Microsoft threw down a direct challenge to Google on Tuesday with an overhaul of its Bing search engine that incorporates artificial intelligence advances sweeping through the tech world since the launch of ChatGPT more than two months ago.
Chief executive Satya Nadella claimed the changes marked the start of a new “race” in the internet search market that would disrupt “the largest software category on planet earth”.
微软首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(Satya Nadella)声称,这些变化标志着互联网搜索市场新“竞赛”的开始,这将颠覆“地球上最大的软件类别”。
“It’s a new day in search,” Nadella said. “Rapid innovation is going to come, in fact a race starts today.”
——本文2023年2月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Microsoft takes aim at Google’s search dominance with AI-powered Bing
Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell has warned that the US central bank might have to raise interest rates more than expected by investors because it will probably take a “significant period of time” to tame inflation given stronger labour market data.
美联储主席杰伊•鲍威尔(Jay Powell)警告称,美国央行加息幅度可能不得不高于投资者的预期,因为鉴于劳动力市场数据走强,美联储可能需要“相当长的一段时间”才能抑制通胀。
Powell’s comments to the Economic Club of Washington on Tuesday were his first since data last week showed a surprising jump in jobs growth in January, which suggested the Fed might have to go further in its monetary tightening to cool down the economy.
鲍威尔周二在华盛顿经济俱乐部(Economic Club of Washington)发表的讲话,是他自上周数据显示1月就业增长意外上升以来的首次讲话,这表明美联储可能不得不进一步收紧货币政策,为经济降温。
But even as Powell stressed that the central bank was prepared to be more aggressive if needed, his intervention was not as hawkish as expected by some economists and market strategists.
——本文2023年2月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Fed chair warns of even higher rates if jobs data stays strong
Chip suppliers have warned that a European effort to impose a ban on “forever chemicals” will cause widespread disruption to already tight semiconductor supply chains.
Five European countries, including Germany and the Netherlands, on Tuesday proposed that the EU phase out tens of thousands of so-called forever chemicals, known as PFAS, used in the production of semiconductors, batteries, aircraft, cars, medical equipment and even frying pans and ski wax.
The ban would constitute “the broadest restriction proposal in history”, Frauke Averbeck, who led the proposal for the German Environment Agency, said. “It’s a huge step for us to take.”
德国环境署(German Environment Agency)提案负责人弗劳克•阿弗贝克(Frauke Averbeck)表示,这项禁令将构成“史上最广泛的限制提案”。“这是我们迈出的一大步。”
——本文2023年2月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Chip suppliers warn on EU plan to bar ‘forever chemicals’
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared a state of emergency in areas ravaged by the region’s worst earthquake in decades as the death toll in his country and neighbouring Syria crossed 7,200.
土耳其总统雷杰普•塔伊普•埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdoğan)宣布受到该地区几十年来最严重地震破坏的地区进入紧急状态,目前土耳其和邻国叙利亚已有逾7200人死亡。
With efforts intensifying to rescue people trapped under rubble since two huge tremors hit the region on Monday, Erdoğan triggered the emergency powers to deal with the humanitarian crisis.
They will enable him to rule by decree in much of Turkey’s south-east, bypassing parliament and regional authorities run by opposition parties.
——本文2023年2月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Erdoğan declares state of emergency in Turkey after deadly earthquake
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