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双语 | 蓬莱站:法国液化空气烟台制造基地项目

日期: 来源:胶东在线收集编辑:胶东在线

 蓬莱站 | “法国液化空气烟台制造基地”项目:99.999999%!超高纯度氮气背后的技术含量

   Manufacturing Base of Air Liquide Group in Penglai: 99.999999%, the Technical Content behind Ultra-high Purity Nitrogen Gas


  This project is the only high-end equipment manufacturing base of Air Liquide Group, a world top 500 company from France, in the Asia-Pacific region, and also the first hydrogen energy equipment manufacturing base built in China. The project covers an area of 145 acres, with a total construction area of 52,000 square meters, mainly producing high-end air separation equipment such as air fractionation distillation tower and air fractionation refrigeration box, and hydrogen energy industry-related equipment. After the project reaches full capacity, it can achieve annual sales revenue of 2 billion RMB and taxes of 240 million RMB, with 30-50% of products being exported. Having been through 300 days of intensive efforts, the project was completed three months ahead of schedule, and has now been officially put into production.


  The project possesses four major features.

  High air fractionation manufacturing capability. It can manufacture ultra-large air fractionation equipment with world’s largest capacity of 5,000 tons per day.

  High level of process technology. Over 120 patented technologies, such as vertical double radial flow, are used to produce core air separation device. The processes of regular packing, adsorption purification, low-temperature distillation, and internal compression are advanced and efficient.

  High separation gas purity. The air fractionation equipment produced by the project can separate high-purity oxygen and argon, as well as ultra-high purity nitrogen (with a purity of 99.999999%) at the ppb level (one billionth), meeting the stringent gas purity requirements of the integrated circuit and chip industry. High product operating reliability. By using the most advanced automation control technology, the individual units will always be operating with the most optimal and economical status, ensuring the high stability and reliability of the equipment.


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