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每日单词: pageant

日期: 来源:巧记词根收集编辑:

英 ['pædʒənt] 美 ['pædʒənt]
n. 盛会;游行;壮丽的场面;<美>选美

(1) Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.
(2) Former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean is suing pageant officials for religious discrimination and libel.
(3) The coronation of the new king is a splendid pageant.
(1) 其次,二零零八年的奥林匹克运动会将是一次红色的盛会。
(2) 前美国加州小姐嘉莉普雷让日前起诉盛会组织官员有宗教歧视和诽谤行为。
(3) 新国王的加冕典礼是一个非常壮丽的场面。

pageant: 来自拉丁词pagina"page of a book", 后来用来暗指演出的手稿,演出的画卷-> 后引申为 壮丽的场景等

Usage notes
A pageant is an elaborate show or parade that usually depicts a historical or religious event, although these days more people know them as Miss America-type beauty contests.
Pageants aren't just for beauty queens — any richly decorated spectacle or ceremony could be considered a pageant. Around Christmas time, many Christian churches put on pageants that reenact the birth of Jesus. The Carnival parades in Brazil represent another type of pageant. And if your school organized a show where students had to act out famous moments in history? That would be a pageant, too.

1. [N-COUNT 可数名词]盛装游行(或庆典);露天历史剧 A pageant is a colourful public procession, show, or ceremony. Pageants are usually held out of doors and often celebrate events or people from history.
2. [N-COUNT 可数名词]选美比赛 A pageant or a beauty pageant is a competition in which young women are judged to decide which one is the most beautiful.
In August 1968 women held a demonstration at the Miss America Beauty Pageant.



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