do you spend and cherish time with your loved ones at home? You may
want to have some “me” time, but the closeness we feel when our family
members are nearby and in sight is just as important.八荒设计完成了一套420平米的上海复式公寓。公寓的主人是一对年轻夫妇和他们的两个孩子,他们希望自己的家是一个有空间感、简洁、有满足不同功能的私人空间,同时也能够与家人朋友共度品质时光的地方。如何将主人的生活方式诠释于空间之中,向来是八荒设计在住宅设计中的关注重点。八荒设计的建筑师说:“一个家的主人应该是空间的灵魂,也是我们设计中的唯一重要灵感。”
architecture design studio STUDIO8 has completed a 420-square-metre
duplex apartment for a young couple with two kids. The couple wanted a
spacious and clean living space where they can have their own space for
different activities, while at the same time being able to spend quality
time with family and friends. Converting the owners’ way of living into
a timeless design is a key focus in residential design for STUDIO8.
“The owners of a home should be the soul of the place and that is always
our key inspiration,” said the architect.公寓位于上海市中心一条种满法国梧桐和玉兰树的幽静街道上。超过十米的梧桐与玉兰树冠刚好遮挡住了阳台的窗户,为家庭带来一份都市纷扰中的宁静。项目涉及到将一个四米六高的空间,改造为一套空间灵动连接、风格当代简约的复式公寓。The
apartment is located on a quiet street in the center of Shanghai, lined
with French plane trees and magnolia trees over ten meters high. The
treetops are just at the height of the balcony window, making the
apartment feel like an urban retreat for the family. The project
involved transforming a 4.6-meter height space into a duplex apartment
while creating visual and spatial connections between rooms and updating
the space to better match the clients’ contemporary tastes.公寓的主人说他们不需要太多的房间,并且每天都有很多共处的时间。在倾听了主人的需求和生活状态后,八荒的建筑师决定突出房子的开放性和空间感,最大程度提升空间与空间的视线连通。利用四米六的特殊层高,设计了一个由通道、楼梯和壁炉构成的有雕塑感的构筑物,并把它巧妙地插入客厅、厨房和餐厅的交界处,有机地分割而又连接了公寓的私人和公共功能空间。为了使二层空间给人更加稳定、扎实的感觉,八荒设计选择了钢筋混凝土来构筑公寓的复式结构,并有策略地利用空间开敞方向、隐藏相对笨重的二层结构梁,使四点六米的空间不因局部插入的二层结构而显得压抑。The
owner told the architects that the family is very close-knit and they
don’t need many rooms. After listening to the family’s needs and
description of their daily life, the architects decided to make the
space as open as possible and provide the most opportunities of sight
lines between areas. Taking advantage of the height of the apartment, a
sculptural volume formed by a passageway, a staircase and a fireplace
were inserted into the junction of living room, dining room and kitchen.
This layout joins as well as divides the public and private functions
of the house. In order to make the mezzanine feel more solid and stable,
STUDIO8 decided to use reinforced concrete as the structure. This made
it crucial to study the openings of each space and hide the beams
strategically without affecting the ceiling height for both floors.位于公寓中间的通道从家的入口开始,横向连接了二层的儿童房、储藏室、夫妻衣帽间和男主人的书房。从通道上可以看见两侧的餐厅和客厅,空间被分隔开的同时又完全连通。楼梯和壁炉挑空客厅中心,纵向连接着复式公寓的两层空间,也是客厅的视觉中心。从楼下的家庭室到楼上的书房,从连接餐厅和厨房的早餐日光室到客厅的阳台,从二层的通道到一层客厅的壁炉边,开放空间的各个角落都功能明确,又视线相连。一部螺旋式的钢楼梯,连接主卧与楼上的衣帽间,保证主人的私密性。The
passageway of central volume starts above the entrance, with the dining
room and living room below on both sides, horizontally connecting the
kid’s room, the storage room, the couples’ walk-in closet and the
husband’s study room on the upper floor. The staircase and fireplace,
the feature of the double-height living space, creates the vertical
connection. From the family room downstairs to the study room upstairs,
the veranda to the living room, the passageway upstairs to the fireplace
downstairs, the family can have sight lines with each other from every
corner of the open area. A private metal spiral staircase also connects
the master bedroom to the upper level walk-in closet.特殊的灯光设计旨在与简约的材料选择形成对比。火山石和大理石粉灰泥为空间提供了均匀的色调和经久的美感,光线在不同纹理的表面上形成微妙的反射。一组动感的模块化沙发中岛被放置在客厅中央,连接周围的各个区域,孩子们在上面可以从一侧爬到另一侧。客厅旁边的家庭房是空间中相对最低的区域,但这里向挑空空间敞开,配合连续的浅色橡木地板和低矮的家具布置,使空间显得温馨而宽敞。餐桌上方悬挂着一组不规则鹅卵石状的磨砂玻璃吊灯,旁边是日光室和暖灰色的单色厨房。厨房位于步入式衣橱下方,虽然天花高度受到限制,但位于高天花的餐厅和日光室的行道树影间,仿佛两个区域之间的一次呼吸,身处其中全然没有压抑之感。Special
lighting features are designed to complement the humble material
choices. Lava stone and stucco marble powder give the space a timeless,
homogeneous shade with subtle reflections revealing the various
textures. A dynamic modular sofa island placed in the center of the
living room connects the surrounding areas and allows the kids to climb
from one side to the other. Though relatively low in height, the
adjacent family room feels cozy and spacious as it opens towards the
double-height staircase and is styled with a continuous light oak floor
and low furniture. A set of irregular pebble-shaped frosted glass
pendants hangs over the dining table. The warm grey monochromatic
kitchen is positioned under the walk-in closet, limiting its ceiling
height. However, thanks to the connection with the dining room and the
view of trees from the veranda windows, the space still feels airy and
aim for the design of the duplex apartment can be summed up by the
words of the owner. “We really enjoy the time STUDIO8 has planned for us
in different corners of the apartment, as well as the fact that we can
always have each other in sight.”主设计师:Shirley Dong, Andrea Maira设计团队:Hutsov Yakiv, Matteo Piotti,八荒设计团队材质:艺术涂料,瓷砖,岩板,玻璃,木,金属,镜,人造石品牌:Viabizzuno,Foscarini,Flos,Living Divani,B&B
Italia,Vitra,草字头,Gira,Gessi,Danilo,Imondi,Stile,Imola,Laminam,Garofoli,Gaggenau,V-zug,Snaidero,Liebherr,TabuProject Name: A Space for a Close-Knit Family – UR Duplex Apartment by STUDIO8
Lead Architects: Shirley Dong, Andrea MairaTeam: Hutsov Yakiv, Matteo Piotti and STUDIO8 design teamProject Location: Shanghai, ChinaPhoto Credits: Sven ZhangMaterials: Stucco, ceramic tiles, glass, lava stone, wood, marble, mirror, corianBrands:
Viabizzuno, Foscarini, Flos, Living Divani, B&B Italia, Vitra,
Caozitou, Gira, Gessi, Danilo, Imondi, Stile, Imola, Laminam, Garofoli,
Gaggenau, V-zug, Snaidero, Liebherr, Tabu最近有朋友问我们:为什么没有及时看到推文?因为微信改了推送规则,没有点『赞』或『在看』、没有把我们『星标』,都有可能出现这种状况。