02艺术家高冈秀子用煎蛋创作出了一幅《向日葵》。是不是让你有点饿了? Time for a bite to eat? Artist Shusako Takaoka made a version of Sunflowers that will have you reaching for your knife and fork! #vangoghmuseum #inspires #amsterdam #vangogh #sunflowers #eggs
03嘿,石榴皮上的梵高。 Wow! A portrait of Vincent like we’ve never seen before. Impressed? Made by @francesco_marzetti #vangoghmuseum #vangoghinspires #vangogh #vangoghart #vangoghpainting #vincentvangogh #vangoghexhibition #postimpressionism #art #vincentvangogh #amsterdam
04有位艺术家用陶土做成了麦田风景。天上云卷云舒,麦田随风舞动,他的陶土就像梵高的画笔一样充满灵性。 'This artwork is made out of air-dry clay. Somehow it turns out that my technique looks quite similar to the way Van Gogh painted. I’ve often been suggested to try making one of his paintings, Van Gogh’s art definitely appeals to me so I couldn’t resist.' What do you think of it? #vangogh #vangoghmuseum #dailyart #art
‘I paint what I am’ - Here's a little recap of our latest edition of Vincent on Friday, that we hosted together with @cineville.nl Thanks everyone for stopping by #vangoghmuseum