The Chinese Longtaitou Festival, or Dragon-Head-Raising Festival, falls on the second day of the second lunar month every year, and recognizes the start of spring and farming. This year it falls on February 21.每年的农历二月初二是中国的龙抬头节日,这天是春天和农耕的开始,今年的龙抬头在公历的2月21日,也就是今天。 Ancient people believed that after this day, rainfall increases because the rain-bringing Dragon King has awakened from his winter sleep. 古人认为,这一天之后,降雨量会增加,因为带来雨水的龙王已经从冬眠中醒来。 A well-known phrase goes, "Er yue er, long tai tou," meaning, "On the second day of the second month, the dragon lifts his head."俗语有云:“二月二,龙抬头”,意为“每年农历二月初二传说是龙抬头的日子”。 The festival celebrates ancient agrarian Chinese culture, and while some of traditional ways to celebrate it are no longer practiced, others persist.这个节日庆祝悠久的中国农耕文化,虽然一些传统的庆祝方式已经不复存在,但还有一些方式沿用至今。 The most famous tradition is getting a haircut. Some believe that going to the barber on this day gets rid of bad luck, while others believe getting a haircut during the first month of the lunar calendar brings bad luck.最著名的传统是理发。有些人认为,在这一天去理发店可以摆脱厄运,而另一些人则认为在农历正月理发会带来厄运。 Another saying warns that cutting your hair in the first month will cause your uncle to die. Although today few pay attention to it, it was once tradition to line up outside barber shops on the day of Longtaitou, having avoided haircuts for the preceding month.另一种说法是,正月里理发会“死舅舅”。虽然如今很少有人在意这个说法,但在龙抬头这一天,理发店外排起长队已然成为了一种传统,因为正月里大家都没有理发。People eat toufu balls in Fujian province during the festival, and often make tofu and vegetable balls to pray for family and business.在福建,人们在二月二这一天吃豆腐丸子和蔬菜丸子以祈求家人平安、生意兴隆。 Fried beans are the traditional festival fare for people in parts of Shandong province.炒豆是山东地区的传统节日食品。 Eating chengyao cakes, which are made with sticky rice, during the festival is tradition in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, in tribute to the saying, "If you eat chengyao on Longtaitou, your waist won't hurt all year."在节日期间吃糯米做的撑腰糕是江苏苏州的传统,撑腰糕寓意着把腰撑住了,在新的一年,吃了撑腰糕之后,就再也不会腰酸背痛了。 Meanwhile other foods, like dumplings, spring rolls and popcorn, are named after dragon body parts to mark the day.与此同时,其他食物,如饺子、春卷和爆米花,也以龙的身体部位命名,以纪念这一天。 Noodles are dragon's beard, dumplings are dragon's ears, spring rolls are dragon's scales, and popcorn dragon seeds.面条是龙须,饺子是龙耳,春卷是龙鳞,爆米花是龙子。 Today, more than 20 provinces announced the preliminary results of the 2023 National Postgraduate Admissions Examination.今日,20多个省份公布2023年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试成绩。 Topics such as "results for postgraduate entrance examination" and "national line for postgraduate entrance examination" rushed to the hot search list on Weibo.“考研成绩”“考研国家线”等话题冲上微博热搜榜。 The 2023 national postgraduate admissions examination is held from December 24 to 26, 2022, and the number of applicants nationwide is 4.74 million.2023年全国硕士研究生招生考试于2022年12月24日至26日举行,全国报考人数为474万。 In addition, if candidates have any objections to the results, they can also apply for a review of the results.此外,考生如对成绩有异议,也可申请成绩复核。 Many places announce the application time for review, and most of them are within a few days after the announcement of the preliminary test results.多地公布了复核申请时间,多在初试结果公布后几天内。 The reporter noted that in Gansu, Qinghai, Chongqing, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Shaanxi, Shandong, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hunan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, and Ningxia,记者注意到,甘肃、青海、重庆、四川、福建、广西、江西、浙江、江苏、河南、陕西、山东、辽宁、黑龙江、河北、天津、上海、湖南、云南、贵州、内蒙古和宁夏 all the preliminary results of the 2023 postgraduate admissions examination are scheduled to be announced on the 21st, and the earliest is 9:00 am.2023年硕士研究生招生考试初试成绩均定于21日公布,其中,最早的是上午9点。 In addition, the preliminary results of the 2023 postgraduate entrance examination in Anhui Province will be announced after February 21, the results of Hubei, Guangxi, and Xinjiang will be announced on February 22, 此外,安徽省2023年硕士研究生招生考试初试成绩将于2月21日后公布,湖北、广西、新疆的成绩将于2月22日公布。 and the query time for the results of the preliminary examination for postgraduate entrance examinations in Tibet will be from 10:00 on February 23.西藏硕士研究生招生考试初试成绩查询时间为2月23日10时起。 Candidates can pay close attention to the relevant information released by the admissions units, and log in to the official website of the admissions unit or the Yanzhao website in due course Inquire about results.考生可密切关注招生单位发布的相关信息,并适时登录招生单位官方网站或研招网进行成绩查询。 As for the score line for the re-examination, the education and examination institutes have notified that the basic requirements for candidates entering the re-examination will be uniformly delineated by the Ministry of Education.至于复试分数线,多地教育考试院通知,2023年全国硕士研究生招生考试考生进入复试分数基本要求由教育部统一划定。 素材来源:China Daily、Teller Report 推荐视频