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喜临门: 经销商拟增持股份0.8-1.2亿元,彰显长期发展信心

日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:风研海外

Xilinmen Furniture 

(603008 CH)


Distributors’ plan to raise their stakes by RMB80-120m adds ballast to Xilinmen’s long-term growth

BUY (maintain)

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


Dealers bind interests with Xilinmen: plan to raise their stakes by RMB80-120m

Xilinmen Furniture announced that some of its dealers plan to increase their stakes in the company by RMB80-120m, a sign of confidence in its stable growth prospects. The company said this recognition of its investment value is a way for the dealers to share in its operating performance growth. It added that the alignment of the interests of both parties is conducive to Xilinmen’s long-term development. The stake increase plan does not specify a price range. Rather, the plan manager has 12 months to implement the plan and will independently determine the timing and price after assessing Xilinmen’s share price amid secondary market volatility. 


Channel moves: peak season will likely sustain uptrend; new-store plan on track 

Stores: with the arrival of peak season for household consumption, we expect orders from end-customers will continue to increase. In channel terms, Xilinmen’s store count is rising steadily while it expedites an expansion into lower-tier markets. The store channel is stable. Its long-established strategic partnerships with several large furniture chains enable better control over the end-market stores, store locations, mall resources and joint marketing initiatives. It has 4,575 Xilinmen stores and 611 Milano & Design stores as of 22Q3, marking a combined net increase of 691 since the start of 2022, keeping pace with its plan for more than 1,000 new stores. The company established a distribution system to help dealers expand their channel advantages and is expanding its lower-tier market under its Ximian brand, which offers youthful, cost-effective products. 

Engineering services: the main customers of its engineering service channel are high-star-rated hotel management companies, hotel chains and serviced apartments. To increase its market share in new-built hotel mattresses, Xilinmen helps hotels to upgrade and restructure, create new demand and develop diverse room themes. 

产品方面,系列划分清晰,覆盖多层次市场,逐步激发换新需求。净眠保持定位中高端市场;法诗曼更为聚焦年轻消费者,定位中端市场;喜眠倾向性价比,贴合低线城市的市场需求,主攻下沉市场,整体配合“人的一生要用8张床垫”的宣传理念,逐步推进消费者教育、激发换新需求。行业层面,近年来1000 元以下产品销量占比显著下降,1000 元以上产品销量占比超30%,3000元以上产品销量占比不断提升。我们认为,喜临门作为行业头部品牌,伴随其推出更多高附加值产品,产品成交价格段有望拉升。

Differentiated products cater to multiple price bands; slogan woos replacements

Consumer upgrades: the Joanmon brand entrenches its positioning in the higher-end price band, Fancymoon focuses on younger consumers in the mid-range market, while Ximian provides a cost-effective image targeted at low-tier cities. With the marketing slogan, “8 mattresses through life”, Xilinmen raises consumer awareness to stimulate demand for new ones. Industry wise, sales of the below-RMB1,000 product price band have slid in proportion in recent years, while the above-RMB1,000 price band has crossed 30% and the proportion of the above-RMB3,000 price band keeps growing. As brand leader, we expect Xilinmen will raise product prices as it launches higher value-added products.


Production capacity: construction of the Henan factory project phase II will start in late March 2023 and slated to be completed in November this year. Its operational rollout in March 2024E would strengthen Xilinmen’s manufacturing capabilities.


O2O: more platform collaborations; online-to-offline integration expands market

Xilinmen stepped up collabs with key ecommerce platforms like Tmall, JD.com and Suning.com, and launched livestreams on multiple platforms like Douyin (TikTok). To explore new markets, it segued into new channels such as supermarkets, and home appliance and home decoration stores. These efforts paved the way to the establishment of a “1+N” omni-channel sales network: at the center are offline specialty stores and online platforms, supplemented by distribution stores, supermarkets and home appliance stores. O2O marketing initiatives are aimed at converting potentials to expand its customer base. Online platforms draw traffic to offline platforms, while offline sales points augment its online expansion. The company reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Tmall to “localize the home decoration market”. Currently, Shanghai and Hangzhou are pilot sites to drive the online and offline integration. The company’s “921 Ecommerce Day”, which raked in turnover growth of over 400% that day, vs the previous day, and 95.4% of the customers at the event were new ones. For its Double-11 promotions, sales on the entire network amounted to RMB1.28bn, up 52.90% yoy, high-end mattress sales rose 112% yoy, and livestream sales increased 12% yoy. 

投资建议/Investment Ideas


Valuation and risks 

We are bullish about mattress leader Xilinmen’s O2O channel expansion, given the rising profile of its own brands. We forecast net profit will arrive at RMB597m/756m/970m in 2022/23/24E, with PE at 22x/17x/14x. We maintain our BUY rating on the stock. 


Risks include: the establishment and filing of the fund related to the stake increase plan, and the establishment of the directed asset management plan and of the trust have yet to be completed; fluctuations in the company’s share price could add uncertainty to the implementation timing and price of the share increase plan; end-market stores underperforming expectations; intensifying competition; and raw material price rises.

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