmentation

Jie Xing, Hanli Zhao, Huiling Chen, Ruoxi Deng & Lei Xiao   


26 Non-dominated Sorting Advanced Butterfly Optimization Algorithm for Multi-objective Problems

Sushmita Sharma, Nima Khodadadi, Apu Kumar Saha, Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh & Seyedali Mirjalili    



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  • 《仿生工程学报》2023年第2期目次CONTENTS1 Optimal Variable Stiffness Control and Its Applications in Bionic Robotic Joints: A ReviewYuanxi Sun, Yuntao Tang, Jia