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唧唧堂:Econometrica 计量经济学2022年11月刊论文摘要13篇

日期: 来源:唧唧堂收集编辑:王怕怕
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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: 王怕怕
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:jun
编辑 | 小巴

1. 经济学的实证策略:照亮从因到果的道路

Empirical Strategies in Economics: Illuminating the Path from Cause to Effect


The view that empirical strategies in economics should be transparent and credible now goes almost without saying. By revealing for whom particular instrumental variables (IV) estimates are valid, the local average treatment effects (LATE) framework helped make this so. This lecture uses empirical examples, mostly involving effects of charter and exam school attendance, to illustrate the value of the LATE framework for causal inference. LATE distinguishes independence conditions satisfied by random assignment from more controversial exclusion restrictions. A surprising exclusion restriction is shown to explain why enrollment at Chicago exam schools reduces student achievement. I also make two broader points: IV exclusion restrictions formalize commitment to clear and consistent explanations of reduced-form causal effects; the credibility revolution in applied econometrics owes at least as much to compelling empirical analyses as to methodological insights.

参考文献:Angrist, J.D. (2022), Empirical Strategies in Economics: Illuminating the Path From Cause to Effect. Econometrica, 90: 2509-2539. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA20640.

2. 计量经济学中的因果关系:选择与机会

Causality in Econometrics: Choice vs Chance


This essay describes the evolution and recent convergence of two methodological approaches to causal inference. The first one, in statistics, started with the analysis and design of randomized experiments. The second, in econometrics, focused on settings with economic agents making optimal choices. I argue that the local average treatment effects framework facilitated the recent convergence by making key assumptions transparent and intelligible to scholars in many fields. Looking ahead, I discuss recent developments in causal inference that combine the same transparency and relevance.

参考文献:Imbens, G.W. (2022), Causality in Econometrics: Choice vs Chance. Econometrica, 90: 2541-2566. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA21204.

3. 稳健经验贝叶斯置信区间

Robust Empirical Bayes Confidence Intervals


We construct robust empirical Bayes confidence intervals (EBCIs) in a normal means problem. The intervals are centered at the usual linear empirical Bayes estimator, but use a critical value accounting for shrinkage. Parametric EBCIs that assume a normal distribution for the means (Morris (1983b)) may substantially undercover when this assumption is violated. In contrast, our EBCIs control coverage regardless of the means distribution, while remaining close in length to the parametric EBCIs when the means are indeed Gaussian. If the means are treated as fixed, our EBCIs have an average coverage guarantee: the coverage probability is at least 1 − α on average across the n EBCIs for each of the means. Our empirical application considers the effects of U.S. neighborhoods on intergenerational mobility.

参考文献:Armstrong, T.B., Kolesár, M. and Plagborg-Møller, M. (2022), Robust Empirical Bayes Confidence Intervals. Econometrica, 90: 2567-2602. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA18597.

4. 现金转移的一般均衡效应:肯尼亚的实验证据

General Equilibrium Effects of Cash Transfers: Experimental Evidence From Kenya


How large economic stimuli generate individual and aggregate responses is a central question in economics, but has not been studied experimentally. We provided one-time cash transfers of about USD 1000 to over 10,500 poor households across 653 randomized villages in rural Kenya. The implied fiscal shock was over 15 percent of local GDP. We find large impacts on consumption and assets for recipients. Importantly, we document large positive spillovers on non-recipient households and firms, and minimal price inflation. We estimate a local transfer multiplier of 2.5. We interpret welfare implications through the lens of a simple household optimization framework.

参考文献:Egger, D., Haushofer, J., Miguel, E., Niehaus, P. and Walker, M. (2022), General Equilibrium Effects of Cash Transfers: Experimental Evidence From Kenya. Econometrica, 90: 2603-2643. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA17945.

