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Wellington Festival of Education Gets Fresh New Start in 2023!

日期: 来源:ThatsShanghai收集编辑:惠灵顿(中国)

After a two-year pause due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Wellington College China’s Festival of Education is poised to return once again this coming spring. The 6th Festival of Education willl take place at Wellington College International Shanghai on April 22, 2023. And this year’s Festival promises to be the most inspirational yet, as it presents some of the most important voices in the field of education.  


We are so thrilled to be back after a two-year hiatus with our 2023 Festival of Education. Our growing list of speakers will explore so many interesting facets of ‘Collaboration in Education’, from how we can cultivate successful bilingual pupils, to working with our communities to enhance pupil wellbeing and mental health, as well as explore how we develop strong leadership in our schools.

These are thought leaders in their respective fields, and they promise to engage and inspire as much as they inform. We invite all of you to ‘join the debate,’ and we look forward to seeing you in April!

——Julian Jeffrey

Chief Executive Master

Wellington College China

Five Festival Strands Exploring ‘Collaboration in Education’

This is no ordinary conference. At the heart of the Festival is an understanding that learning should be engaging and fun. As such, participants will be inspired and informed by expert orators, lively debates and unexpected connections. 

The theme of this year’s Festival is Collaboration in Education. Participants will experience it through five strands: Developing Bilingual Learners, Early Years Education, Counseling / Pupil Support, Teacher Training and Future Schools.

These strands will be explored through the eyes of students, teachers, parents and staff, covering a wide range of areas like teaching, training, team building and school development.

Over 30 Leading Speakers Taking Part

The 2023 Festival will host over 30 leading speakers from the world of education. It will bring together education’s most forward-thinking innovators, practitioners, influencers, journalists and business leaders from the UK, China and globally. Previous Festivals have hosted such speakers as Ruby Wax, Sir Anthony Seldon, Sir Jonathan Bate, Houqing Yin, Mandy Hickson and Dianjun Wang.

This year promises yet another impressive roster of guest speakers. Today, they are excited to share a few who will be sharing the newest, most forward-thinking ideas in their respective strands.

Developing Bilingual Learners 

In a world that is becoming more and more connected between cultures and nationalities, fluency in more than one language will be an essential asset. How do we provide the best bilingual education possible? This strand will explore the latest ideas and best practices in the bilingual education space.   

Alice Stott

Director of Programmes at Voice 21 

Alice Stott will share practical approaches to providing students with a high-quality oracy education; the essential speaking and listening skills every child needs to develop them; and a range of practical strategies in the classroom. 

Alice is the co-author of Transform Teaching and Learning Through Talk: The Oracy Imperative (2019) and Oracy Benchmarks (2019). She has taught at School 21 in Stratford, East London as well as other schools in London. She serves as the director of programmes at Voice 21, the UK’s national oracy education charity.  

Counselling / Pupil Support 

How do counselling and pupil support promote positive mental health and wellbeing in schools? What are the best practices for pupils, parents and teachers? How are they different? What are our metrics for success? This strand will dive into all of these questions and more.  

Davy Guo

Director of Psychology at the Mindfront Clinic

In his talk, Dr Guo will take a deep look at the phenomenon of school refusal. This is an important transition for all young children and a certain measure of anxiety about starting school is normal and expected. Dr Guo will share tips and techniques to make this transition as smooth as possible.  

Dr Guo is currently the director of psychology at the Mindfront Clinic and is a member of the supervisory board of the Chinese Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as well as a board member of the Zhejiang Neuroscience Association Autism Professional Committee. 

Utilising a range of therapeutic models, including CBT, person-centred therapy, solution-focused therapy and mindfulness, he provides psychological and emotional support for international and bilingual schools. 

   Teacher Training   

Education, it is said, is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. An effective trainer, therefore, supplies a teacher with ample kindling. In this strand, our speakers will explore the newest training philosophies and the most effective techniques.  

Iain Henderson

Deputy Head (Educational Developments and Partnerships) at Wellington College 

In his presentation titled ‘Coaching for Growth with Compassion vs Coaching for Compliance’, Iain will get to the core of what coaching really is and the positive impact it can have on performance, outcomes, metacognition, self-dependency and so much more.  

Iain Henderson is Deputy Head (Educational Developments and Partnerships) at Wellington College and co-director of the Festival of Education. He is a CTI-trained coach and has developed a coaching culture at Wellington. He has now trained over 500 teachers there and at other schools to become coaches. He is a trusted member of Ascend Academy Trust and coordinates the enduring collaboration between Wellington College, The Wellington Academy, Wellington Primary Academy and Wellington Eagles Primary.  

     Future Schools     

What will the schools of the future look like? Will they still exist under roofs and between walls? Will they transition to virtual platforms? Will they be a hybrid of both? How will technology influence our conception of what a school is? From computer programming to architecture, what design solutions will shape the schools of tomorrow? 

Andrew Hill

Founder / Director of ELG

In his presentation titled ‘Service at Your School and in the Shanghai Community’, Andrew will explore the many opportunities in Shanghai that can teach students the values of kindness and responsibility through service learning. 

Andrew Hill is the director and a founder of the Essential Learning Group (ELG). He has been actively involved in charity since he arrived in China in 1989. In 2010, he received the Charity Star of Shanghai award in recognition of his charitable contributions to society. In 2016, he was elected as the president of the Rotary Club of Shanghai, and he is the district governor of Rotary International, China. 

He has devoted a significant portion of his career to charity and service to others and has a passion for helping the underprivileged, especially children and young adults, in China.  

In addition to speaking engagements, participants can also look forward to a variety of stimulating talks and leadership workshops.  Attendees can also get involved with workshops and activities and connect with other educationalists, teachers, students. 

A Welcoming and Relaxed Setting

Attendees will also get to enjoy delicious food, stunning entertainment and plenty of opportunities to connect with others between sessions.

Stay tuned! Wellington College China will release more details about its 2023 Festival of Education soon. Limited tickets are now available. They look forward to seeing you!

Scan the QR code to purchase tickets for the 2023 Festival of Education

For more information 


Festival of Education

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> Wellington College Bilingual Tianjin A Level Centre

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> Huili School Hangzhou

> Huili School Nantong

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▼For more news, click 'Read more' (阅读原文) below.


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