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Open House | Meet the SCIS Community on March 10

日期: 来源:ThatsShanghai收集编辑:Sponsored

Why Choose SCIS?

In everything SCIS does, SCIS believes in challenging the status quo. SCIS is committed to providing a truly international learning environment to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring learners who contribute positively to their communities.

Academic Excellence

As an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, SCIS provides a full continuum of programs from Nursery to Grade 12, including the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and IB Diploma Programme (IBDP).

The International Baccalaureate framework of education is an academically rigorous, college-preparatory program which is balanced by an emphasis on personal development and fostering academic, artistic, athletic, and global citizenship endeavors.

The SCIS Community 

Since the foundation of the school, SCIS has maintained a strong reputation for creating a family-friendly community atmosphere. Community is at the core of the SCIS experience. As students, you will feel accepted and engaged. 

Parents are actively involved in joining with staff and students to create a strong learning environment. On each campus, the Parents and Friends Association (PAFA) organizes volunteer opportunities as well as community events. SCIS is more than a school, it’s a community.

Truly International

With over 60 nationalities and more than 35 languages represented across SCIS campuses, SCIS has roughly one-third of representation from the Americas, Europe, and Australia. At SCIS, there is no dominant culture, only internationalism.

Apply to SCIS

SCIS welcomes you to apply for admission. The deadlines are on a rolling basis, which means that SCIS Admissions review candidates and offer enrollment throughout the school year. Offers of enrollment are subject to space availability and candidate qualifications.

As a school operating near or at full capacity in most divisions, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. The experienced staff at SCIS is available year-round to assist you.

Discover the SCIS community for yourself.

Attend the SCIS upcoming Open House on Friday, March 10. Limited seats apply.

SCIS. Exceptional Experiences.

▼For more news, click 'Read more' (阅读原文) below.


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