5. 不平衡的增长:自动化对收入和财富不平等的影响

Uneven Growth: Automation's Impact on Income and Wealth Inequality


The benefits of new technologies accrue not only to high-skilled labor but also to owners of capital in the form of higher capital incomes. This increases inequality. To make this argument, we develop a tractable theory that links technology to the distribution of income and wealth—and not just that of wages—and use it to study the distributional effects of automation. We isolate a new theoretical mechanism: automation increases inequality by raising returns to wealth. The flip side of such return movements is that automation can lead to stagnant wages and, therefore, stagnant incomes at the bottom of the distribution. We use a multiasset model extension to confront differing empirical trends in returns to productive and safe assets and show that the relevant return measures have increased over time. Automation can account for part of the observed trends in income and wealth inequality.

参考文献:Moll, B., Rachel, L. and Restrepo, P. (2022), Uneven Growth: Automation's Impact on Income and Wealth Inequality. Econometrica, 90: 2645-2683. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA19417.

6. 跨国公司、垄断和地方发展:来自联合水果公司的证据

Multinationals, Monopsony, and Local Development: Evidence From the United Fruit Company


This paper studies the role of private sector companies in the development of local amenities. We use evidence from one of the largest multinationals of the 20th century: the United Fruit Company (UFCo). The firm was given a large land concession in Costa Rica—one of the so-called “Banana Republics”—from 1899 to 1984. Using administrative census data with census-block geo-references from 1973 to 2011, we implement a geographic regression discontinuity design that exploits a land assignment that is orthogonal to our outcomes of interest. We find that the firm had a positive and persistent effect on living standards. Company documents explain that a key concern at the time was to attract and maintain a sizable workforce, which induced the firm to invest heavily in local amenities—like the development of education and health infrastructure—that can account for our result. Consistent with this mechanism, we show, empirically and through a proposed model, that the firm's investment efforts increase with worker mobility.

参考文献:Méndez, E. and Van Patten, D. (2022), Multinationals, Monopsony, and Local Development: Evidence From the United Fruit Company. Econometrica, 90: 2685-2721. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA19514.

7. 市场竞争和政治影响:一个综合的方法

Market Competition and Political Influence: An Integrated Approach


The operation of markets and of politics are in practice deeply intertwined. Political decisions set the rules of the game for market competition and, conversely, market competitors participate in and influence political decisions. We develop an integrated model to capture the circularity between the two domains. We show that a positive feedback loop emerges such that market power begets political power, and political power begets market power, but that this feedback loop is bounded. With too much market power, the balance between politics and markets itself becomes lopsided and this drives a wedge between the interests of a policymaker and the dominant firm. Although such a wedge would seem pro-competitive, we show how it can exacerbate the static and dynamic inefficiency of market outcomes. More generally, our model demonstrates that intuitions about market competition can be upended when competition is intermediated by a strategic policymaker.

参考文献:Callander, S., Foarta, D. and Sugaya, T. (2022), Market Competition and Political Influence: An Integrated Approach. Econometrica, 90: 2723-2753. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA19775.

8. 生产力分散、企业间竞争和劳动份额

Productivity Dispersion, Between-Firm Competition, and the Labor Share


I study the effect of labor market imperfections on the labor share in a tractable model that emphasizes the interaction between productivity dispersion and firm competition for workers. I calibrate the model using administrative data covering the universe of firms in Canada from 2000 to 2015. As in the data, most firms have a high labor share, yet the aggregate labor share is low due to the disproportionate effect of a small fraction of large, highly productive firms. I find that a rise in the dispersion of firm productivity causes the aggregate labor share to decline in favor of firm profits. The mechanism is that productivity dispersion effectively shields high-productivity firms from wage competition. Regression evidence from cross-country and cross-industry data supports both the model prediction and mechanism.

参考文献:Gouin-Bonenfant, É. (2022), Productivity Dispersion, Between-Firm Competition, and the Labor Share. Econometrica, 90: 2755-2793. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA18612.

