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日期: 来源:投必得学术收集编辑:citexs赛特新思


1. Title page

XXX attenuate XXX‐induced XXX disease through/by the inhibition/regulation of XX

2. Abstract

1) Background

Rational for study and gap in knowledge (1‐2 sentences) 

Hypothesis or purpose statement (1 sentence)

General experimental design (optional)

2) Methods (One result with one method)

XXX was determined/detected/measured/evaluated/examinedbyXXX method/experiment.

We determined/detected/measured/evaluated/examined the XXX level using XXX method/experiment.

3) Results

We fonnd that ….

Compared with …. group, XXX was increased/decreased/enhanced/reduced by XXX treatment/administrations.

4) Conclusions and implications

These results/data were suggested/indicated/demonstrated that …..

5) Key word: 5‐6 key words.

3. Introduction

1) Background Known (General to specific)

2) Unknown: gap, how study will fill gap, and why filling gap is important

Until now, it has not been possible to identify ….

However, we do not know what effect this treatment will have on ….

There has been some disagreement, however, in the findings with this model…. 

So far, only qualitative findings have been obtained…

Because of the rarity of this cancer, it has been difficult to determine survival rates with statistical certainty…

3) Hypothesis

The purpose of our study was to determine …. 

We hypothesized that ….

Our hypothesis was that….

4) Strategy

We tested our hypothesis by examining….

To do this, we used … and analyzed … in an situ model ….

To evaluate/investigate/explore the inhibitory/regulatory effect of … on …., the …. Assay/methods/experiments were employed/used.

5) Conclusion

Overall, our findings that … confirm/indicate/suggest/demonstrate …. 

In this study, we found/observed/demonstrated that ….

In the present study, we found/observed/demonstrated that ….


4. Materials and methods 

1) Materials and reagents

Drugs, reagents, equipment, antibodies, ect.

2) Cell lines and cultures

Which ones cells were used in this study? 

What is the suppliers of the cells?

How the cells were prepared? 

How the cells were cultured? 

How the cells were treated? 

How the cells were grouped?

How the cell‐samples were collected?

3) Human subjects 

IRB approval; 

Infomed consent;

Source of study population;

Inclusion and exclusion criteria;

Sample collection and number of samples.

4) Animals

Standards of animal cares;

What is the suppliers of the animals?

How many animals were used in this study?

How the animals were treated?

How the animals were grouped? 

How the animals were killed?

How the samples were collected? Including the time points, volumn, gram, and surgery.

* Experiment 1

Header: To evaluate/examine/determine/detecte/assess/measure…..,we performed … assay/experiment.

What was done and why.

* Experiment 2

Header: To evaluate/examine/determine/detecte/assess/measure…..,we performed … assay/experiment.

What was done and why.

* Experiment 3

Header:To evaluate/examine/determine/detecte/assess/measure…..,we performed … assay/experiment.

What was done and why.

* Experiment 4

Header: To evaluate/examine/determine/detecte/assess/measure…..,we performed … assay/experiment.

What was done and why.

* Statistical tests/analysis

What the comparisons/evaluation were used in this study? 

Which tests were used in this study?

Significance levels;

Softwares were used in this study.

5. Results

1) Experiment 1

Header/subtitle 1

Effect of … on … in ….

Remind readers which experiment was used in this section:

Using …, we found/observed/demonstrated that….

… experiment/assay showed that…..

Your finding including reference to table or figures.

We found/observed/demonstrated that…treatement/administretion….

Significantly/dramatically/obviously/markedly increased/decreased/enhance/reducedtheexpression/secretion/levelsof…. Compared with … treated‐group in ….


What is the conclusion of this section? 

What is the most important about data?

(in summary/in conclusion/taken together,these data/results indicated/suggested that ….)

2) Experiment 2

Header/subtitle 2

Effect of … on … in ….

Remind readers which experiment was used in this section:

Using …, we found/observed/demonstrated that….

… experiment/assay showed that…..

Your finding including reference to table or figures.

We found/observed/demonstratedthat…treatement/administretion….

Significantly/dramatically/obviously/markedly increased/decreased/enhance/reducedtheexpression/secretion/levelsof….

Compared with … treated‐group in ….


What is the conclusion of this section? What is the most important about data?

(insummary/inconclusion/takentogether,thesedata/results indicated/suggested that ….)

3) Experiment 3

Header/subtitle 3

Effect of … on … in ….

Remind readers which experiment was used in this section:

Using …, we found/observed/demonstrated that….

… experiment/assay showed that…..

Your finding including reference to table or figures.

We found/observed/demonstratedthat…treatement/administretion….

Significantly/dramatically/obviously/markedly increased/decreased/enhance/reducedtheexpression/secretion/levelsof…. 

Compared with … treated‐group in ….


What is the conclusion of this section? 

What is the most important about data?

(in summary/in conclusion/taken together,these data/results indicated/suggested that ….)

4) Experiment 4

Header/subtitle 4

Effect of … on … in ….

Remind readers which experiment was used in this section:

Using …, we found/observed/demonstrated that….

… experiment/assay showed that…..

Your finding including reference to table or figures.

We found/observed/demonstratedthat…treatement/administretion….

Significantly/dramatically/obviously/markedly increased/decreased/enhance/reducedtheexpression/secretion/levelsof…. 

Compared with … treated‐group in ….


What is the conclusion of this section? 

What is the most important about data?

(in summary/in conclusion/taken together,these data/results indicated/suggested that ….)

6. Discussion

1) Conclusion(based on major findings and relating to study’s purpose or hypothesis) (first paragraph in this section)

Our findings that … confirm …. 

In this study, we found that …

Our results indicate/suggest/show that ….

2) Interpretation of your finding (second paragraph in this section)

What further explanation should you give to help readers understand and appreciate the importance of your research?

3) How findings fit in with existing literature (third paragraph in this section)

* Studies that agree

Our data are consistent with ….

Our findings on … agree with those reported by … et al., who ….. 

*Studies that disagree, with possible explnation for differences 

Our data differ from …

Unlike … et al., we observed that ….

4) Novelty/strength of study (optional) (4th paragraph in this section)

In this study, we showed for the first time that …. 

The major strength of this study was …

5) Limilation of study and other valid criticisms (5th paragraph in this section)

Our study subjects were …, so it is not known whether our results are applicable to groups…. 

Futher studies …..

In this study, … was measured by … which may not have ….

It is possible, however, that other agents no tested could …. 

Our study had several limilations. First …..

6) Generalizations to other populations (6th paragraph in this section)

Although our cohort was limited to …, the results suggest that …

7) Why filling the knowledge gap is important (7th paragraph in this section)

Our findings will allow us to take the next step in ….

8) Implications of finding/speculation (8th paragraph in this section) 

Our findings may be useful in ….

Our findings support the premise that … 

We speculate that …

Our findings further suggest that ….

Our results imply that … but this must be tested further …. 

Our study adds to the accumulating evidence that suggests …

These findings are important for …. and point to the need for …

Further study is warranted so that …

These results suggest that … should be re‐investigated for … 

Our findings raise the possibility that ….

Adaptations of this study to other … could results in …

9) Avenues for further study (9th paragraph in this section) 

The next step is to …

We have begun investigating …

Our findings suggest issues that should be explored further … 

Additional studies are needed to confirm …

Larger studies with longer follow‐up are needed to …


7. Acknowledgment

This study was supported by XXX; we thank Dr. XXX for XXX support/help.


The authors have no financial conflicts of interest.

8. Tables and Figures Tables

Table 1

Table 2


Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3


Figure legend 

Figure 1: …..



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