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日期: 来源:TED英语演讲课收集编辑:Jerry



The first session of the 14th China's National People's Congress (NPC) opens on March 5, and the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is set to begin on March 4. 


Nearly 3,000 NPC deputies and over 2,000 members of the CPPCC National Committee are converging in Beijing to discuss national affairs. 


The year 2023 marks the beginning of the full implementation of the guiding principles laid down at the 20th CPC National Congress, as well as the year of reshuffle of the state organs and the CPPCC National Committee.


Over the past five years, many unexpected events have occurred, presenting challenges to China and the world. The three-year COVID-19 pandemic has had an unimaginable impact on all countries, and geopolitical turmoil and conflicts have left the future road shrouded in uncertainty. 


However, in these five years, China has not only achieved a major and decisive victory in COVID-19 prevention and control but has also built a moderately prosperous society in all respects on schedule and completed the arduous task of eradicating absolute poverty. 


These achievements are remarkable and give us more confidence in the next five years and even longer periods of steady and far-reaching progress.


The two sessions are regarded as China's political "weather vane" and economic "barometer." Often, before the two sessions commence, heated discussions began on the Internet, reflecting people's expectations of the event. 


Over the past five years, the CPPCC National Committee has received more than 29,000 proposals, many of which have been converted into policy options for the Party and the government. 


During the fifth session of the 13th NPC, more than 2,200 NPC deputies put forward 9,203 pieces of suggestions, criticism and opinions on all aspects of work, a historical record. This fully demonstrates the breadth, authenticity, and effectiveness of China's whole-process people's democracy.


Out of the more than 2,900 NPC deputies, the proportion of grassroots representatives, especially frontline workers, farmers, and professional personnel, has continued to increase. 


The election and allocation of seats for the 14th NPC are so detailed to the point that it was specified that "the number of representatives of migrant workers should be increased from the previous term." 


The 34 sectors of the National Committee of CPPCC basically cover all areas of society. Moreover, the number of new social strata and groups continues to increase, and the 14th CPPCC National Committee has established a new "environmental and resource sector.


This year's two sessions mark the reshuffle that happens every five years. Unlike in many countries, it means continued efforts to make progress in China. 


After going through various difficult tests, China is now standing at a new starting point full of great potential. Solidarity and hard work are the keywords of Chinese society today.


There will be various risks and challenges on the road ahead, but today's China has emerged stronger from the storms and has become increasingly powerful through cooperation and by overcoming difficulties. 


Before the two sessions this year, the international community became more optimistic about China's economic prospects and believes that China will be the only major economy to see rapid growth in 2023. Such optimism and confidence need to be enriched and continued through our practical efforts and united endeavors.



The spring of the year sets the tone for things that follow. We wish for a successful convening of the two sessions. 


At the same time, we have reason to look forward to this spring, where firm belief, vigorous strength, and a trail of progress will leave even more profound imprints than before.


Gunmen have attacked a supermarket in Argentina owned by soccer superstar Lionel Messi in-laws. A threatening message for the 35-year-old superstar was left on the shop door.


Media reports say two men on motorcycles fired more than ten shots at the supermarket in Rosario on Thursday morning. Nobody was injured in the attack.


They left a handwritten note there saying "Messi, we are waiting for you". The gunmen are suspected of having links to drug traffickers. Rosario is notorious for drug-related violence.


Messy led the country's national team to its first victory in 36 years in the FIFA World Cup in Qatar last year. And the incident targeting the superstar has shocked the nation.

Argentine President has urged the city's Mayor to tackle the increase in crime there.

Opposition politicians blamed President Alberto Fernández’s administration for the continuing violence in Rosario. His predecessor, Mauricio Macri, characterized the events as a warning that the country cannot “co-exist” with drug traffickers.

Messi, 35, is currently renegotiating a contract with Paris Saint-Germain that ends this year amid speculation that the soccer superstar could decide to end his career playing for one of the local Rosario clubs, Newell's.

Messi, who this week won FIFA's best men's player award, could travel to Argentina later this month to join the national squad in playing two friendly matches. 

One takes place March 23 against Panama in Buenos Aires, while the other one will be five days later against Curacao in the northern city of Santiago del Estero.

素材来源:Global Times、ABC News


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