9. 收敛包络定理

The Converse Envelope Theorem


I prove an envelope theorem with a converse: the envelope formula is equivalent to a first-order condition. Like Milgrom and Segal's (2002) envelope theorem, my result requires no structure on the choice set. I use the converse envelope theorem to extend to general outcomes and preferences the canonical result in mechanism design that any increasing allocation is implementable, and apply this to selling information.

参考文献:Sinander, L. (2022), The Converse Envelope Theorem. Econometrica, 90: 2795-2819. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA18119.

10. 递归合同的Negishi方法

A Negishi Approach to Recursive Contracts


In this paper, we argue that a large class of recursive contracts can be studied by means of the conventional Negishi method. A planner is responsible for prescribing current actions along with a distribution of future utility values to all agents, so as to maximize their weighted sum of utilities. Under convexity, the method yields the exact efficient frontier. Otherwise, the implementation requires contracts be contingent on publicly observable random signals uncorrelated to fundamentals. We also provide operational first-order conditions for the characterization of efficient contracts. Finally, we compare extensively our approach with the dual method established in the literature.

参考文献:Bloise, G. and Siconolfi, P. (2022), A Negishi Approach to Recursive Contracts. Econometrica, 90: 2821-2855. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA18310.

11. 从评论中学习:选择效应和学习的速度

Learning From Reviews: The Selection Effect and the Speed of Learning


This paper develops a model of Bayesian learning from online reviews and investigates the conditions for learning the quality of a product and the speed of learning under different rating systems. A rating system provides information about reviews left by previous customers. observe the ratings of a product and decide whether to purchase and review it. We study learning dynamics under two classes of rating systems: full history, where customers see the full history of reviews, and summary statistics, where the platform reports some summary statistics of past reviews. In both cases, learning dynamics are complicated by a selection effect—the types of users who purchase the good, and thus their overall satisfaction and reviews depend on the information available at the time of purchase. We provide conditions for complete learning and characterize and compare its speed under full history and summary statistics. We also show that providing more information does not always lead to faster learning, but strictly finer rating systems do.

参考文献:Acemoglu, D., Makhdoumi, A., Malekian, A. and Ozdaglar, A. (2022), Learning From Reviews: The Selection Effect and the Speed of Learning. Econometrica, 90: 2857-2899. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA15847.

12. 空间相关的稳健推断

Spatial Correlation Robust Inference


We propose a method for constructing confidence intervals that account for many forms of spatial correlation. The interval has the familiar “estimator plus and minus a standard error times a critical value” form, but we propose new methods for constructing the standard error and the critical value. The standard error is constructed using population principal components from a given “worst-case” spatial correlation model. The critical value is chosen to ensure coverage in a benchmark parametric model for the spatial correlations. The method is shown to control coverage in finite sample Gaussian settings in a restricted but nonparametric class of models and in large samples whenever the spatial correlation is weak, that is, with average pairwise correlations that vanish as the sample size gets large. We also provide results on the efficiency of the method.

参考文献:Müller, U.K. and Watson, M.W. (2022), Spatial Correlation Robust Inference. Econometrica, 90: 2901-2935. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA19465.

13. 实现集体规模

Achieving Scale Collectively


Many firms in developing countries could be too small to adopt modern technology embodied in expensive production machines. This paper shows that rental market interactions allow these small firms to increase their effective scale and mechanize production. We conduct a survey of manufacturing firms in Uganda, which uncovers an active rental market for large machines between small firms in informal clusters. We then build an equilibrium model of firm behavior and estimate it with our data. We find that the rental market is quantitatively important for mechanization and productivity since it provides a workaround for other market imperfections that keep firms small. The rental market also shapes the effectiveness of development policies to foster mechanization, such as subsidies to purchase machines. Overall, our results point to the importance of taking into account firm-to-firm interactions within informal clusters to understand technology adoption in low income countries: focusing on the small scale of firms in isolation might be misleading.

参考文献:Bassi, V., Muoio, R., Porzio, T., Sen, R. and Tugume, E. (2022), Achieving Scale Collectively. Econometrica, 90: 2937-2978. https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA18773.





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